*The Official 2008 NBA Finals Game 1 Post ~~ CELTICS vs LAKERS Vol. Stern got his way


why cant you laker fans let it go......
It's so annoying when people say this.

#1. Discussion that takes place immediately after a game, or for days after a game does NOT mean people aren't letting something go. It means...they're discussing the game... after the game is over. Simple as that.

#2. When the Lakers lose, I never see people say 'Why can't you _________ fans just let it go?'
Lakers win, and the other team's fans continue discussing Fisher flops andSasha flops and Kobe free throws: perfectly fine. No one says 'Why don't you guys just let it go?' But the Lakers lose, and some Laker fans discussplays from the game, referees... whatever, and it's 'Why don't you guys let it go?'

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02


why cant you laker fans let it go......
It's so annoying when people say this.

#1. Discussion that takes place immediately after a game, or for days after a game does NOT mean people aren't letting something go. It means... they're discussing the game... after the game is over. Simple as that.

#2. When the Lakers lose, I never see people say 'Why can't you _________ fans just let it go?'
Lakers win, and the other team's fans continue discussing Fisher flops and Sasha flops and Kobe free throws: perfectly fine. No one says 'Why don't you guys just let it go?' But the Lakers lose, and some Laker fans discuss plays from the game, referees... whatever, and it's 'Why don't you guys let it go?'


exactly... the game took place less than 24 hours ago... it's actually normal to discuss a game
Originally Posted by Scottsauce88

As for not getting an MRI, it sounds like two doctors were fine with putting it off, but apparently a lot of NTers (who happen by complete coincidence to be Lakers fans) have reached the decision that he needs the MRI or he's faking and there's no middle ground.
I dont understand why they wouldnt get an MRI though. I went to three different doctors when I had a stress fracture and all three of them diagnosed me not only differently, but wrong. It
wasnt until I had the MRI that I actually found out that I had a stress fracture in my Fibula. I dont understand why these doctors would even take the risk.

it's ultimately PP decision to get one or not. they might have recommended it and he declined.

it's like this, if he doens;t get an MRI, he won't have to know if there is really anything wrong and it won't distract him.... he said in ispress conf....MRI or no MIR, it's not gonna determine if he can or can;t play. i suppose if it costs him his career but they win the title, then so beit..... at least he's not pulling off an LT and sitting out the AFC championship game cuz he's concerned about "next year"....

Just let it go, even I'm not going to touch that topic anymore

As for Pierce, I definitely think it was way overdramatized and the announcers hyped it up way too much, Muhammad Ali? Mark Jackson, *@**!

But I don't think dude was fakin it. He said he heard something "pop"; if Kobe went down like that would you take chances with him walking andaggravating the injury (if it WAS serious?)? Well, what I'm saying is what Franchise already mentioned probably 10 pages ago. It was a precautionarymeasure; nothing really wrong with that. I do have an issue with Boston fans chanting "WILLIS REED!" though.
Because it was NOWHERE near even CLOSE to that ballpark-I totally agree withSkip Bayless on that regard (
Dude got banned for getting into it with ska in the LAST 'fake' injury thread. The D-Wade one.


No, he didn't. He got banned for disrespecting me, just like he would have gotten banned if he had disrespected another member the same exactway with the same exact words. He absolutely did NOT get banned for getting into it with me. People get into it with me ALL THE TIME. How many have beenbanned? Just him.

It's clear that you're only intentions with ever responding to me are to either comically portray me in a bad light, or disagree with me. That's...that's awesome, buddy. Very cool. Because I already know you're going to do one of those two things from that point forward (or both), you're oneof the people that I hesitate to respond to. Sooo... good for you.
Originally Posted by franchise3

It's a mental thing, IMO.

Dude played on it last night, and doesn't want to know the full scope of the injury, and lets it get to his head while he's on the floor.

Plus, this is the NBA Finals. As long as he can stand up and run around like he did last night, he's going to play regardless of what the MRI might reveal.

Or, I could be wrong.

Conspiracy theory Stern wanting the Celtics to win the chip - Check
Refs have an agenda against the Lake Show - Check
PP adding another conspiracy to the already big conspiracy theory by faking his injury - Check
Lakers going cold in the 4th quarter and the MVP having a very un-MVP like game - We'll get back to you

hater in the house! u mad cuz them rockets boys aint never getting out the first round huh?

no ifs ands or buts... that was the lamest thing ive ever seen in the nba
that gangster blood deserves an oscar... there was NO reason for 4 guys to carry him off like he just got back from nam
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02


why cant you laker fans let it go......
It's so annoying when people say this.

#1. Discussion that takes place immediately after a game, or for days after a game does NOT mean people aren't letting something go. It means... they're discussing the game... after the game is over. Simple as that.

