The McRib is back!!!!

Ive never had one and dont plan on going out of my way to try it this time either
I remember working at Mcdonalds and they brought it back last year and we sold our last McRib to a co worker and someone tried to buy it off of him for $5
thought that was funny.
i got one and i had a free medium fry monopoly piece from when my pops gets his coffee...

it was meh...i added sweet baby rays bbq tho

its fairly new in canada, ate it a couple months ago. was meh.

sup with the random pickle lol.

i rather eat real ribs. its tastes too microwavy.
I copped a McRib after I voted.
Nothing makes terrorists more mad than an American eating the softest pork sandwich known to man after just democratically voting for a Jewish man.

I actually like the taste of the McRib, tastes like freedom and bald eagle meat.
I remember when Dirty posted those pics of the inside of the McRib, ever since then if I eat McDonald's (which I rarely do) that %!%# comes to my head.

So this McRib is an easy pass for me.
Used to love the McRib but after I seen them pics of how's it made... Can't even eat a burger at Micky ds
Originally Posted by mazzo1

Used to love the McRib but after I seen them pics of how's it made... Can't even eat a burger at Micky ds

McRib is nasty though. I was hyped because of the Simpsons episode but $$%! was nasty.
just had it for the first time. not too bad. tasted a lil too porkey to me. like it had been sitting out for a lil too long. got it for free so i cant say anything.
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