The Game of Game of Thrones - SEASON FINALE UPDATE - macbk wins

Aug 12, 2013
View media item 2050990

Thank you everyone in the Eastern conference for making the draft quick and easy. Draft results below.

Western conference draft results below.

Eastern conference lineups

Bolton Bannerman

1 Ramsay Bolton
14 The Unsullied*
15 The Mountain
28 Wun Wun
29 Grey Worm
42 Brynden Tully
43 Euron Greyjoy
56 Obara Sand
57 Nymeria (wolf)
70 Alliser Thorne

The Nike King

2 White Walkers*
13 The Old Gods*
16 Lord of Light*
27 Varys
30 Margaery Tyrell
41 Theon Greyjoy
44 Jaqen H'ghar
55 Childrens of the Forest*
58 Mace Tyrell
69 Trystane Martell

3 Dragons*
12 Wildlings*
17 Tormund Giantsbane
26 Petyr Baelish
31 Gilly
40 Misandei
45 Samwell Tarly
54 Qyburn
59 The Hound
68 Olly


4 Jon Snow
11 Cersei Lannister
18 Tyrion Lannister
25 Jorah Mormont
32 Podrick Payne
39 Melisandre
46 Ellaria Sand
53 Loras Tyrell
60 Robin Arryn
67 Doran Martell

Beyond the Suremea
5 Arya Stark
10 Bran Stark
19 Sons of the Harpy*
24 Rickon Stark
33 Bronn
38 Davos Seaworth
47 Tyene Sand
52 Nymeria Sand
61 Hodor
66 Osha

Targareyn Snowman

6 Daenerys Targaryen
9 Brienne of Tarth
20 Daario Naharis
23 Faith Militant*
34 Meera Reed
37 Sansa Stark
48 Tommen Baratheon
51 Kevan Lannister
62 Three Eyed Raven
65 Roose Bolton


7 Jaime Lannister
8 Ghost
21 The High Sparrow
22 Faceless Men*
35 Yara Greyjoy
36 Lancel Lannister
49 Walder Frey
50 Ollena Tyrell
63 Ser Pounce
64 Septon Meribald

Western conference lineups

The North Bee Bees

1 Loras Tyrell
14 Davos Seaworth
15 Jorah Mormont
28 Tyene Sand
29 Euron Greyjoy
42 Jaqen H'ghar
43 Jaime Lannister
56 Podrick Payne
57 Margaery Tyrell
70 Trystane Martell


2 Arya Stark
13 Bran Stark
16 Daenerys Targaryen
27 The Hound
30 Grey Worm
41 Obara Sand
44 Yara Greyjoy
55 Robin Arryn
58 Olenna Tyrell
69 Osha

Here Comes The Podrick Payne
3 Ramsay Bolton
12 Jon Snow
17 Cersei Lannister
26 Tyrion Lannister
31 Pety Baelish
40 Theon Greyjoy
45 Sansa Stark
54 Tommen Baratheon
59 Alliser Thorne
68 Olly

House Retroballer

4 The Old Gods*
11 Wun Wun
18 Brienne of Tarth
25 The Mountain
32 Meera Reed
39 Nymeria Sand
46 Melisandre
53 Mace Tyrell
60 Doran Martell
67 Hodor

5 White Walkers*
10 Dragons*
19 Faceless Men*
24 Sons of the Harpy*
33 Brynden Tully
38 Ellaria Sand
47 Ghost
52 Nymeria (wolf)
61 Qyburn
66 Three Eyed Raven


6 Wildlings*
9 Lord of Light*
20 The Unsullied*
23 Faith Militant*
34 Tormund Giantsbane
37 Children of the Forest*
48 Gilly
51 Lancel Lannister
62 Rickon Stark
65 Roose Bolton


7 Daario Naharis
8 Ser Pounce
21 Missandei
22 The High Sparrow
35 Walder Frey
36 Bronn
49 Varys
50 Kevan Lannister
63 Septon Meribald
64 Samwell Tarly
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West Coast Draft starts in 15 min...

Locked the lineups in both leagues for episode 6. You didn't have to change your lineups at all. All of your players count towards points.

