The Holy Grail of Dating Advice (People of tl;dr need not enter)

36 ounces

Jun 17, 2008
I got this over from don juan forums and felt this needed to be posted...I've felt this way, but i never knew how to display through action.

It's a long read, but the info is definitely functional.

I was reading an article by Doc Love on "Why Is That Babe with Such aLoser?" which triggered a lightning bolt series of thoughts thatculminated into a series of very shocking insights that left me attimes almost disgusted in what I had discovered.

I had found the holy grail of the dating world: the mind-set of thetrue master Don Juan. A mind set that would cause extremely beautifulwoman fall crazy in love with you to the point they would do anythingfor you. Pook and WildThang had hit upon it, but only in a circuitousfashion. I had found the heart of it.

The following work is an essay, if you will, it is long but well worththe read. All those who read this, take it in and ruminate on it willgreatly benefit. Any truly good Don Juan advice and theory will be amere echo from these pages.

I fully began to comprehend that the mating dance was nothing but trying to get the most powerfulmate possible. I turned to evolutionary psychology to help me fullydescribe what a powerful mate was. A powerful mate was simply a matethat was able to survive, reach sexual maturity and produce viableoffspring better than other individuals. Power was simply equated withthe increased ability to pass on the "selfish genes" each one of usharbors. Through the course of evolution, those traits orcharacteristics that over time proved them selves to lead to thegreater proliferation of those genes (that caused the traits in thefirst place) began to be selected with greater frequency by a geneticcounterpart. Those genetic counterparts who were able to respond tothese traits and mate with such individuals ended up passing on theirown genes (the genes that were able to identify the "attractive traits"in the first place). Those individuals who possessed the more powerfulgenes and were able to identify those more powerful genes in others andmate with them ended up balancing the gene pool in their favor at theexpense of the other less powerful genes. In the course of time, bothmale and females began to be "hard coded" with genes that would leadthe sexes to fairly universally desire certain characteristics andtraits that over the course of evolution proved to be features, thatonce mated with, greatly increased the chances of passing on one's owngenes.

Now what are these key characteristics that men and woman find attractive in one another?

For men it is simply the woman's body. The perfect "10" female is a"genetic celebrity" as Doc Love adequately put it in his articlementioned above. Such a woman wields tremendous power. The human bodycontains a wealth of information on the health and potentialreproductive success of the individual. Such beautiful woman areattractive to males because over the course of evolution the males whofound these females attractive and mated with them produced morehealthy and viable offspring because of their genetic make up. Forexample, it is a scientific fact that woman with certain waist and hipdimensions can produce more children than woman with other waist andhip dimensions.

For woman, the man's body did not matter as much as the woman's bodydid for the man. The woman's role in those early hunter-gatherer dayswas simply to gather food, bear and look after the children. Because ofthe incapacity of pregnancy and the difficulty of throwing a weapon atprey with a baby in the arms, the woman relied on the man to literallybring home the bacon. The woman became the instrument of bringing newlife in the world while the man's role was simply to provide for thewoman and the new offspring. While a healthy, genetically sound bodywas essential for a good hunter and healthy offspring, there were otherimportant characteristics that clearly separated one successful hunter from another.

To be a successful hunter, the individual had to be controlled andpatient. They had to have the ability to know when to strike and do sowith force and conviction. They also had to be brave and notpsychologically deficient. Those individuals that usually excelled atthe hunt (due in large part of these characteristics) became naturalleaders and usually got the most from the hunt and were able to providethe most food to their families. While an excellent body equaled agreat potential as a hunter, without the nerves of steel, patience andwillingness to take risks, such a body was like a well-made sword inthe hands of an idiot. While the woman's power primarily resided in herbody, the male's power essentially came from his actions and deeds thatoriginated from his thoughts and emotional prowess. These types ofcharacteristics, that were a product of a mental and emotional makeup,became qualities that females universally found attractive.

