The Friendzone vol r/niceguy

She's just more shallow than most women. Based on her logic, any hot woman that's with an unattractive man is 'lying to herself' or 'settling'.
She must not know how attraction works. Everybody can appreciate an attractive person, but it's not an end-all be-all, for many. Women especially. They find other more substantial things attractive, like protection, financial security, confidence, intelligence and morals.

100% this chick is getting cheated on by some "hot" guy, and either she is oblivious or just can't figure out why. I'm assuming this chick is bad, and if a guy knows how to pull a bad cocky chick like this PLEASE believe she's not the only one he has on his team. And that's another point. Some women don't want to deal with the attention that a 'hot' guy brings along.
I disagree with you. If she doesn't find her partner attractive then she's you said, because he has some other quality. She's using the ugly guy for his "protection, financial security, confidence, intelligence and morals." Son reread that. That's an EWD list in the making. Just because you get rejected physically doesn't mean you can make up for it in other areas. That's it right there. You have been rejected unless you wanna list your redeeming qualities and make it worse. We've seen how that works out via EWD.

Any girl that his her stuff together will already have all those qualities herself. Won't need a male provider. She's not gonna pick an ugly because he has those qualities if she's hot. She's gonna find a guy who she's attracted to and also has all those qualities.

So yeah, those things matter when the girl lacks them. And you can take advantage of said females by flexing whatever they lack and giving that to them. But that's all you are to them. Something they need, not something they want.
I'm gonna have to disagree with you Henny, but mainly because I might be missing your point. Are you saying that a "hot" confident, financial stable, etc.,  girl can only be with a guy she feels is physically attractive in order for the relationship to work or something? 

You say "that's all you are to them. Something they need, not something they want" but aren't needs more important than wants?

Also there's always going to be a hotter guy than the person she is with so then what? 

fyi I didn't read the entire article. After she said "ugly guys need to know their place" I was out, so my bad if the chick that wrote the article already address these questions.
It's really no secret, if you treat her the same way you'd treat a girl that is average and she has the smallest amount of interest, she will become more interested.

Have you ever noticed that the girls that you're just 'kinda feelin' are the ones that are always blowing you up, always persistent? That's because you're unknowingly playing the game perfectly. You're giving her a little interest, but you really don't care about getting her. You could take her or leave her. If she texts, oh well. I might text back if my phone is close to me. If she calls, i might answer if I'm not reading an interesting thread. That i don't care attitude is what they live for. They want to convert you over to a guy that adores them, like the dudes that are blowing them up that you don't know about... The same way you're blowing up your crush.
this happens to me on average three times per year...however, theres some really inspirational music out there to keep you going, like Drake...
It's really no secret, if you treat her the same way you'd treat a girl that is average and she has the smallest amount of interest, she will become more interested.

Have you ever noticed that the girls that you're just 'kinda feelin' are the ones that are always blowing you up, always persistent? That's because you're unknowingly playing the game perfectly. You're giving her a little interest, but you really don't care about getting her. You could take her or leave her. If she texts, oh well. I might text back if my phone is close to me. If she calls, i might answer if I'm not reading an interesting thread. That i don't care attitude is what they live for. They want to convert you over to a guy that adores them, like the dudes that are blowing them up that you don't know about... The same way you're blowing up your crush.

Ugly papis just gotta stop being ugly.

Mamis will flock one you loose da ugly.

Or surround yaself with papis uglier than you.

So you become da pretty papi in ya crew of uglies.

And an ugly mami will flock to you being da king of da ugly herd.
It's the same as guys not wanting ugly chicks trying to get their attention. I immediately shut down ugly or fat chicks. If a girl isn't interested in me then I keep it moving instead of annoying her..
I don't shut them down like they aren't a person, but I immediately let them know I'm not interested. Some of them linger around trying things to hopefully change that, but I tend to ignore them and go blatantly flirt with other girls in their face to show them no dambs given.

I'm usually oblivious when cute girls try to get my attention since I think them being nice to me doesn't mean anythinf
I also agree. Some chick was constantly offering me food and snacks and I just took it as her being nice, but I sat down with her one day and she made it be known that she wasn't being nice for the sake of being nice :lol:
Man, girls can be so subtle with the flirting, but in their mind they swear it's obvious. Other girls tend to know if a girl is flirting or not, but it's very easy to overlook it as being nice.
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let em know off rip...

one time this fat girl asked me if she looked fat because she thought i was going to lie and be nice and tell her no....

i just said yes you do. you are fat. 

she hasn't come at me with that bull since 

i always felt you just have to be completely honest with these broads...i never indulge in these stupid games they try to play whether they are good looking or not. 
let em know off rip...

one time this fat girl asked me if she looked fat because she thought i was going to lie and be nice and tell her no....

i just said yes you do. you are fat. 

she hasn't come at me with that bull since 

i always felt you just have to be completely honest with these broads...i never indulge in these stupid games they try to play whether they are good looking or not. 

pics of fat shawty plz
Man, girls can be so subtle with the flirting, but in their mind they swear it's obvious. Other girls tend to know if a girl is flirting or not, but it's very easy to overlook it as being nice.
It's ridiculous. They expect you to read their minds. Then get mad when you approach their friends or some other girl that they are mutually acquainted with, but they don't like said female. I'm like well you should've said something.
let em know off rip...

one time this fat girl asked me if she looked fat because she thought i was going to lie and be nice and tell her no....

i just said yes you do. you are fat. 

she hasn't come at me with that bull since 

i always felt you just have to be completely honest with these broads...i never indulge in these stupid games they try to play whether they are good looking or not. 
Well, if you and the girl aren't together, why lie?

