The Invincible Thread

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had to hit up the secret chicken spot located in the back of a korean super market

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bet y'all didn't even know Koreans made the best fried chicken. yeah I said it.
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Since stew was mentioned.....

Favorite type of stew?

I'm gonna have to roll with puerto rican ox tail stew. Oh man I can go for some right now. Not as good as my abuelitas version but a close second.
NT should hook it up with some stew recipes for the crockpot. Or anything crockpot. I'm looking to live off of it this winter.

The best chilli I've ever had, I made a crockpot. Surprised the **** out of me. Lost the recipe though, dammit. :smh:

It's on the interwebz somewhere though.
not gonna lie, when im lazy I buy the already prepped crockpot bags from whole foods. they go pretty hard.

my pops does a really good beef stew where he just throws everything in the pot and then falls asleep.
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i used to make some bomb *** carnitas in my crock pot. i need to get into that again. i remember the main ingredients but need to remember some of the minor items :lol:
i used to make some bomb *** carnitas in my crock pot. i need to get into that again. i remember the main ingredients but need to remember some of the minor items :lol:

Hook it up!!!!

Crockpots are too clutch. I use mine, but not enough.

i will. let me dig around for the recipe i got written down somewhere. crazy how easy it is to "cook" with a crockpot though. first time i did it, i was like, "that's it??!" :lol:
The ease of it...the build up of the aroma like you've spent an entire day in the kitchen is strangely gratifying. :lol:
Falcons wearing normal whites tomorrow?

Bucs should be all pewter and the Falcons all red.
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