As Doc Love identified, the three characteristics that womanuniversally respond to emotionally is challenge (not psychologicallyneedy or weak), control (able to not let passions overwhelm a person)and confidence (able to take charge of the situation and respondassertively). This has not changed much for thousands of years.

It became clear to me that what women find attractive in men is the qualities of an accomplished hunter: a killer.

Doc Love then goes onto explain in the same article that, "the RealityFactor says: beauty always finds the money and money always finds thebeauty." Underlining the attractive qualities in a man is a woman'sdesire to find a good provider: a powerful individual who can get thejob done. Women are extremely practical and they will go for the guywho can provide the most for them (as long as he is not a total geneticreject). Money is obviously a display of wealth and sometimes anindicator of personal success and high status (powerful man). However,I can imagine a lot of these beautiful women are simply mercenaries andare not actually responding to the individual at all but rather hisincome (money then becomes the powerful substitute for the powerfulindividual). Do these mercenaries really love (greatly emotionallyresponded) to their millionaire or billionaire boyfriends? Doubtful, Iwould guess.

I was not interested in the women who went for the money. I wanted toknow about those beautiful women who turned downed the power avenue ofmoney to go for the individual they emotionally responded to as beingpowerful. In order for these beautiful women to go for these guys (theycan have any guy and remember they are going to find the one theyconsider the most powerful) there must have been something extremelyattractive, from a female standpoint, for such a woman to go for such aguy. What type of guys attracted these women?

Why was I so interested in these individuals? Simple. If I could discover their mental frame set, I could find the babes.

To my dismay, as Doc Love noted, and from personal experience with a"9", the type of individuals these beauties would go for were drugdealers, crazed musicians, and sometimes "borderline (or even full on)criminal type".

At first I thought this was crazy. How could these individuals get thebabes? I pushed on and began to ask myself the series of questions:

What were these individuals like? What was their mental frame set? What was their general attitude to life?

Doc Love laid the clues for the answer:

[table][tr][td]Still, there is one thing that the types of males that I've describedabove have in common. They're all rebels in some way. They're notsocially acceptable. . . .

Also, as strange as it sounds, dangerous men make many women feel safe.. . . She knows that he'll crush any other guy who hassles her, andbeautiful women do get harassed a lot.

The other thing that all these types of guys tend to have in common isa kind of detached, "don't give a crap," attitude. So these 10sperceive them as extra manly, confident and a Challenge.

These guys displayed what appeared to be extreme qualities ofconfidence, challenge and control. What gave them these outwardqualities was a severe somewhat detached outlook on things. A type of detachment that did not careabout things in general. Here was your super hunter, a dangerousindividual: cool, calculating, infinitely patient and not shaken byanything. Here was the mind of a true killer. Here were the outermanifestations of the master DJ mindset.

My mind began to spin at this point. I knew all the pieces were here tostart to get inside the mind of these individuals. It was at this pointNietzsche came to mind that showed me the way.

[table][tr][td]What is good? -Whatever augments the feeling of power, the will topower, power itself, in man. What is evil? -Whatever springs fromweakness. What is happiness? -The feeling that power increases-thatresistance is overcome. Not contentment, but more power; not peace atany price, but war; not virtue, but efficiency . . . (The Antichrist -2) [/td][/tr][/table]

Here was the essential glue I needed to put the puzzle together. Power in the super hunter was the ability to overcome all resistance. This overcoming of resistance led to efficiency.

I was getting very close. Then it was something that Pook began to crystallize everything:

Masculinity is surmounting your environment. This is why girls wantthat 'trump' attitude, the attitude that you can do anything.

It is something biological. Women respond to jerks, to strength, firstbecause they know the artificial world they live in may collapse andneed someone to depend on. Masculinity is all about not being concernedof your environment and having that 'trump' attitude. . . .

Be the master of your destiny. If she rejects you, she is merely showing she has bad taste.
You're the MAN. It is your job to create the reality you would like. Don't let her do it because she never will.

