The Lord of the Rings : The Rings of Power Thread | Amazon Prime Series S2 Fridays

Man I now i'm thinking I gotta rewatch the movies because the more I research just general LOTR lore to catch up for this, the more the idea of this big bad but distant threat is boring as ****.
It's a good show. I'm just finding the overall LOTR lore kinda hollow (big bad evil just wants to do big bad evil) which is different than how I felt 20 years ago, need to get reacquainted. That's no fault of the show though, and maybe it actually ends up remedying it.
I forgot to mention how amazing Numenor looks. The dwarf city looks great as well. Reminded me of locations in Skyrim.
I feel like that queen in Numenor would have my head because I wouldn't stop flirting with her fine self.
bronwyn is fine AF and i've liked her since she was in homeland but found out she used to be a scientologist. she was picked by the church to be a potential wife for tom cruise before he got with katie holmes.
I’m enjoying the show. I read LoTR and the Hobbit back in HS and liked them both. I never delved deeply into the rest of the books or the lore so the show to be is what it is. You can def see that Amazon spared no budget for the cgi which is great.
Been watching a lot of youtube vids to learn more about history of middle earth, characters, and other stuff. Not sure if the movies ever talked about aragorn and other blessed humans being able to live over 200-250 years old. Also Galadriel bae and elron are friends on this show so it's kinda weird he ends up marrying her daughter. his daughter in the movies is the one who marries aragorn.
Good episode. Most of the numenor look like they got leather armor though. Won’t help much against swords.
This is boring right now, B. Hot D makes wild time jumps, Chingo Blings of Power taking episodes for an elf and human to bounce off a city that’s damn near underwater.
Numenor is using scaled armor. It's lighter than metal armor since it segmented rather than one solid piece. and could be just as effective in sword/hand to hand combat.
Not looking at any of your posts

Brownyn with the arrow through her. Theo removed it

30 minutes in
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