the hood semi-appreciation

Originally Posted by AirAnt23

but i can def. appreciate it..ive learned a lot..and if u can make it out

I know hoods are all the same... yet all so different. But if you was in the South, and you don't know nothing about the Candy Lady house or jumping the creek...

Don't even talk to me.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Good ole family trips to see my cuzzies in Goose Creek, SC.[/color]
word even when we moved out and to the suburbs i still came back on the weekends.....@%@* is just so much realer...
haha yeah appreciated + unappreciated
unappreciated- kids grow up too fast. don't want my little sisters to grow up here. often, poor schools.
appreciated- it feels like home, and it's a part of my character. it's really something to be a part of what me + some friends call "thestruggle" haha
and i agree hood restaurants ftw! awesome food really cheap
Originally Posted by AirAnt23

but i can def. appreciate it..ive learned a lot..and if u can make it out

I know hoods are all the same... yet all so different. But if you was in the South, and you don't know nothing about the Candy Lady house or jumping the creek...

Don't even talk to me.


i know bout the candy lady....dont know bout that creek !!*@

_'s parkin in the middle in the street with the car still runnin to chill with u on your ice cream...the mexicans across the street postedall day and all night...the car show at the park in the summer...everybody in the whole neighborhood ridin the same bike on a schedule (word to the dyno)

miss it
I moved out the city (DC) when I wuz a little one. So I don't rilly remember much. But I've spent summers wit family friends in NY. There's nothingcompared to it. It is appreciated. At least to me. Cookies N' Cream Mr.Softee shakes FTW
playin ball all day
water out the hose
quarter waters at the corner store or from the ice cream trucks
everyone wearing they fresh new school shoes to play outside in
knick knockin
neighborhood skeezys
that 1 bad girl everyone would be tryna get at but her parents had her on lock

ahhhh good days
reeeem0 wrote:

Originally Posted by AirAnt23

but i can def. appreciate it..ive learned a lot..and if u can make it out

I know hoods are all the same... yet all so different. But if you was in the South, and you don't know nothing about the Candy Lady house or jumping the creek...

Don't even talk to me.

I thought we were from the same hood for a second. We useto stay hitting up the candy lady, plus we had a creek we would always go through, jumping from rock to rock trying not to land in the water and *+$#, manthose were good times
4th of july and new years eve in the hood - sounds like a battle field

palatero man in the hood - they have everything not just palatas ,they got sodas,chips,churros with valentina hot sauce

ice cream truck in the hood- you can hear the music from far away ,just enough time to for you to find some loose change ..

street football in the hood - i remember playin football like at 3 am with my homies ,then some catz rolled by talking bout they wanna fight ,just for noreason. football at night dont get any better.

corner store in the hood - they let you slide ..i remember by blacks and rellos when i was like 12 yrs old..i just had to wait till everybody was gone ,cuz theowner didnt want no one to know..haha

house partys - always a fight ,or some one gettin shoot

man there so much i can keep goin........ the hood is definetly appreciated.
made me who i am know..!!!!!!!
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