#2. When the Lakers lose, I never see people say 'Why can't you _________ fans just let it go?'
Lakers win, and the other team's fans continue discussing Fisher flops and Sasha flops and Kobe free throws: perfectly fine. No one says 'Why don't you guys just let it go?' But the Lakers lose, and some Laker fans discuss plays from the game, referees... whatever, and it's 'Why don't you guys let it go?'


Yet these same people want to talk about Fisher fouling Barry for a week. As a Laker fan, you are not allowed an opinion because a) your a homer/faker b)Laker fans don't know basketball c) Laker fans are the biggest whiners out there/hypocrites. I love how these posters just throw insults and assumptionsaround just because they cannot accept the fact that Lakers have a chance to win it all this year.
and im sorry but kobe choked last night. this douche bag stay shooting jumpers when he was getting defended well.... sorry my dude but this aint the nuggets...

kobe drives a few times and the lakers could have pulled off the upset...but no he didnt do it...

and like i said before phil jackson stay keeping the same rotation and ariza got no playing time. you would think a coach who won 9 titles, 6 of them based ondefense, would know defense wins championships but no, i guess he forgot his team is one of the worst defnsively

there is no way the lakers get three straight wins at home against this celtics team... not the way pirece plays in LA

celtics still in 5
and im sorry but kobe choked last night.

kobe drives a few times and the lakers could have pulled off the upset...but no he didnt do it...

I have never, EVER seen you say that. Obviously, I'm sure you've read ME say tons of times "Stop shooting, Kobe! Go to the basket, Kobe! Dammit,we're going to lose,' but I've never seen YOU say that.

Forgive my surprise if there have been plenty of other times, but I definitely haven't seen them. Quite frankly, I thought it was impossible.

But yeah, it's safe to say that I definitely agree with you. I'm not saying that Kobe's decision to stay with the jumpers was the only, ONLY reasonwhy we lost... but I am saying that it was one of about 5 or 6 reasons.
I've been mad 11 years, Noble.


All I was trying to get at with that was, the Paul Pierce + ref talk far outnumber the choke job the Lakers did in the 4th quarter talk.

When, like I said. The Lakers missed 7 shots in a row in the 4th, Kobe stinking it up, and they were STILL in it.

Yet, here we are talking about whether PP did an acting job or not.

Which, like I said, is irrevlevant, because the Lakers were still in it going into the final minutes.

ska, again, I won't acknowledge your hypothetical, because of one reason in your post.

The next day, MRI results show absolutely no stress to his cartilage
BECAUSE PP isn't getting an MRI done, we DONT KNOW how 'injured' the knee is, or isn't.

It's a completely different scenario, the one you proposed and the one that happened last night.

At the end of the season, he might get an MRI, and it might show a slight sprain.

That doesn't negate the fact that he was in fact hurt on the play, and I already acknowledged that the injury looked A LOT WORSE than it proved out to be.

That does NOT negate the POSSIBILITY of PP being hurt though, like you, and a lot of Lakers fans are implying, how he wasn't.

That, is clear.
for people saying he faked it... my question is, why would he? he got bumped by his own teammate.... it's not as if he was trying to get a foul call....
Highlights from today's post practice interviews...

Q. With their guys, Kendrick Perkins and Kevin Garnett, very active rebounders, do you have to be more active on the boards?

KOBE BRYANT: We've got to put more bodies on them. I felt like the last series against San Antonio, San Antonio has a lot of length but they were lacking athleticism. I think the team we played against in Utah, they were extremely physical, similar to Boston, in terms of how they put their hands on you and shove you underneath the paint. They were really physical. We've got to go back to how we made those adjustments against Utah.
I don't know what bodies Kobe's referring to. Boston will own the glass in this series.
Q. Derek Fisher last night said that he didn't expect you to get too many opportunities driving to the hoop like you had in the past against other teams because of the way the Celtics played defensively. Do you concur with that?

KOBE BRYANT: No question about it. They're not going to let me get to the paint from the top of the floor or from a wing screen and roll. I'll be looking for my teammates in those situations. Other spots where I'm posting up or pin‑downs, quick catch‑and‑shoots, things of that nature. That's what I'll be looking for.
Don't expect Kobe to get a ton of layups this series, Boston's defense is that good.
Q. The whole Paul Pierce drama last night, how did that whole thing affect you guys?

KOBE BRYANT: Paul Pierce drama (laughing). I don't think it affected us at all. He's a good friend. The thing that I was concerned with was his health and making sure he was okay. But I don't think it had much of an effect on us. I was happy to see him come out there until he made those two damn threes.

