The Hangover Part III Trailer... Updated 3/7/13

That type of humor just doesn't make me laugh. (We're drunk! Uh Oh here comes a crazy turn of events!)
here yall go, I gotcha covered with the embed!

If yall can support the site and hit the fb share and twitter share buttons at the bottom of the post I'd appreciate it - this is gonna be great -

Giraffe scene had my mouth on the floor
Originally Posted by trak1sh

Bradley Cooper is probably the one getting married in this one....or Zach which would be funny.

You don't pay much attention, he's been married since part 1... Alan getting married?...would be funny if they pick one of the SNL chicks to play his bride to be and they bring her along to the bachelor party...lmao
And then it can lead into Bridesmaids 2
All I needed to see was that giraffe sequence to know this movie is gonna be a mess. Oh well, I'll see it anyway. Loved the first one. Second one sucked.
Let's get this strait,

1. Lightning in a bottle. Just worked, and was fresh

2. Was "good enough" but just meh in comparison

3. Yet to be seen but I think the horse is already dead
Will watch. Just pay your ten bucks and be entertained for 2 hours. Not every movie is going to be Oscar worthy thought provoking material. The first two movies were so successful why WOULDN'T they make a third?
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