The Myth Of the Black Middle Class : Umar Johnson (Video)

Didnt watch this BS.

Im from PG County, MD.

The Black middle/upper-middle class is real.

Don't believe the negativity, yall.

Where i live is all Black doctors and lawyers and whatnot including blue collar people and small business owners.

We need to get all that Black=poverty BS out of our consciousness.

Speaking of PG County, there was a good read in the WaPo last week on it. Since you live there, what do you think it would take to fix up the schools and also curb some of the crime? The article was stating that houses are dirt cheap (and why the prices hardly ever raise) over there because of those factors. In addition to it being (I think) 66% African-American.
Well once everyone got pushed out of DC, everyone knew that all of that crime would stroll right over to PG County.

How can schools improve? Schools won't improve until life outside of school improves for the under performers and their families. If not, nothing will work man. I hate that people refuse to acknowledge that home life is the #1 contributor to the quality of education a child allows themselves to receive.

Find a way to improve the communities and remove people from impoverished situations and schools will improve.

Yes, everything is about money.
Well once everyone got pushed out of DC, everyone knew that all of that crime would stroll right over to PG County.

How can schools improve? Schools won't improve until life outside of school improves for the under performers and their families. If not, nothing will work man. I hate that people refuse to acknowledge that home life is the #1 contributor to the quality of education a child allows themselves to receive.

Find a way to improve the communities and remove people from impoverished situations and schools will improve.

Yes, everything is about money.

I hear ya...

A while back, I was looking to build a house out in Accokeek. If you're not putting your kid in private schools, the public school system in PG is one of, if not THE worst in the nation. That's what scared me.


And there will probably be an increase in crime once MGM builds the casino over in Nat'l Harbor.
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Didnt watch this BS.

Im from PG County, MD.

The Black middle/upper-middle class is real.

Don't believe the negativity, yall.

Where i live is all Black doctors and lawyers and whatnot including blue collar people and small business owners.

We need to get all that Black=poverty BS out of our consciousness.

So a Black Doctor and Lawyer is middle class?

Than the Black Middle Class doesnt exist. I have one friend whos parent is a doctor and I have 0 friends who have parents as lawyers. My friend you could say is grew up middle class but compared to the rest of the black children he would be in the top 1% in our area. A lot of the kids I grew up with (and I lived in the suburbs from 4-12) had single parents and were worse off than my family (I have 2 parents in my household). There may be some black families that would be considered Middle class but compared to the rest of the population they are outliers and most would require 2 family household which is rare in the Black Community compared to the rest of the US.

Im from Florida which is technically the south so my viewpoints may be skewed but the middle of the black community where i live statistic wise would be considered under middle class.

Being a doctor no matter what your race puts you firmly in the upper middle class. It depends on your business intelligence if you stay middle class or get rich.

We as Black people need to start having higher esteem in ourselves. Just because all the Black people are poor where you live doesnt mean thats just how it is. No shots, its just sad cause you never hear about young black people being encouraged to be doctors and lawyers or writers or engineers. Just that tired old "either you're slingin crack rock or you got a wicked jump shot" mentality. Thats the mindstate of the conquered and defeated, b. We need to stop telling ourselves we ain't ****.
I hear ya...

A while back, I was looking to build a house out in Accokeek. If you're not putting your kid in private schools, the public school system in PG is one of, if not THE worst in the nation. That's what scared me.


And there will probably be an increase in crime once MGM builds the casino over in Nat'l Harbor.
Man who has money for private schools. Somebody last week just told me that DeMatha is like $15K + per year. What the hell man. :lol:
The problem with the PG County school system is that alot of parent just dont give a **** about their kids like that. Theyre too busy worrying about their benz car note or installing a pool in their back yard or cheating on their spuouse to know what their kid is up to.
The problem with the PG County school system is that alot of parent just dont give a **** about their kids like that. Theyre too busy worrying about their benz car note or installing a pool in their back yard or cheating on their spuouse to know what their kid is up to.
While true, it is easy for us to look down on them but many of those folks don't know any better man. They were raised the same way so that is all a lot of them know.

Which goes back to the main video. If people feel worthless, they do whatever they can to bring meaning to their lives. Shoes, Clothes, Cars; etc
Being a doctor no matter what your race puts you firmly in the upper middle class. It depends on your business intelligence if you stay middle class or get rich.

We as Black people need to start having higher esteem in ourselves. Just because all the Black people are poor where you live doesnt mean thats just how it is. No shots, its just sad cause you never hear about young black people being encouraged to be doctors and lawyers or writers or engineers. Just that tired old "either you're slingin crack rock or you got a wicked jump shot" mentality. Thats the mindstate of the conquered and defeated, b. We need to stop telling ourselves we ain't ****.

They aren't encouraged because there are none in the communities. It's a lot easier to be something that you have seen before than something you haven't. The problems that keep the black community or even a specific black community in a cycle is bigger than one or two people becoming doctors. Single parent household is a big problem within the black community. Access to quality education or stem education is few and far between. It's a lot easier for the typical white student to be prepared to succeed in engineering than it is for the typical black student and most of the issues are a community wise
I was never clear on what the definition of middle class was.