What did the super hunter overcome? Sure he was able to get the prey,but that was a product of his actions that originated from his mindset.The greatest resistance the hunter faced was not his environment buthis mental environment.This was the true source of his power: the overcoming of all his fears,memories, teachings and so on. His detached non-caring attitude let himdiscard all of it away. In its place was true simplicity andefficiency. Now the super hunter would simply note the values, use themwhen appropriate or discard them when needed. He now ruled his world,because he now created it for he was the sole creator of value. He wasthe one who decided to go with an impulse; he was the one who decidedwhether the fear was appropriate. He did not care whether he succeededor not; it was irrelevant. All that lay in front of him was movement ofhis mind and his emotions. He trusted only what he felt and saw andwould only give value to things that he himself felt were good. Theonly thing he gave heed to was the moment.

He did not care that people found him mean. He did not care that theyloved him. What were they to him? What did they know? He did not careto be defined by others nor did he let his emotionsdefine him. He embraced his emotions when appropriate and threw themaway when he did not think they were helpful to his cause. Finally, heovercame one of his greatest impediments: his ego. Instead of thinkingthat it would make me look better in the eyes of others, or to do sowould make him look bad in others eyes, he simply did not care. Here wesee the rebel emerge. A rebel who cares not what society thinks, whathis mother or father thinks, what books say is right and not what hisemotions or thoughts tell him. He could care less. He is the only onewho decides if it is worth caring about.

Finally, the super hunter discarded the last hindrance to his goal:time. He is no longer obsessed with getting something achieved in agiven time frame. Such pressures are useless and counter productive inattaining the goal. For he could care less when it was achieved: he wasnot living on anyone's timetable. Nature taught him that events occurwhen they occur and cannot be rushed or delayed: a tree could not berushed to grow, a flower would only bloom in spring, a prey had to growweary from the strain of pursuit. The only thing he concerned himselfwith was not the future or the past but the present moment where hisrealm of experience existed: the only time where he had a say in.

Pook further goes on to say:

You do not compete against the girl or against any guy. Yourcompetition is yourself. Think when training for sports. When youthink, "My, that guy is good. I am going to beat him!" you will either(a) fail or (b) succeed then stop. Your focus is on HIM, not yourself.Once beating him, you stop.

A woman is a woman. You are the one that makes an issue of it. You are the only one that gives it a value. If you make a big deal out of something, it will be a big deal. Conversely, if you make it a lesser deal than it is, it will be a lesser deal.

The greatest obstacle in getting a woman is not the woman but ourselves. The greatest act of power the super hunter achieves is to overcome all of our self-imposed limitations. How do get rid of all your self-imposed limitations? THROW IT ALL AWAY!Don't care what others think, what your emotions tell you, rationalizeyourself and just do it! Let yourself be the focus and sole determinerof whether something is good or bad.

The super hunter no doubt treated women the same as the hunt oranything in his life. The following examples are mental demonstrationsof the truly powerful mind set. To help accentuate the qualities of thepowerful mindset I have in tandem also presented the un-powerful or AFC(Average Frustrated Chump) mindset to function as a foil. See and feelthe far greater simplicity and efficiency in the overall thoughtprocess of the super hunter in comparison to the AFC's.

Also note the following qualities associated with the powerful mindset:

1) It is goal orientated with a final long-term situation envisioned. However, this is always implicit in every situation.
2) The powerful mindset does not recognize success and failure. It issimply the recognition that an obstacle has been put in place, or anobstacle has been removed. Success or failure becomes tied to simplydegrees. One simply sees either one is getting closer to the goal ormoving away from it.
3) The value of something or the course of action in the givensituation always revolves around whether the value or course of actionfurther or hampers the goal desired. No other subsidiary or tangentsare taken into account.
4) The realm of attention is only focused at the current present situation at hand. The mindset neither adds nor removes anything from the situation. It is objective.
5) The various emotional value and thought values are taken intoconsideration but if are unwarranted they are discarded. Those valuesthat are not discarded then influence the course of action. Emotionalvalues are primary.
6) The moment is only taken into account. Any future or past considerations are put aside.
7) The final consideration in the course of action has to do with what is costs the individual in either furthering or delaying the goal.
The only past knowledge that is applied to the decision process is only knowledge the individual has personally experienced.
9) The final outcome is always action.
10) There is no doubt, fear or uncertainty.
11) Most importantly, the powerful man chooses, no one else, the course of action.

