The Invincible Thread

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Cam Newton is a crybaby. All that front running last year now he whines after every game.


Life comes at you fast.
what are you basing this off of 
At what, exactly?

Playing QB. Kirk did his job the last two weeks. The kicker and defense loss those games.

Our defense was supposed to be weak, while Cams defense had a "system".

Cams top WR is back healthy.

What's Cams excuse?

Kirk has played better every week. Tied a Washington team record yesterday with his 15th career 300 yard game. Y'all flock to the INTs but are silent when Kirk balls out.
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and if I recall the panthers won yesterday? no?

the reason he was "complaining" was due to the late dirty hits and the non roughing the passer calls. 

watching the game.. he had a legitimate reason to gripe. 
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I'm not :lol:,that's why I said he's another Texans GOAT but naa I can't say they've ever been interchangeable though :lol:.

Even though he had some decent seasons early with the Texans,Romo's always been better.

Never said Romo hasn't been better, but there was probably a 3-4 year period where there wasn't much separation between the two when ranking them, and the same jokes you could make for one was the same you could make for the other. Just so happens that Schaub's lisfranc injury killed him off, and while Romo has recently came off a great season even through injuries
Cousins is having a far superior year than Cam...I think is what @TheCollector is trying to say (in his own way :lol: )

Ah, well yeah, he's having a better year. :lol:

Doesn't mean **** in the grand scheme of games but he's put up better stats than Cam Newton for 8 games.

Career wise, of course it's Cam > Kirk

This season (only), it's question.

And FWIW, I hope Kirk gets signed long term. We ain't gonna do any better :lol:
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