The MMA Thread: DON'T ASK 4 STREAMS & NO GIFS- Cannonier, Imavov, Reyes, Rosas on NOW

Bad PR, but it doesn't make me think less of him personally.

i do find it a bit ridiculous that weed is a banned substance but Cocaine is not....
Detractors hate Jon Jones because of his greatness. He makes it look so natural, effortless in the Octagon. Yeah, he's brash. Yeah, he's self-satisfied it seems and borderline cocky. But "Bones" backs up the talk and bravado. Like Conor McGregor, I have no problem if you yap, just put your money where your mouth is. The DUI, alleged infidelity, experimentation with cocaine doesn't change my perspective of JBJ. Is he a great human being? I don't know. Is he a great fighter? One of the best of all-time, in the same company of Anderson Silva with GSP trailing slightly behind the two.

Bottom line, the man hasn't been beaten in the cage. The DQ is a stain and there's a what if scenario had Vitor cranked the armbar. Regardless of how you scored the Gustafsson fight, both men proved their talent and bravery. MMA fans are owed a rematch. I watched live as JBJ outclassed Glover and neutralized his power completely. He tapped Machida standing. Submitted Bader. Destroyed Shogun's soul. "Rampage," Rashad, Chael. The list goes on.

Let's be clear, I'm not even a supporter of "Bones." My guys are "Bendo" and Condit. Calling it like I see it, whether you like it or not.
Dog, Cowboy always has me in legit tears. I love how he makes a reference to cocaine not knowing what news was about to come a few hours later 

Was this dude talking about coke like he does coke 

"Prepare? S**t, I don't even have enough time to prepare a cake," Cerrone said on a Tuesday conference call, chuckling to himself. "What are you talking about, prepare? I'm just going in there fighting. I've got enough time to cut weight and get to Boston. So there will be no gameplan. Just fight. That's all there is to do. Short, sweet, and get it over with."

The circumstances are so skewed that, according to Cerrone, UFC officials were reluctant to even offer him the fight.

"I went and got steak and eggs for breakfast from the executive chefs, talked to Lorenzo (Fertitta) a little bit, and really, it was going to be ‘we'll let you know in a couple days' kind of answer," Cerrone said. "So no, I had no idea Alvarez was injured or Henderson was even an option. I was about midway home driving the RV when Dana (White) called me like, ‘hey man, I don't really want you to take this fight... but I've got an opportunity for you.

"Dana was like, ‘I think you should take some time off... but I'm not telling you to take time off.' He was talking to [me] as a friend, so I'm like, alright, well, I'll take the fight."

Cerrone says the decision was an obvious one for him to make following an unusually measured performance against Jury, which, regardless of its dominance, left a bad taste in his mouth.

Even when it came down to logistics, simple things like cutting weight twice in three weeks, Cerrone said he barely considered (or cared) about any potential ramifications.

"I don't have an answer for you on that one," Cerrone replied, chuckling again. "[That's] probably damaging, for sure. But so is cocaine and alcohol, so I think this is a little less.

"I guess I could sit back like every other fighter and sit and wait. But I'm not every other fighter," Cerrone added. "I'm my own guy, and I don't give a s**t. Bring these fights on, you know? Like I said, if I'm going to be the champ, I've got to beat everyone anyways, so what is sitting and waiting and holding my position do?

"It's not like I just say that, and when it comes to me, I tell my friends, 'oh man, I've got to take this fight because everyone expects me to.' No. When they offered it to me, it was like, yeah, absolutely, let's go. There's no name that comes across the table that I'm like, ‘oh damn, I'm can't take that.' No, let's go. Let's fight. It's what we do. It's what I'm paid to do. It's my job."

As per usual, Cerrone said he's planning to drive his custom RV to Boston -- a west-to-east trip that he expects to take around 32 hours -- and win or lose, he's going to ask for another helping of his Octagon sundae as soon as possible, because darlin', there ain't no rest for the wicked. Six fights in 12 months was the goal, and somehow Cerrone accomplished it.