I have included in each example two scenarios: a hunting scenario andthe other a dating scenario. As it is my hypothesis that the ultimateDJ mind originated from the ultimate hunter mind, it becomes easier toderive the dating scenario in reference from an analogous hunting one.

Italics will indicate either an emotional or thought associated valuejudgment that both the AFC and powerful male experience and respondsappropriately to. Everything in braces [] indicates physical actions orreactions. Indents indicate a conversation.

Hunting Scenario: A Potential Prey is Spotted.

This prey doesn't look worthy to hunt.

AFC: Maybe I should still go for it though. May be a waste of energythough. But it doesn't look like there is much else here. I haven't hada decent prey in a long time. I guess this is better than nothing.

Powerful Male: Prey no good. Move on. [moves to a different hunting area]

AFC Result: Spends useless amount of energy chasing something from the beginning did not look promising.

Powerful Male Result: Found better prey later on.

Dating Scenario: A Potential Woman to Approach and Talk to.

Woman is not all that attractive at all and has a folded body posture with a scowl on her face.

AFC: Maybe I should go talk with her. You know what they say, "It's notbeauty that counts but what is inside." She looks not too happy maybe Ican cheer her up or something. I haven't talked to a girl in a longtime.

Powerful Male: Ugly. Uptight. Move on to other women. [Leaves premises]

Results: Same as above.

Hunting Scenario: An Excellent Looking Prey is Spotted.

Prey looks very good

AFC: Yes, a prey! I hope I don't screw up with this one. I should beextra cautious, no wait extra bold. I hope my spear is in good order. Idid sharpen it, didn't I? [This continues].

Powerful Male: Prey appears to be worth the effort to hunt it. It is in a good position to strike.

Emotional fear is experienced.

AFC: My god, I don't know if I can do this. This is way too difficultfor me. It's probably too much hassle anyway. Maybe in a minute I'llgather enough courage. [looks at spear]

Powerful Male: Is this fear warranted? I am not in a position where Ican be harmed. The fear is unwarranted. [tosses spear]

AFC Result: In hesitation, the prey runs away and he looses his chance.

Powerful Male Result: Manages in wounding the prey and slows it down.

Dating Scenario: A Beautiful Engaging Woman is Encountered.

Beautiful Woman.

AFC: Oh, my gosh, a beautiful woman! My god, I'm sure she must have a boy friend. I bet she is out of my league.

Powerful Male: Strike the concept beautiful out. It adds nothing and itdoesn't help. She is not a princess, someone special super human. Sheis simply a woman that a lot of men emotionally respond to.

Emotional fear is experienced.

AFC: Boy, I'm so afraid. I'll probably screw up. Maybe in a minute orafter a few drinks, I'll find enough courage. I wonder whether I'm goodenough looking, I wonder what she think of me?

Powerful Male: Is this fear justified? Is she holding a gun orappearing hostile to me? No. No justification. [approaches woman]

AFC Result: Woman gets up and leaves while AFC is drooling and thinking how to approach her.

Powerful Male Result:

Powerful Male: Hi, would you like to buy me a drink?

Woman: Boy, you seem confident, don't you?

Powerful Male: I know nothing about confidence: I simply am.

Woman: [turns wet]

Hunting Scenario: Back at Camp wondering if Ever will get a Great Kill

Thought of never having a great kill.

AFC: I have not really ever made a great kill. I think I am not a goodhunter. My family will be ashamed of me. I've just turned out to be anaverage hunter.

Powerful Male: By whose definition of "great"? How does this thoughtcontribute to my hunting ability? It serves no useful purpose.

