The myth is real: E.T's have been unearthed from New Mexico desert today.

This game was beyond frustrating. You always ended up in some hole that you couldn't get out.
I saw gameplay footage, and this game was horrible. They made the right choice burying them.

They were buried because they didn't sell those copies. Destruction of cartridges was common for unsold stock which is why certain games can set you back due to the rarity.
I keep telling people we aren't alone. This universe is too big for us to be the only life form around.

My son said **** reading the post.

Reminds me of the thread called "So I Cheated" and someone came in dropping knowledge about infidelity...the post was about cheating on a test.
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Game sucked balls not surprised at all it was buried....some Brooklyn hipster would prolly pay loot for it and hang it on his wall on an empty frame.
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