The Invincible Thread

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Ribeye > Filet

Come at me, steak bros.
Meat is meat
If any of you ever visit Charleston SC, make it a priority to visit Hall's Chophouse. One of the best steak spots in the country.
thread is at its funniest when food is the subject , some of y'all are wierd as hell tho.

My dude [@=/u/168461/The-Collector]@The Collector[/@] got himself a plate of rice with ketchup on it with candy corn and peeps as sides :smh:

I bite the head off peeps first before consumption. Just like animal crackers.


when i was a kid, i'd get into the big jar/container of animal crackers and bite the heads off and put them back in the jar :rofl:

reading this reminds me of how that one NTer would go into the store and halfway eat cookies and put them back in the box :rofl: :x

@nawghtyhare was lowkey one of the goat posters

Don't forget he used to open up ice cream containers and scoop up ice cream with his bare hands, AFTER using the restroom without washing them
lol I used to do well done only. back in my young and reckless days.

medium now
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