The Invincible Thread

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I'm tired of all the replays and timeouts but I will be fine if they allow you to review roughing the passer calls. I've seen way too many weak hits get called and change the game.
man y'all are lucky old man CP is busy celebrating the Cubs 'chip. he'd be in here beating y'all down with his cane after seeing all this Star Wars slander
Who's got the Netflix recommendations? Is Black Mirror worth it?

Definitely, highly recommend.. will make you think

All the marvel shows are good-great.. stranger things is great if you were alive for a sec during the 80s.. bojack is great.. master of none.. house of cards

Sense8 is interesting, going be interesting to see where's they go with season 2

Easy was ok

Unbreakable kimmy Schmidt is kinda mindless entertainment

Arrested development is arrested development.. and making a murderer is good

I need to get on narcos, I'll binge when nothing else is on
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Narcos, Jessica Jones, Bloodline were all great. Bloodline probably my favorite so far though.
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I know narcos is good.. I'll watch one of these days soonish.. probably once westworld is done

Also, flaked is like a water downed bojack and nowhere near as funny.. I would put it with easy.. if nothing else is there then check it out
made it to ep 6 of Luke Cage and had to quit

was just so bad, Luke's acting was consistently cringe

Man I loved Daredevil and was so hyped for Luke Cage. I have a big ego too when it comes to having the intuition of only starting shows Im positive I will end up enjoying instead of of ending up wasting my time. I'm picky like that. Too much stuff out there to be missing on choosing what to watch. Boy was I wrong about Luke Cage. I actually quit right around episode 6 too. The writing is meh. The story is meh. The acting is meh. And the action scenes with Luke are extremely underwhelming.

I am positive The Punisher series will be good though. The problem is I feel like I should tough it out through the rest of Luke Cage because all these Superhero shows are in the same universe on Netflix and I love where Netflix is going with all of this. I just hope it doesn't all become nonsense like whats happened on the big screen though. Suicide Squad officially lost me. I have no idea what the hell is happening anymore.

I haven't gotten into Luke Cage just because the word of mouth from friends of mine hasn't been positive. I'm in no rush to check it out.

Can't wait for DD s3 and Punisher whenever that drops. Both next year?
Russ :wow:


Russ caping for Goodell, the refs, and the league :smh:
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