Western conference draft results got me like

I'll add your lineups to the first post later. You can see the teams in draft results for now.
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How is scoring going to work? Very interested in doing this

The person who created this posts a log with how points were handed out every Monday typically before noon. As an example, this was last weeks: Once that is posted I believe the scores will automatically update in the league. You get points as outlined below:

Kill (random redshirt) 10
Kill (known, undrafted character) 20
Kill (drafted character) 25 + (character level)*5
Kill (white walker) 25
Kill (sitting king) 100
Kill (dragon) 150
K.O./incapacitate (random redshirt) 5
K.O./incapacitate (known, undrafted) 10
K.O./incapacitate (drafted char) 10 + (character level)*2
Joffrey Baratheon Memorial Slap Award 25
Exit bonus for dying memorably 10 - 50

Particularly bold come-ons 5
Have sex (random) 10
Have sex (known/drafted) 10 + (1 - 5 scale of surprise)*5
Have sex (blood relative bonus) 30
Watch people have sex 10
Getting naked (PG-13) 5
Getting naked (butt/boobs) 15
Getting naked (whole shebang) 25

Funny one liner 5
Brutal one-liner 10
Direct read of another character (1-5 harshness) * (character level)
Best line of the week 15
Speech about winter/violence/the past 5

Take the Iron Throne 200
Sack a city 60
Get a seat on the high council 25
Surprise magic use 50
Acquire some Valyrian steel 50
Have a vision/prophecy 20
Surprise magic use 50
Take up a weird new religion 15
Get engaged 10
Get pregnant/get someone pregnant 15
Lose a baby -20
Promotions 25
Demotions -25
Come back from the dead 50
Stuck in a terrible side plot -10 per episode (can be retroactive)

Rock a new look 10
Incredible hair 15
Incredible outfit 15
Get ugly/scarred -15
Get played by a new actor -10 read less
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The West has a few really stacked teams and a few really questionable ones :rofl: They're draft went on all night last night into this morning. East draft was only 2 hours and pretty much a live draft. I think maybe 2 people had auto draft on the rest of us were present. Think our league is a little more balanced as a result.

Lineups are locked for this week. However, you can trade within your league for the rest of the season.
I think I was the only person who had they're auto draft locked in on the West Coast.

Is anybody else from the West even aware about this thread? :lol:
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Hello everyone! Thanks for your patience after the holiday weekend. Scores are up (and are being processed if you're not seeing them yet) and this week's recap can be found here:

As I noted in the recap, we will hopefully have 10 new characters to draft this week — the Fantasizr folks will be updating me later this week if/when we're a go. When they're added, I will update the gamelog and everyone can draft away. Finally, Smalljon Umber's points can be yours!

Points (Week 1 - S6E6)

View media item 2051049
Eastern conference standings (Week 1 - S6E6)
View media item 2051015
Western conference standings (Week 1 - S6E6)
View media item 2051016
Overall standings (Week 1 - S6E6)
View media item 2051026
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Weak showing this episode but on paper my team is stacked :wow: minus Olly.

Do we keep these teams throughout and add on, or re-draft each episode?
Weak showing this episode but on paper my team is stacked :wow: minus Olly.

Do we keep these teams throughout and add on, or re-draft each episode?

We keep the same teams throughout the add on. This is your team for the rest of the season.

New characters will be added that can be drafted and whose points I will start counting next week. They will be available on a first-come-first-serve basis later this week -- if you are playing along on Fantasizer there will be a league update when they are added. Til then, the new characters, in no particular order (obviously):

  1. Kinvara (aka High Priestess Rachel Weisz)
  2. Edmure Tully
  3. Benjen Stark
  4. The Waif
  5. Eddison Tollett (aka Dolorous Edd)
  6. Smalljon Umber (who?)
  7. The Night's King
  8. Randyll Tarly
  9. Gendry (just for fun!)
  10. Catelyn Stark (just for fun!)

Our league is set to have 10 Players / Episode. You will be able to trade one of your existing players for one of the new players (free agents) once the new players become available.
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I only lacked points because they didnt let jamie put that work in.

Should've gotten points for that epic horse stair climb
Gotcha. I'm sooo with it. In the coming weeks my team should be putting in work.

I only lacked points because they didnt let jamie put that work in.

Should've gotten points for that epic horse stair climb

I feel like Cersei/Jaime should've gotten points for implied incest sex :smh:

0 points for me this week but Cersei was the only player of mine who even got screen time View media item 2051048
Should have a better run next week :pimp:
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These are the players who put up points this week. Just edited my earlier post with the standings to add this info as well.

Points (Week 1 - S6E6)

View media item 2051049
The lack of violence and nudity in this filler episode :smh: :x Got these soft teams looking harder than they are :rolleyes
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