I never knew if it was

Or which combination of the 3. The exact definition, I never was clear on. But I wouldn't have assumed it is only income because that can always change within the snap of a finger
I was never clear on what the definition of middle class was.

I never knew if it was

Or which combination of the 3. The exact definition, I never was clear on. But I wouldn't have assumed it is only income because that can always change within the snap of a finger

so how can you have a discussion on a topic you have no clear opinion of?

Even scientists start with a hypothesis...
so how can you have a discussion on a topic you have no clear opinion of?

Even scientists start with a hypothesis...
I didn't know not being clear on the EXACT and having NO hypothesis were the same thing. BUt nice try.

I gave a list of factors but wasn't sure on which combination of the 3 created "class."

And I didn't know I had to to have a clear opinion on something to be part of a discussion.

Again, nice try. I could see if I was in here telling people NO, what you are saying is wrong, heres what it really is. But I haven't.

Again, nice try.
Didnt watch this BS.

Im from PG County, MD.

The Black middle/upper-middle class is real.

Don't believe the negativity, yall.

Where i live is all Black doctors and lawyers and whatnot including blue collar people and small business owners.

We need to get all that Black=poverty BS out of our consciousness.
So a Black Doctor and Lawyer is middle class?
Generally speaking, in my opinion YES.  As long as the doctor or lawyer isn't spending all of his or her income every week on frivolous nonsense, which i highly doubt a doctor or lawyer would be doing anyway. 

Also, personally speaking I think the term "wealth" just by definition alone should be used and only used as it pertains to the upper class and not the middle class. 
I hear ya...

A while back, I was looking to build a house out in Accokeek. If you're not putting your kid in private schools, the public school system in PG is one of, if not THE worst in the nation. That's what scared me.


And there will probably be an increase in crime once MGM builds the casino over in Nat'l Harbor.
Man who has money for private schools. Somebody last week just told me that DeMatha is like $15K + per year. What the hell man.
Yikes.  For those that have the money to do so, more power to you but I just don't see the need to pay that much for a private school unless we are talking about college and above.  Meaning that most likely any college that a graduate from Dematha goes to, most likely a kid from public school is going to be attending that same college anyway.  Both students would be pretty much at the same starting point at college given that point. 
Yikes.  For those that have the money to do so, more power to you but I just don't see the need to pay that much for a private school unless we are talking about college and above.  Meaning that most likely any college that a graduate from Dematha goes to, most likely a kid from public school is going to be attending that same college anyway.  Both students would be pretty much at the same starting point at college given that point. 

If you want a decent education in PG county, I think the private school route is the way to go. The public school system in PG county is a huge deterrent for a lot of people. Now, if you're comparing a Dematha education in comparison to a public HS in somewhere in Fairfax Co., then you're probably right w/ what you said. Just my .02
Yikes.  For those that have the money to do so, more power to you but I just don't see the need to pay that much for a private school unless we are talking about college and above.  Meaning that most likely any college that a graduate from Dematha goes to, most likely a kid from public school is going to be attending that same college anyway.  Both students would be pretty much at the same starting point at college given that point. 
If you want a decent education in PG county, I think the private school route is the way to go. The public school system in PG county is a huge deterrent for a lot of people. Now, if you're comparing a Dematha education in comparison to a public HS in somewhere in Fairfax Co., then you're probably right w/ what you said. Just my .02
Overall, you probably have a point regarding the public school system in PG county.  I guess my personal bias would have me believe that the schools aren't that bad, but in comparison to Fairfax county for example I can see why you would feel that way. 
I feel like a lot of people dont really know what middle class is. People are throwing out doctors and lawyers as being middle class, thats so absurd, those are careers that require what 8 years of post HS education. What social class would the nurse be that works under the doctor? Low class? I dont think so. We can define middle class by certain things a family has like being a home owner, a car per parent, having health and life insurance, and the ability to provide college education funds for their child. This is broad but I think if a family is able to provide all of that they would be considered middle class.

Most of America isnt so cal, the median house hold income in the US as of 2012 is just 51k. Anyone making 100k in the most of american may not be considered wealthy but if they were to live a middle class lifestyle they would be looked as "rich" compared to their counterparts. Now of course there are people who have spending that match their income which will skew things.
I feel like a lot of people dont really know what middle class is. People are throwing out doctors and lawyers as being middle class, thats so absurd, those are careers that require what 8 years of post HS education. What social class would the nurse be that works under the doctor? Low class? I dont think so. We can define middle class by certain things a family has like being a home owner, a car per parent, having health and life insurance, and the ability to provide college education funds for their child. This is broad but I think if a family is able to provide all of that they would be considered middle class.

Most of America isnt so cal, the median house hold income in the US as of 2012 is just 51k. Anyone making 100k in the most of american may not be considered wealthy but if they were to live a middle class lifestyle they would be looked as "rich" compared to their counterparts. Now of course there are people who have spending that match their income which will skew things.

You're over thinking.

The nurse is middle class just like the doctor is upper-middle class.

The problem is that the concept of class is changing rapidly, and what was once middle class (blue collar) is for the most part now working-poor, what used to be upper-middle class is now just middle class, so on and so forth.
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