The offcial Kwame Brown unappreciation thread.....

Long article, but it doesn't make me feel sorry for him or his situation nor does it give me any added insight to understand or empathize with his"plight" so I don't see the need to expound on his family woes, poor upbringing or human condition. He's a ball player. A bad one. That'sall.
at this thread.
"Flaming ... " That was the first word. One of life's other "f" words followed. It came in succession. It came from Michael Jordan's mouth. The words never reached Kwame Brown's ears, they went straight to his heart.
Oh god, Im dying right now
You guys actually think Kwame cares about getting booed? The fact is he cares for about 1 day, and the next day he wakes up to his 9 mil contract...and goes onbumming. Goes to practice, does the routines. Come to the game gets cold feet and hands. Gets booed. Walks to the bench, says to himself "What +$#+ iswrong with you Kwame". Next day wakes up goes to practice, does the routines. Gets on the plane, gets ready for the game. Comes in the game, gets coldfeet. Its Kwame alright, I don't even have to be there and just by his stats, u can tell that he doesn't work on his game. Even Travis Knight would doa better job right now. Theres no excuses for this man. He sucks, if the fans can't boo him off the floor, then I hope its his conscience that removes himfrom the game.
I watched some of the game last night and this dude was horrible. How are that big and missing multiple POINT BLANK layups?
Originally Posted by K8be wan Kenobi

i honestly think he may kill himself. sometimes all it takes is one or two people to stop a person from committing suicide. and i think Jordan Farmar and Turiaf are the only guys like that in his life. trust me, if they ever trade those guys, Kwame's a goner.

i just don't understand how he can constantly live with that every day and still get up in the mornings. and it isn't just on the court. he's 7 feet tall, he probably can't go anywhere around LA without being noticed and jeered.

I am sitting in my office dying laughing
I think we should all as Lakers fans write a letter to him telling him to ask for a trade to the NBDL.
I would like to thank the Lakers for giving us Caron Butler for that bum. I know how yall Laker fans feel man Kwame sucks!!!!
After reading that article, man I feel horrible for making this thread. This kid has issues. If at 18 he doesn't know how to take care of himself, where ishe now?
i had a little hope for this guy but after watching him yesterday and seeing him get almost as many TO's as he does pts it made me realize he gots to goand that i lost all hope for this guy.
Originally Posted by Ghenges

I watched some of the game last night and this dude was horrible. How are that big and missing multiple POINT BLANK layups?

ahh yes, i remember seeing PLENTY of those during his tenure here in Washington, he's a big man that cannot put it all together, fundementals are allwrong, and the fact that he hesitates before making a move must drive phil jackson crazy

once again, thank you mitch cupcake for caron butler. thank you.
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

That was literally the worst 4 minute stretch in basketball history. People have sucked that much, people have sucked that much in one game, but nobody has ever managed to squeeze that much suck into such a short span of time and on consecutive plays. It was like a suck overload. And you know Phil's never-call-a-timeout$*+@ was loving it. He was just leaving him in to embarass him because any other coach in the world is calling a timeout and telling Kwame to just go home, don't shower, don't come to practice or the airport tomorrow, I'll call you maybe.

at how long this thread has gotten over night.

O yeah, i seen the highlights on sportscenter...they showed a clip of just Kwame's mishaps...i was in my room
cause it was no less than an hour after this post started.
Originally Posted by tupac003

After reading that article, man I feel horrible for making this thread. This kid has issues. If at 18 he doesn't know how to take care of himself, where is he now?

Reminder: Kwame Brown plays with one of the (if not THE) best player to ever come straight out of HS.

So the argument 'Well, it's not his fault, because he came out of HS straight into the league and that screwed him up' is inaccurate, because Kobecame straight out of HS, and he seems to be doing fine.

The difference?

Work ethic. Hustle. Passion. Pride. EFFORT.

Kwame has none, and it wouldn't matter if he came straight out of HS or if he went to college for 4 years and then hit the league; HE would still be thesame, and HE has no work ethic, displays very little effort, and hustles for... nothing.
Originally Posted by FlyDaily

Originally Posted by tupac003

After reading that article, man I feel horrible for making this thread. This kid has issues. If at 18 he doesn't know how to take care of himself, where is he now?

I do man...he ain't like most players who have thick skin. He is a kid in a man's body and I really think we set him back even more with theboo's. I bet kobe puts out a tape before the denver game telling us not to boo. LOL
I knew a thread about this would come after the game yesterday.

The man does nothing right when he is on the court.
funniest S&T thread of 2008.

You guys got me dying over here

Dude said get the hell outta L.A.!

oh literally dyin of laughter on my couch. This thread is great...but kwame is not
Hell look at what Andruw Bynum has done 2 years out of highschool. Kwame is pitiful.
Hopefully we can trade him for another big before the deadline and sign either Pj Brown or Chris Webber until Andruw
can get back.
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