Pretty strong script here, nice acting, strong actors, 10/10 would win a Grammy every year.
I enjoy his genuine stuff, but his staged vids are cringeworthy, I knew it was staged the second I heard dude on the phone, at least pay some people who can act as if they didn't just memorized a few lines off a paper, I clicked the vid and got my view, so wether ya hate or don't hate, all that matters is to him is that VIEW which he's getting no matter what...and that nobody in here can hate on.

But yeah this was fake as hell and a bit lame.
they said "poignant" 

Either that or someone put this up on their forum. HB comments are damn near as bad as Youtube ones. I am sure people will say some stuff about it. They literally have no love in their hearts at all. Haha.
I enjoy his genuine stuff, but his staged vids are cringeworthy, I knew it was staged the second I heard dude on the phone, at least pay some people who can act as if they didn't just memorized a few lines off a paper, I clicked the vid and got my view, so wether ya hate or don't hate, all that matters is to him is that VIEW which he's getting no matter what...and that nobody in here can hate on.

But yeah this was fake as hell and a bit lame.
Just to put this out there. I do think some of his prank videos are fake or set up.

But, the guy on the phone is his friend. He was in on the prank. The point of that was for him to get a reaction of the people walking by. He wanted to see if someone would stop him. So the guy stealing the shoes was in on it, while the people walking by thought it was real. That's what he was trying to go for. 
Fousey's vids can be ridiculously corny at times, but I can't knock the dude one bit.

He took a chance and it's paying off ten fold now.
dude on the phone was obviously in on was the girl who was being pranked there, i thought her reaction was genuine idk
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