Regardless, be honest at all times.

@TomDiginson -- what happened with shorty who offered you food/snacks?
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-- what happened with shorty who offered you food/snacks?
She's still around. As mentioned by another poster earlier, never mke them a priority. There are other cats thirsting and blowing up her phone. I'm not one of them and refuse to be one. I guess that makes her want me more. She's a sweet girl and is looking for a relationship and I'm not trying to do her wrong, but I don't think I want a relationship at the moment. But she's fit. Got my other head telling me to f her feelings and just smash and dash. :lol:
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I try not to be mean to fat girls, they already get treated like crap by a lot of people. I act cold towards attractive girls since they're used to people being nice to them. I let them know their voodoo / sorcery won't work on me.
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-- what happened with shorty who offered you food/snacks?
She's still around. As mentioned by another poster earlier, never mke them a priority. There are other cats thirsting and blowing up her phone. I'm not one of them and refuse to be one. I guess that makes her want me more. She's a sweet girl and is looking for a relationship and I'm not trying to do her wrong, but I don't think I want a relationship at the moment. But she's fit. Got my other head telling me to f her feelings and just smash and dash.
Embrace the inner savage in you and join me and @shogun on teamsavage.
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Been there, done that.

What I took away from it (and it's probably already been touched on here) is that you should never, ever, ever , ever, focus all of your energy on one girl too early on. Once she sees she that she has all of your attention, it's only natural for her to take advantage of it. Then your life basically turns into a Drake song.

Unless it's gotten to a point where the two of you agree that you're in an exclusive, committed relationship, keep going out and meeting new people. NT taught me all about the starters vs. the bench system. Use it. Keep a few on rotation until you find one that fits all of your needs and you fit hers.

And even if despite your best efforts she just wants to stay friends; it's not the end of the world. Having attractive mutual friends is a good thing. They have other attractive friends, fine-*** cousins, or sexually liberated roommates :smile:hat) Besides once she sees you interacting and getting on with all these other girls in her life, guess who is gonna be sending you the "wyd" text at 11:45pm on a Wednesday?
Have never been friend zoned. Either I smash or I just don't see the girl and me smashing

If I see that the girl isn't feeling me then im gone. I don't hang around hoping she changes her mind. That's where a lot of guys mess up
Been there, done that.

What I took away from it (and it's probably already been touched on here) is that you should never, ever, ever , ever, focus all of your energy on one girl too early on. Once she sees she that she has all of your attention, it's only natural for her to take advantage of it. Then your life basically turns into a Drake song.

Unless it's gotten to a point where the two of you agree that you're in an exclusive, committed relationship, keep going out and meeting new people. NT taught me all about the starters vs. the bench system. Use it. Keep a few on rotation until you find one that fits all of your needs and you fit hers.

And even if despite your best efforts she just wants to stay friends; it's not the end of the world. Having attractive mutual friends is a good thing. They have other attractive friends, fine-*** cousins, or sexually liberated roommates :smile:hat) Besides once she sees you interacting and getting on with all these other girls in her life, guess who is gonna be sending you the "wyd" text at 11:45pm on a Wednesday?

My man went thru that. Put all his cards out at once man. Bought her stuff, driving to see her at school every week which is a 2 hour drive, etc. It was bad. Shorty violated. Broke up with dude on text

He wanted to talk on person but she said no. He drove 2 hours to get school to see her. She didn't even come outside. Stayed in the window

Said she didn't love him only the sex and she feels more for her ex that beat her. Sad sad

But he manned up and took it. 2 weeks later he was a savage. Just dogging everything
My man went thru that. Put all his cards out at once man. Bought her stuff, driving to see her at school every week which is a 2 hour drive, etc. It was bad. Shorty violated. Broke up with dude on text

He wanted to talk on person but she said no. He drove 2 hours to get school to see her. She didn't even come outside. Stayed in the window

Said she didn't love him only the sex and she feels more for her ex that beat her. Sad sad

But he manned up and took it. 2 weeks later he was a savage. Just dogging everything
My God. I feel the heartache and I'm not him. :smh:

-- what happened with shorty who offered you food/snacks?
She's still around. As mentioned by another poster earlier, never mke them a priority. There are other cats thirsting and blowing up her phone. I'm not one of them and refuse to be one. I guess that makes her want me more. She's a sweet girl and is looking for a relationship and I'm not trying to do her wrong, but I don't think I want a relationship at the moment. But she's fit. Got my other head telling me to f her feelings and just smash and dash. :lol:

Embrace the inner savage in you and join me and @shogun
on teamsavage.

I'm more of a gentleman than a savage these days but my birthday is next week and I wouldn't be surprised if i'm waisted and face deep between a Colombian stripper's cheeks again.
If you really want to get a girls number, have your FRIEND go up to her and tell her that you're interested. A little shyness = HUMBLENESS. Besides, girls like to see when you're putting in a little extra effort.

you're welcome
If you really want to get a girls number, have your FRIEND go up to her and tell her that you're interested. A little shyness = HUMBLENESS. Besides, girls like to see when you're putting in a little extra effort.

you're welcome
no thats a beta ***** boy move...go and approach her like a man.

the nerve of you to put your welcome at the end of that terrible advice.

thats what kids do elementary school.  
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