The I want a bae - The Single Thread

Personally speaking, the danger in living the bachelor lifestyle too long is getting comfortable living alone and doing what you want all the time. Building habits that make it far more difficult to compromise or change.

I've definitely thought abut this before, I've been in this mode for the better part of the last 5 years . It's been great :smokin don't get me wrong, but it will definitely take someone with A1 box and personality/smarts for me to want to move away from that life.. :nerd:
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Fame and notoriety >>>> money when it comes to bagging ****.

I know plenty of lames with bread that ain't getting no *******. Plus who wants to basically pay a ***** to fw you? That's prostitution.

****, all you have to do is LOOK like you have money and stature and you'll be good. ******* like that attention they get from being with a famous dude(or a dude that knows everybody) it's all about how much attention you can manage to get them
You want a bae huh?? Humor, authority, affection and a crazy sex drive. Plow em, laugh about it, tell em to microwave u a hot pocket and smack that *** when she rolls to get up.
I've been single for 4 in the half years and it's hit or miss. It's cool to talk to different women and see what they're about. At times, it sucks because I know I'm a relationship type dude and SOME women are just not worth my time. I had opportunities to get with a few ladies within the 4 in the half year span, but some of them have unrealistic expectations that I can't meet. For a minute, I had anger towards women, but I started to think outside the box and realize that every women you talk to isn't going to be into you, so sometimes taking a "L" could be a good thing for the possible future lady down the line. My last relationship didn't end too well and it took me awhile to get over it, (She got over it the day she dumped me) but looking back, she obviously isn't the one for me. Right now, I'm talking to this girl I got high interest in and we are taking our time. We hang out and speak everyday. I even got introduced to her family, which is a good sign, so I'll see how this goes. She is very supportive! It just seems like things are sort of falling in place. I'm waiting for my date to go down to Glynco, GA for FLETC (Federal Law Enforcement Training Center) for the United States Secret Service, which is a start of my career and possibly have a GF that was there when i didn't have much, so I guess I should be grateful. Let everything fall in place...

Chicks left you because you keep saying 4 "in the half".
Guess I'll join the fun. I've been single for well over 5 years and not by choice. I tried eharmony's compatibility test and it said i wasnt compatible with anyone on their site. Tried pof and that was more like p.o.s. all tje girls that were interested in me were fat and ugly and the decent ones were either catfishes or expecting to find brad pitt. Im always put in the "friend zone " , and all my close friends and relatives never even attempt to hook me up. Im not ferocious but im also not a pretty boy douche type. Im a good dude but these broads just want me to be friend and never the bf. Im too old for that **** since im now 30 and have pretty much given up on it. Try to top that guise. /Fat guy from super bad f my life gif./
Guess I'll join the fun. I've been single for well over 5 years and not by choice. I tried eharmony's compatibility test and it said i wasnt compatible with anyone on their site. Tried pof and that was more like p.o.s. all tje girls that were interested in me were fat and ugly and the decent ones were either catfishes or expecting to find brad pitt. Im always put in the "friend zone " , and all my close friends and relatives never even attempt to hook me up. Im not ferocious but im also not a pretty boy douche type. Im a good dude but these broads just want me to be friend and never the bf. Im too old for that **** since im now 30 and have pretty much given up on it. Try to top that guise. /Fat guy from super bad f my life gif./
Never been in a relationship, and I'm 23 years old. So I have been single for 23 years. Sometimes being single was by my choice, and others times girls have just turned me down or wanted to be friends.
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Guess I'll join the fun. I've been single for well over 5 years and not by choice. I tried eharmony's compatibility test and it said i wasnt compatible with anyone on their site. Tried pof and that was more like p.o.s. all tje girls that were interested in me were fat and ugly and the decent ones were either catfishes or expecting to find brad pitt. Im always put in the "friend zone " , and all my close friends and relatives never even attempt to hook me up. Im not ferocious but im also not a pretty boy douche type. Im a good dude but these broads just want me to be friend and never the bf. Im too old for that **** since im now 30 and have pretty much given up on it. Try to top that guise. /Fat guy from super bad f my life gif./
use tinder
Technically been single for the past 5 months
Was talking to a girl who likes to be called princess, but I'm kinda annoyed by her right now
so tbh, I don't really want a bae, even if she right around the corner
Tinder has been working for me.

