The Invincible Thread

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I wouldn't go with Romo. He's better than Dak but your team is winning and has a rhythm. I wouldn't risk messing it up.
Gotta ship Romo out of there asap. The Browns surely have some DBs they can give up

Damn chill :lol:

Not like Dak lit it up or anything,he didn't have the best night but he came through when it mattered.

The 'Boys would be idiotic to ship one of them when they have the chance of having both healthy heading into the playoffs...
What were ya'll saying about Dak?
Not his best game but he got the job done.
Dak was shaky AF for most of the game.

Too obsessed with throwing bombs to Dez.

He played better when he started looking for different people on offense.

He was great on the drives to tie and win the game.
Someone's gotta be getting cut right?
Jenkins ran into his own man while covering Witten... **** was awful

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