Feelings of depression.

AFC: I really am a bad hunter. [starts crying]

Powerful Male: There has been no death, no loss. Unwarranted. Drop it. [goes hunting].

Dating Scenario: At home Wondering if will Ever get a Girlfriend

Thought of not having girlfriend.

AFC: No one has ever really loved me. It must be something wrong aboutme. Maybe I'm not friendly enough. Maybe I should change the way Ilook. I don't know.

Powerful Male: Irrelevant. Past is past; I can't change it. How willthis thought help my future? My plan is to meet women not dwell onthem.

Feelings of depression.

AFC: I really suck. [starts crying]

Powerful Male: I have not lost anything or nothing terrible has happened. Drop it. [goes out and meets women]

Hunting Scenario: A Prey being Hunted appears to be more difficult to kill than first anticipated.

[Prey goes through rough terrain making it difficult to hunt.]

Feeling of frustration.

AFC: Oh, no prey is getting away. I can’t let this happen, I must pursue at all costs. [follows prey close behind]

Powerful Male: Is frustration warranted? Yes. Prey is posing obstaclesin the pursuit of it. Need to get rid of obstacle. Try different routethrough terrain to catch it.

[Prey goes through rough terrain and is able to surmount a very difficult area full of streams and caves.]

Feeling of fear.

AFC: Oh, no the prey is getting more and more difficult to catch. I can’t let up now. [rushes blindly after it]

Powerful Male: Is fear warranted? Yes. Prey has a good chance ofgetting away. Is it worth pursuing it if I have low chance of success?No. Try to find other prey.

AFC Result: Spends a useless amount of energy pursuing a prey that eventually gets away from him.

Powerful Male: Cutting his loses, he regroups, learns a little more about the terrain and finds another suitable prey.

Dating Scenario: Going out on a first date with a woman to take her out to dinner.

Male: We’re going to eat at an Italian restaurant.

Woman: No. I hate Italian food.

Negative feeling experienced.

AFC: Oh, no. She hates Italian food. Wait let me see. I can try Thai,no how about Chinese? I’m not too partial to Chinese, but maybe she’lllike it.

Powerful Male: Is negative feeling warranted? Yes, she is making situation difficult. Try an alternative. I like Thai.

Male: We’re going to eat at a (Thai or Chinese) restaurant.

Woman: No. I hate that as well.

Increased negative feeling.

AFC: Oh, this is getting real bad. Let me come up with something else. How about Mexican, my God I hope she likes that.

Powerful Male: Negative feeling is warranted. Situation is becomingvery difficult. She is not helping at all and being unnecessarilydifficult. I am not experiencing positive feelings. Amount of effortand ill feelings is outweighing the good ones. Drop her.

AFC: How about Mexican?

Woman: No, I ate Mexican earlier today.

Powerful Male:

Powerful Male: I’m taking you home.

AFC Result: Ends up driving her all over the place and makingsuggestions. She finally says she is not hungry and just want to go fora drink. He never gets anywhere further with this woman.

Powerful Male Result: He takes her home. Hits a bar and gets a home phone number.

Hunting Scenario: The kill is made and the Hunter enjoys the fruit of his labor.

Positive feelings of success.

AFC: I’m the greatest hunter there is. Everyone is going to think I’mthe greatest. I’m going to tell everyone about my hunt tomorrow. I didso well . . .

Powerful Male: Is the positive feeling justified? Yes.

Feeling of sleepiness.

AFC: Oh, I’m tired. Who cares? I’m going to celebrate into the early hours, and sing me a tale.

Powerful Male: Feeling justified? Yes. It was a long hunt. Need to haveenergy for tomorrow’s hunt. Will settle in contented sleep. [goes tosleep]

AFC Result: He spends up all night, and does not go on the hunt the next day and looses out on gathering food.

Powerful Male: Fully rested, he does well on the next hunt.

Dating Scenario: Consummation is achieved with Female.

Uplifting and positive feeling.

