The Hangover Part III Trailer... Updated 3/7/13

Pure Comedy... as i stated before NT wants Titanic/Avatar esque movies every flick.. did it make u laugh? it was a success
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Pure Comedy... as i stated before NT wants Titanic/Avatar esque movies every flick.. did it make u laugh? it was a success

Lol no

The first is a classic, the second is basically a less funny remake and this one is dumb as hell

Don't be butt hurt the majority hate this movie
Nikekid6 is in here making horrible decisions...

One laugh through a movie = success...

Every movie isn't going to be great... but damb... at least be entertaining ...

I find absolutely no humor in hangover 2... hangover 1 was meh but had a good storyline...

this one seems to go in a different direction... that Zach galafankis guy is HORRIBLE though .... and I know hes going to have a very prominent role in this one...

Do you have shirtless posters of Bradley hanging or something? You're taking this pretty personal
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Watched the movie last night and the movie was OK, wasn't as good as the first one. I had some laughs here and there but this movie isn't classic at all. They should have never made Part 2 and Part 3. I would rate this a 5 out of 10. Honestly I think the director should of made a sequel to Old School.
IMO, Hangover I > III >>>>>>>> II

Alan is definitely more laughs in this one
Pure Comedy... as i stated before NT wants Titanic/Avatar esque movies every flick.. did it make u laugh? it was a success
Well comedy is personal. Everyone isn't going to find what you think is funny, funny. I personally thought the first one was overrated, two was horrible and I'm not going to waste my time on this cash grab. Just because you laughed once doesn't mean it was a success.
I get the feeling this might bomb due to Fast and Furious on top of really bad reviews so far
watched it last night . it was better than part 2 . But nothing will beat watching the first one for the very first time . BTW who stayed to watch after the credits LMAO!!!!
Movie was a joke. Poorly written and jokes were stale. Wasn't a big fan of 2 but this film was much worse than 2. It was painful to watch Alan do his predictable jokes and touching.
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