The freaking wolf shirt made the front page of The Washington Post

Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Whats so special about the "Wolf" shirt?
It gives you extraordinary "swag."
collegehumor dreamed up the wolf shirt idea??? coulda sworn it was just a few hiphop guys that got it going?

around my parts in the southwest usa, wolf shirts have been around since the 70s or before. Worn 95% of the time by aging females who like the environment.. Iwould get murdered wearing something like that in school at the time. I guess I didnt have any pull
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Good ole Mainstream media....always 6-12 months behind picking up the trends
Maybe, or maybe NT is just way out in front.
Originally Posted by lawdog1

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Good ole Mainstream media....always 6-12 months behind picking up the trends
Maybe, or maybe NT is just way out in front.
NT was definitely not first. I forget who was though.


new movement?

These pants will get the ladies. There are many many places these can be worn to attract the female species:
Tractor pull
NASCAR events
Your local neighborhood crack houses.
The drug rehab rec room
Any place in the state of IOWA.

The first time I wore these pants, I tried to capture the spirit of the animal print from which they came: the Zebracorn (50% Zebra / 50% Unicorn = 100% real.See Google).

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