The New Images Of Chris Hemsworth As Thor

cannot believe kenneth branagh is doing this film. its not a god damned shakespeare movie for christ sake! With that being said, I am really excited about the cast.

Pause but he needs to fill out the suit better. Bulk Up.

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The futuristic look is kinda dumb but I'd get over that.
The thing is, if they made/pick actors to be the same size as the heroes in the comics, you will be left with talentless hulked up guys like Cena or Triple H or a CGI character like Dr. Manhattan on Watchmen. Outside of the Rock, who is an ok actor, there really isn't much choices of a buff guy who could match the look from the comics and still somewhat act. I think his proportions are ok, same with Capt America. Film can better be adapted this way, the same way black suit Spiderman didn't have the white spider outline in his suit or the XMen wearing blue and yellow spandex, those stuff just won't work on the big screen.

I'm still iffy about Caps shield, it's hard to imagine a red, white and blue shield not being too cheesy on the big screen. They need to make it more metallic and maybe tone down the color so it won't look plastic.
Originally Posted by RFX45

The thing is, if they made/pick actors to be the same size as the heroes in the comics, you will be left with talentless hulked up guys like Cena or Triple H or a CGI character like Dr. Manhattan on Watchmen. Outside of the Rock, who is an ok actor, there really isn't much choices of a buff guy who could match the look from the comics and still somewhat act. I think his proportions are ok, same with Capt America. Film can better be adapted this way, the same way black suit Spiderman didn't have the white spider outline in his suit or the XMen wearing blue and yellow spandex, those stuff just won't work on the big screen.

I'm still iffy about Caps shield, it's hard to imagine a red, white and blue shield not being too cheesy on the big screen. They need to make it more metallic and maybe tone down the color so it won't look plastic.

This shield kinda looked fine to me
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