The Glove Thread / Zoom Flight 98

Any 1 know of any hats dropN for these??????
Nike could have done more for that shirt they have on dudes link, with all the time & release date push back on these $+8)
I think i'm just gonna take a ride up to southridge or grand ave, and hopefully it's not to crazy for these up there... all my mill town people you think these will be a problem to get at either of those places  ??
I'm guessing now it just comes down to contacting your local stores and seeing whats going on. By now they should have something. However, I belive there will be two release dates for these: the 5th for most retailers and the 12th for nike
any 1 know of a hat droping with these??????

What were once no's are now yeah we getting thems my doo, smfh. And yes no lie that is what an employee told me lol. Hurry the eff up Saturday!!
I want to pass but then I tried them on zipped and unzip and I'm gonna definitely get these. They're very padded and plush.
That's usually how it works with the stores here in Houston. You need to call days around 10 days before release. They hand out tickets the weekend before release which would be this weekend, that way you secure your shoe and all you have to do Saturday morning line up and pay. He said "oh yeah they're releasing the 5th but we're not getting them

Here. Sorry"

Be lucky that you can call, Bro. I live in Vegas where everyone is a f*****' ******. So I have to actually drive up to stores just to get a proper response. From the confusion over release date and actual retail, I might as well clear a day of the week just to go around town and find out how their doing this release/who's getting them and all that.
That's how it is in Miami, too.
Good memories of the days when shoes stayed around long enough to print in Eastbay.

indeed it was

I remember getting a FNL and Eastbay book last year with a couple releases in them thinking why did they even waste time adding these in there they sold out at the beginning of the month (when the book comes at the end of the month) .. Now FNL sends out the book with the next release thats a few weeks away, still pointless IMO
JJ (possibly)
End (pre-order up now)

What i have so far

Villa(They pushed back til end of the month)
City Gear(confirmed via Twitter; $145)

They should have them as they get most NSW products.
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