AFC: Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I’m the man. I love her so much. I’ll tellher tomorrow morning. I bring her roses and flowers. Maybe I should askher to marry me? This is the greatest.

Powerful Male: Feeling justified. Yes. Nice. Was the pleasure worth the time spent with her. Yes.

Feeling of tiredness.

AFC: Boy, I’m tired but let me compose a poem for her. [begins to write poetry]

Powerful Male: Is feeling warranted? Yes, it has been a long day withphysical exertion. Tomorrow is another day. [goes to sleep]

AFC Result: The next day he declares his undying love and scares off the woman.

Powerful Male result: He’s in her room with her right now.

In all these scenarios the crucial difference between the AFC andpowerful man is that the powerful man is the one who does not let thesituation and his emotions dictate him as opposed to the AFC who letsit control him. The hunter overcomes while the AFC is overcomed.

As Pook points out:

[table][tr][td]Amale who goes through life with the path of an arrow is a MAN. A malewho goes through life bending himself to every desire in hopes ofpleasing is CHUMP, a nice guy. [/td][/tr][/table]

The AFC is the one that bends over backward to try to accommodate hisemotions, his environment and other people. He is ruled and defined byit. He does not possess the courage to choose for himself what is best for him and go ahead and do it.

The powerful male chooses his action himself. He does notlet his mother, his brother, his teacher or the junkie on the streetcorner that gave him the finger let him choose the way he should thinkor act. He decides what is important. He decides what value to givethings: he creates his own world because he interprets it and respondsto it on his own terms.

Nietzsche talks about the three metamorphoses of the spirit:

THREE metamorphoses of the spirit do I designate to you: how the spiritbecometh a camel, the camel a lion, and the lion at last a child.

Many heavy things are there for the spirit, the strong load-bearingspirit in which reverence dwelleth: for the heaviest longeth itsstrength. . . .

All these heaviest things the load-bearing spirit taketh upon itself:and like the camel, which, when laden, hasteneth into the wilderness,so hasteneth the spirit into its wilderness.

But in the loneliest wilderness happeneth the second metamorphosis:here the spirit becometh a lion, freedom will it capture, and lordshipin its own wilderness. . . .

My brethen, wherefore is there need of the lion in the spirit? Whysufficeth not the beast of burden, which renounceth and is reverent?

To create new values - that, even the lion cannot yet accomplish: butto create itself freedom for new creating - that can the might of thelion do.

To create itself freedom, and give a holy Nay even unto duty: for that, my brethen, there is need of the lion. . . .

But tell me, my brethren, what the child can do, which even the lioncould not do? Why hath the preying lion still become a child?

Innocence is the child, and forgetfulness, a new beginning, a game, a self-rolling wheel, a first movement, a holy Yea.

Aye, for the game of creating, my brethen, there is needed a holy Yeaunto life: its own will, willeth now the spirit; his own world winneththe world's outcast. (Zarathustra I,1)

Do you have the courage of the lion to choose to create freedom in yourlife with a "holy Nay" to all that has burdened you? Do you then havethe ability to forget and say a "holy Yea" to all that you are as ahuman male with sexual drives and desires, a "holy Yea" to what you and only you enjoy and hold dear?

Only you are responsible for your life and how you view it. You areresponsible for your own destiny. Believe it or not, you choose if youare an AFC or not. No one chooses for you except you. Happiness isright in front of you because it is in your mind. You need to decidewhether you want to reach out and grab it or simply continue the paththat takes you away from being true to yourself and what it is to be aman.

You possess the most powerful tool to power and success: the ability to choose - the will of the spirit.

You have the choice. Choose life, choose happiness, choose power.
not gunna post a didnt read gif
Spoiler [+]
april fools 
damb... you wasnt playing...

if it take all this reading to get yambs, i'll just fap.
oh yeah...

That is way too long. The more you over think, the more you just make it harder on yourself.
it was actually a good read.


-emotions are for *%#%!@@
-treat everything as emotionless steps
-caveman swag
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