The NBA Draft Thread

Tatum is str8.  He can get his shot off.  His problem is gonna be defensively.  If he can go to Suns theyll be fun to watch
Eh, wouldn't like to watch Devin and Tatum take turns iso'ing every other play. Would rather see him on Kings or fall far enough to be a project on the Hornets.
Tatum on the Kings to fill Rudy Gay's role feels like destiny, but I don't see that passing on Fox if he's there.
Tatum on the Kings to fill Rudy Gay's role feels like destiny, but I don't see that passing on Fox if he's there.
I would hate to see him on the Kings.  I would hate to see anyone on the Kings for that matter.  If there's anything the Kings know how to do it's waste talent.
I don't bet weirdos on the internet. Y'all never pay up see the Finals thread. I'd just prefer being right and rubbing it in you guys faces.  
Saved for later. Make sure you show up come next Thursday. People will want to read your excuses.
We already have a taller, longer, better handling version of Josh Jackson right now in BI. And we about to get PG13 next summer. There's no place for him.
Saved for 6/22.
You better get ready for the biggest plot twist next Thursday.

Lavar thinking Lakers gonna draft hometown son Lonzo.

What he ain't recognizing is that Josh Jackson was born in San Diego, spent two years of high school in Detroit, Michigan and two more in Northern Cali. And we all know Magic Johnson grew up in East Lansing, which is about an hour and a half drive from Detroit. So yes, the Lakers gonna draft a hometown, home-state kid - Josh O'Neal Jackson.

Jackson, Ingram, Randle gonna be beastin' on both ends of the floor. 
Did something happen in College for him to not be looked at as a top 3 pick?

He didnt win enough to become a household name.

Fox had 2 good games in the tournament and now he's top 3.  Exposure is everything in the draft process
Bruh you can't be was balling all can you dudes in here not watch college basketball but talk about the potential and everything else of a player?
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Josh Jackson on the Lakers would be a good look for them. He'd give them a lot of toughness that they don't currently have. I could see Walton thinking his team needs that Draymond-like fire from a player on his team.
From what I've heard about Monk it sounds like there are some pretty big risks of taking him at #3, if he ends up being a one-note kind of player.
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