Just don't mistake any flippancy for disrespect, because Cerrone knows better than anyone the beast he signed up to fight in Henderson.

"Dude held the title. He's one of the best out there, man. That's for goddamn sure," Cerrone said. "It's not like I'm taking a filler fight against some bottom-25 guy. This is one of the top guys, and I know that full-well going into it. I'm super excited. If you want to be the best, you've got to beat the best. The only problem is if I goddamn get that belt, who's going to be left to fight? That's what I want to know."
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I know a lot of people say they don't like Jones because of his the way he acts and how he's fake, but I think a lot don't like him because he's a dominant champion so they all wanna see his downfall.  We just love the underdog. It happens in all sports. Think about the best teams or athletes (Kobe, LeBron, Mayweather, Jeter, Lakers, Yankees, etc) and theres a good chance that you or people you know hate that person or team for whatever reason you/they think is reasonable. 

I never liked him. From his first fight up to now.

Glad i'm not the only one who hates rousey. I hope Zingano lands a few hard punches to her grill.
Jones is somewhat cocky, but he can back it up.

I hate the fake humble attitude and love fest all the fighters have towards each other. It's a ****** fight, I expect you to talk **** and hate each other. These guys slurp the guy they're fighting before and after the fight. Jon is not really like that, so I think that's why people hate him even more
I'm sure a lot of people hate him because he is dominant, I just don't like his attitude. I like Silva too but I cheered when his cocky *** got drilled by Weidman

Same reason I don't like Cristiano Ronaldo in soccer
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Jones is somewhat cocky, but he can back it up.

I hate the fake humble attitude and love fest all the fighters have towards each other. It's a ****** fight, I expect you to talk **** and hate each other. These guys slurp the guy they're fighting before and after the fight. Jon is not really like that, so I think that's why people hate him even more

Some people are humble and respectful though. I don't think the majority of fighters are faking that. Growing up doing martial arts probably teaches them to respect competitors. You don't have to hate your opponent in order to want to crack their skulls. MMA has a bunch of different personalities. The diaz brothers are entertaining because of how stupid they make themselves look.
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Love seeing em all flourish. From the Diaz brothers to GSP to Jones to Frankie to McGregor to Cain. Glad not everyone's the same whether it's humble or abrasive or cocky or quiet. A little bit of everything 
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hahaha that was a good one by Ben Askren.

With Jones going to rehab will it affect the winner of the Rumble and Gus fight?
I'm annoyed UFC didn't sign Askren immediately from Bellator. He was boring, past tense. But Roufus has tightened up that standup immensely. Ben wouldn't beat GSP, but he'd still be top-7 or better at 170.
I'm annoyed UFC didn't sign Askren immediately from Bellator. He was boring, past tense. But Roufus has tightened up that standup immensely. Ben wouldn't beat GSP, but he'd still be top-7 or better at 170.

Agreed. And really damn the whole "he was boring" thing in the first place.

Dude shouldn't be penalized for being a dominant wrestler. So what if he didn't finish fights? Never understood the hate.
Agreed. And really damn the whole "he was boring" thing in the first place.

Dude shouldn't be penalized for being a dominant wrestler. So what if he didn't finish fights? Never understood the hate.
Yea i dont either. His opponents know whats coming. Either spend ur entire camp off your back or wrestling with olympic wrestlers
As soon as Askren started training at Duke his whole game changed, he became a legit well-rounded fighter. He was definitely a one dimensional boring boring boring fighter before Duke. He was worse than Jon Fitch to watch in there. Let's not act like Askren didn't do anything to ostracize himself from the UFC 
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@ufc @danawhite you dumb ******* fire me for weed while you allow fighters to use hard drugs with zero consequences. #ufcistrash
— matthew riddle (@riddletuf7) January 6, 2015
My wife went to Elem school with Matt Riddle... First time he fought on a card I had on she looked up and said "he put me in a headlock at school once" 

Also said he's as dumb as he sounds on twitter.
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