The Official 2008-09 All-Star Picture Thread (Jay-Z/LBJ Dinner Pg13, Pg16 = PC Death) 56k NO NO NO


hov with the wayfarers
Originally Posted by Dr 715

Originally Posted by OWL TROUTWIG

Originally Posted by kingkb34

Wade is the biggest attention %#+!* alive...
He tries a little too hard and goes overboard with the "extras"

Wade IS an attention $!$!!.

But what about Lebron, announcing that he MIGHT be in next year's dunk contest during this year's dunk contest? If that doesn't scream, "I want all the focus on me," I don't know what does.

Last night was supposed to be about the participants, not about that yellow cardigan wearing *%!*!%.
that's why BRoy/DRose have my vote. but Roy did %!#+ up Chauncey's attempt at the blindfolded world record. that was a travesty.
Haha this **!+ about Wade is the same **!+ people were saying about Lebron last year during the Rook/Soph game

CP3 look mad cuz Tony stylin on him


@ me feeling the need to keep acknowledgin how piff this n's garms are
^^^got the diddy stylist..... you a fool if you think this man dresses himself, even if he says otherwise

Kobe looks like a +#%!$!' square throwin' up the ROC. This dude always tries to do things that are unnatural for him, and that's why he alwayslooks like a !@%$#! IMO.
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