Like I said before, don't stress this life game so much. We all racing to get to the same place if you think about it. Misery likes company and when you see a happy couple wherever you never see that huge fight they had where there was no makeup sex afterwards.

Put yourself out there and take it day by day.

Just read "The greatest salesman in the world" for a 2nd time and its a great read for those interested.

Just chill brah's.
I don't mind Tinder. Lately, I've gotten two numbers off it. 1 chick, 18 goes away to college here on winter break, I've been texting. Need to set up something with her finally. Another chick goes to law school at St. John's and she wants me to take her to a basketball game. Decent haul.
use tinder

Im afraid to use anything online due to so many cases of catfishing and my overall online dating record on pof which is as bad the 2014-15 knicks [emoji]128562[/emoji]
You never know until you try son

Word, man. Who cares? I'll show my age here but back in the myspace days, I remember my "sent" folder was like 50+ pages and I only had like 5 active pages worth of messages :lol: Just keep shooting and you're bound to hit something.

Maybe lower your standards until you hit your stride and then work your way up?
I don't mind Tinder. Lately, I've gotten two numbers off it. 1 chick, 18 goes away to college here on winter break, I've been texting. Need to set up something with her finally. Another chick goes to law school at St. John's and she wants me to take her to a basketball game. Decent haul.

Isn't 18 out of range for you. How low are you willing to go

Real talk what's your philosophy on the age limit thing.
I don't mind Tinder. Lately, I've gotten two numbers off it. 1 chick, 18 goes away to college here on winter break, I've been texting. Need to set up something with her finally. Another chick goes to law school at St. John's and she wants me to take her to a basketball game. Decent haul.

Isn't 18 out of range for you. How low are you willing to go

Real talk what's your philosophy on the age limit thing.
:lol: 18 is the lowest. if you're in college, legally allowed to vote and join the army, you're fair game.
If you're decent looking, chicks will choose...

That being said, you still gotta put yourself out there. You can't have a strict "go to work-go home schedule" and think you're gonna come-up on a decent chick.

current situation :smh: |I :frown:
Word, man. Who cares? I'll show my age here but back in the myspace days, I remember my "sent" folder was like 50+ pages and I only had like 5 active pages worth of messages :lol: Just keep shooting and you're bound to hit something.

Maybe lower your standards until you hit your stride and then work your way up?

I feel you man but i just dont think the online stuff works for a dude like me. Like i said, i tried it and failed miserably. You got (no romo) better looking dudes on there cuz they know they can get the desperate yambs and usually do. So know these homely females think they at the level even though they just get used by these dudes to get their beak wet. My standards arent that high either. All i ask for is a girl smaller than me. Im 5' 10" and have a stocky build from what ive been told. I just recently got rejected by a white ***** that i work with who's face would remind you of a gargoyle. She is thin so i guess thats why rejected my *** and worse, shes after another puto i work with (pretty boy douche type) who is probably just smashing on the side even though his girl is mad cute. I just dont anymore. I try not to let it get to me but at my age, with everyone else i know is with someone and with kids, it messes with you. My self esteem is low to begin with but the way females see me really has me suicidal at times. Anyways, imma stop right here but i do appreciate y'all for hearing me out as i got nobody to turn to and get help when it comes it comes to this
If you're decent looking, chicks will choose...

That being said, you still gotta put yourself out there. You can't have a strict "go to work-go home schedule" and think you're gonna come-up on a decent chick.

current situation :smh: |I :frown:
What is there that could be done to be more out there with more opportunities? I don't have a traditional job and I wanna be more out there to find that right chick.

Pedro try and have more confidence man. Just go out there and enjoy yourself and have some fun. Don't get discouraged you just haven't found the right person yet. Be patient talk to chicks and just have fun. When I'm on Tinder I don't even care much about whether I'm gonna score or not. I go on there just to have fun and take my chances to see if I match with someone interesting. I use the same two lines over and over again when I get matched:

The Ecook line which I'm incredibly grateful for: Does this make us boyfriend and girlfriend now?
And Can I borrow you? I'll give you back I promise.

I just go on there to have fun and quell my time when I'm bored. Don't press, just enjoy yourself.
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