The Modern Man Is a Wimp (article)

no doubt they were stronger but obviously they lacked in intelligence compared to todays man...for example the romans partially killing themselves off withlead poisoning in their irrigation
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

no doubt they were stronger but obviously they lacked in intelligence compared to todays man...for example the romans partially killing themselves off with lead poisoning in their irrigation

As if modern man isn't killing himself off.

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

no doubt they were stronger but obviously they lacked in intelligence compared to todays man...for example the romans partially killing themselves off with lead poisoning in their irrigation

As if modern man isn't killing himself off.

agreed, but we've made advancements....remember, backthen life expectancy was ALOT less than today.

wish we could have the best of both eras, that would be
Even if you go back 100 years, men back then compared to men of today are night and day.

I read an article a couple years ago and it mighta been called "The Last Cowboy"..I forget what magazine, but everything said in it, I could agreeon.

It basically said how men now-a-days are ridiculously feminine. You look 40 years ago, men wanted to be men. They looked up to a "John Wayne"-esquecharacter. Basically, a real man. Someone who wasn't afraid to go out and get dirty, go hunting/fishing, manual labor, etc. Not if they're past due fora manicure, haircut, eyebrow waxing, shoes are dirty..

Granted, times have changed, but it really makes you think about how "vagina-fied" the modern male has become.
Originally Posted by nine point five

I bet them simple *%*$$% couldn't navigate the internet or drive a car though. Modern man FTW


Talking like these two things are so hard to do. Please, it wouldn't take that long to teach them how to navigate the internet and become lazy *$*'slike ourselves.
Originally Posted by Yoda

Even if you go back 100 years, men back then compared to men of today are night and day.

I read an article a couple years ago and it mighta been called "The Last Cowboy"..I forget what magazine, but everything said in it, I could agree on.

It basically said how men now-a-days are ridiculously feminine. You look 40 years ago, men wanted to be men. They looked up to a "John Wayne"-esque character. Basically, a real man. Someone who wasn't afraid to go out and get dirty, go hunting/fishing, manual labor, etc. Not if they're past due for a manicure, haircut, eyebrow waxing, shoes are dirty..

Granted, times have changed, but it really makes you think about how "vagina-fied" the modern male has become.
thats true though
you got dudes usingclothes/shoes/phones, etc as crutches and clowning on dudes who dont give a @#$%. its funny though because i see more of the dudes who dont give a @#$% aboutall that stuff pulling more girls than the dudes trying their best to be fresh
Originally Posted by razzle dazzle

Originally Posted by NinerFaithful

really interesting. i wonder how we will evolve in the future

I'm about to capitalize on this societies laziness and invent the Frieza chair, it'll take a couple years, but you wait.

I was thinking about how different the modern middle class/upper class man is from every other man in the world and it's history. We don't worry aboutsurvival, or atleast not too much, so we come up with different things to do. Back in the days man had to go out and hunt and look for food all day, if he gotlucky he could get a big catch one day in the morning and then chill for like a day. Aside from that though; they made weapons, hunted for food, and fought offpredators.

Look at animals, they live the way they do because they're trying to survive by protecting themselves from predators and hunting/ searching for food. Lookat places engulfed with poverty, people don't go and commit crimes because they're bad people, they need money to eat.

We have intelligence, height, life span, and of course porno over them so I'm good.

And to whoever said something about 10ft tall people, it's been proved that as people get larger the legs and knees are huge problems (i put it simplybecause i'm felling lazy), so people that big would never be able to stay healthy for too long. Look at the 7 footers in the NBA for example, theydon't have growth disorders, but it's hard for them to stay healthy.
We're a technology driven race. Always have been and till our deaths always will be. While we're dependent on nature now, there's research going onsomewhere that's tackling that very dependency.

Wait'll we start augmenting ourselves with graphene like materials and nanomachines. Lifespans increasing by the hundreds and sicknesses being killed offbefore they can even manifest.
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