The Major League Baseball Post


Cape Cod is a beautiful place and the baseball definitely is a plus to it. I'd highly recommend it. I was only there for an hour or two to watch the college kids play but it was worth it. Fans are really subdued so it's kidna eerie in that regard

Is he finally getting promoted? Not even going to attempt to look for him in fantasy

Rumor has it that Ozzie and Kenny Williams almost came to blows Tuesday night over the draft and fall of Ozzie's son. Buster Olney called them the "Jersey Shore" of baseball

They're going to have an aquarium behind home plate in the new Marlins ballpark. That should be fun.

Oh yea, Arthur Rhodes should be an All-Star this year.

And speaking of Victor, Santana will be wearing old #41. People are going to spaz when they realize how similar he is.

Versus Strasburg Sunday.

Fans are really subdued so it's kidna eerie in that regard

That's what I was thinking. Probably no more than a few hundred people at a regular-season game, I imagine? I guess college baseball on campuses is probably like that a lot, too, though.
There were about four to five hundred there so around that number. I'm a city kid so the quietness of the whole area is kinda weird to me.

On campus, it's actually a lot more rowdy. I go to St. John's and the games I've been to, the stands have been packed and loud. But we have nothing else to cheer for so when they see a SJU team actually winning it gets a little crazy.
Is there a free agent pick up at this point anywhere in the league better than Colby Lewis or Vlad? What these two have done is unreal...
Not that he's been better than Strasburg but Jake Arrieta has had an impressive first two starts in his career. Against the Yankees he went 6 innings, struck out 6 and gave up 3 earned in a win and against the Giants he went 7 and only gave up 1 run.
Yeah KLJ, that wasnt even close. Must have missed that when watching highlights.

So on a completely separate note.....when did the A's get Conner Jackson?
Couple days ago. D-Backs are going to try to be big sellers at the deadline but they'll price themselves out of a lot of trades.
Cape Cod was the basis for that movie Summer Catch correct? 

Jessica Biel's pink bikini is worth watching that movie over and over, Freddy Prince be damned. 

I agree Dirk on Vlad, that has to hurt the Angels seein him on a division team putting up numbers. 
A second opinion revealed a break in Troy Tulowitzki's wrist after being hit by a pitch.
It boils my blood to an unimaginable level when the Yankees lose to the Mets. Wasting another great outing from Vasquez.
Carlos Santana reached base in eight straight plate appearances before being called out on an iffy third strike a minute ago.

.393/.514/.786, 2 home runs, 8 runs batted in, 5 runs scored, 5 doubles, and 7 walks in 35 plate appearances.

Two of his doubles were probably a combined two feet away from both being home runs, and two of his three strikeouts were borderline calls on full counts.

His understanding of the strike zone is so absurdly advanced.
Josh Hamilton...

16 game hit streak... Another 16 hits this week. Went into June 1 hitting .281 and now batting .337... Hitting .444/.474/.833 in June. WOW.
guess which team leads the National League in runs, hits, home runs, rbi's, batting average, slugging, ops, and total bases.

it's the same team that scored 2 runs all weekend while getting swept by the Mariners.

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Josh Hamilton...

16 game hit streak... Another 16 hits this week. Went into June 1 hitting .281 and now batting .337... Hitting .444/.474/.833 in June. WOW.

Thats sickening.
Real talk, I'm listening to Francesca and he made a pretty good point that the Yankees should go out and get Marlon Byrd, and it kind of makes sense.
Anyone see this?

[h2]For you, Dad: McDonald homers in first AB since father's death[/h2]
By 'Duk

After watching his postgame press conference, I think Toronto Blue Jays manager Cito Gaston speaks for us all when talking about the home run that utilityman John McDonald(notes) hit in the ninth inning of Sunday's game.
"I was so happy to see him hit that home run, I almost cried myself," Gaston said.  

Indeed, it's hard not to wipe away a tear or two while watching McDonald round the bases after hitting a two-run homer off Jeremy Affeldt(notes) in a 9-6 loss to the Giants.The blast came only two days after McDonald buried his father, who hadpassed away from a tough battle with liver cancer earlier in the week.

Thatit happened on Father's Day during John's first at-bat since JackMcDonald's death only added to the emotion. John pointed toward the skyafter crossing home plate. 

Watch the special moment here

Thanksto the understanding of the Blue Jays, McDonald was able to return hometo Connecticut for the final 11 days of his father's life. The two hada very close father-and-son bond — The Star's Richard Griffin has greatdetails about their relationship here —  and the AP reports that Jack asked John to hit his next home run in his honor. http://

Atfirst, that seemed easier requested than done. McDonald returned toToronto with only 13 career homers to his name over 12 big leagueseasons and he hadn't hit one yet this season. There was a good chanceit might not happen for a long while for the light-hitting infielder. 

But then Gaston asked McDonald to serve as a defensive replacement for Aaron Hill(notes)in the ninth and McDonald decided to swing as hard as he could when hegot to the plate in the bottom of the inning. The result was one of themost emotional Father's Day stories we've ever witnessed in sports asthe ball just cleared the left field wall at Rogers Centre. 
"Ithink (the homer) was for both of us," McDonald said. "The fact I gotit out of the way quick was nice. I told him they're not that easy tohit."

Asked what he was thinking as he rounded the bases, McDonald was painfully honest. From
"Probably the fact that I couldn't call my dad after the game to tell him."

That'spretty powerful stuff from McDonald and I think it goes without sayingthat it's something that any of us who have ever bonded with ourfathers over baseball can understand. My condolences go to the McDonaldfamily, but I'd also like to offer my congratulations. Coming throughas a hero for your hero is a very admirable thing.

Really, what an incredible moment to watch.
Josh Johnson is on a nice little tear. Last 8 starts he has 4 allowing 0 ER's and 4 allowing 1 ER.
If I wasn't an Indians fan and lived somewhere else, I might buy Extra Innings just to watch Carlos Santana in the box every night. It's like a religious experience.
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