The Invincible Thread

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Affleck is showing us how to love a woman

BTW anyone see Affleck in "The Accountant" yet?

Thought it was excellent one of my favorite movies this year.
I need to peep that, traiiler looked lit to me 
gonna have to knock @DeadsetAce down a tier on the valid opinion scale
when it comes to opinion is C-grade at best. i'm way too easily entertained
I really thought everyone had seen Armageddon
i've seen the ending where...
bruce locks ben in that ship and sacrifices himself so ben can go back and be with his daughter

but i haven't seen the entire movie
Admittedly Ive never seen Top Gun, people say its a classic but I dont care. **** Tom Cruise
It's a good flick minus the Volleyball scene 
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Was just listening to Jalen and Jacoby and Jalen says the best player in the league is Brady and the second is Gronk
Is Jalen Rose right?
Ive never seen those old *** star wars movies from the 70's and i never will.
boring *** lookin cgi :x

will watch rogue one tho :smokin
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Has anyone NOT seen the original Willy Wonka movie?
Not gonna like but first time I saw it as a kid it kinda creeped me out..felt like a snuff film the way those kids kept doing down one by one 
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