Q. Lamar and Pau, what do those two need to do to be a little more effective on offense?

COACH PHIL JACKSON: Well, you know, I think it's a matter of spacing, correct spacing. I think we can remedy that. Other than that, guys have to take shots, have to take the 12‑, 14‑foot shots that are available throughout the course. So we're trying to get them to just settle in and take a jump shot.

But more than anything else we need second shots. We need to be able to get there and get some second shots.
Telling Pau and Lamar to take more jump shots =

Q. Some people were calling last night a Willis Reed moment. Did it go through your mind at all when you saw Pierce come back? And just a memory of that night, because you were there that night?

COACH PHIL JACKSON: Well, if I'm not mistaken, I think Willis Reed missed a whole half and three quarters almost of a game and literally had to have a shot, a horse shot, three or four of them in his thigh to come back out and play. Paul got carried off and was back on his feet in a minute. I don't know if the angels visited him at halftime or in that time‑out period that he had or not, but he didn't even limp when he came back out on the floor. I don't know what was going on there (laughter). Was Oral Roberts back there in their locker room (laughter)?
Originally Posted by iNiNe5

for people saying he faked it... my question is, why would he? he got bumped by his own teammate.... it's not as if he was trying to get a foul call....
Why would they play Rocky music before he even showed his face on the way back out to the court? Dramatics? I think so.
ska, again, I won't acknowledge your hypothetical, because of one reason in your post.
The next day, MRI results show absolutely no stress to his cartilage

I see that you are taking my hypothetical literally, as a literal parallel to what happened last night.

I'm not intending for it to be a literal parallel.

Be that as it may: I'll adjust.

Reason with me here for a second, because I'm going to exaggerate to make a point.

Your favorite player (whoever it is) gets SLIGHTLY grazed on his shooting arm, then he immediately tucks his arm into his body, winces over like he is inEXCRUCIATING pain, falls to the floor, kicks and starts SCREAMING out, obviously in pain. The ENTIRE arena is silent, and we're watching replays on t.v. Wecan see that his arm was barely, BARELY even touched. Replay CLEARLY shows it. Anyways, he's taken back in the tunnel, to the medical room, where immediate X-Rays and MRIs are done. The -ray results are negative. All bones appear... perfectly fine. AfterLITERALLY 7 seconds of having a good massage, he runs out of the tunnel with his arms UP IN THE AIR...including the arm that he was tucking into his body before... and he makes EVERY SHOT in the game that he takes from then on, going 14-14, with a couple threesand a few nice dunks. The next day, MRI results show absolutely no stress to his cartilage, his muscles, oranything. Bones are fine, muscles are fine, ligaments are fine, tendons are fine; everything's fine.

Your favorite player (whoever it is) gets SLIGHTLY grazed on his shooting arm, then he immediately tucks his arm into his body, winces over like he is inEXCRUCIATING pain, falls to the floor, kicks and starts SCREAMING out, obviously in pain. The ENTIRE arena is silent, and we're watching replays on t.v. Wecan see that his arm was barely, BARELY even touched. Replay CLEARLY shows it. Anyways, he's taken back in the tunnel, to the medical room. After LITERALLY7 seconds, he runs out of the tunnel with his arms UP IN THE AIR... including the arm that he was tucking into his body before... and he makes EVERY SHOT inthe game that he takes from then on, going 14-14, with a couple threes and a few nice dunks.

So in that situation, you would still say 'Hey, we don't know what was wrong with him when itfirst happened'? You would NOT just admit that clearly, he was overdramatizing things at first?
At the end of the season, he might get an MRI, and it might show a slight sprain.

That doesn't negate the fact that he was in fact hurt on the play, and I already acknowledged that the injury looked A LOT WORSE than it proved out to be.

That does NOT negate the POSSIBILITY of PP being hurt though, like you, and a lot of Lakers fans are implying, how he wasn't.

That, is clear.
When did I ever imply that he wasn't hurt?

Oh that's right: never. I never implied that. I never said that. I never suggested that.

I even commented in two threads about him being hurt (including this thread). Soooo... I made comments about him being hurt, AND I implied that he wasn'thurt? Hmmmm.
It's clear you can only have a civilized discussion with like 4-5 people in this entire thread.

I mean, was the the PP thing overdramatized? Of course. But him going down, getting carried out, and then running out had no effect on the Lakers lack ofoffensive consistency last night.

If you make the a legit argument, I think everyone in here for the most part will be glad to read it and respond. But if your best argument is, "PaulPierce is a faker, f the Celtics." you can't possibly expect anyone to take you serious. The only thing I agree with most everyone is that the WillisReed comparisons are not necessary.
for people saying he faked it... my question is, why would he? he got bumped by his own teammate.... it's not as if he was trying to get a foul call....
Thinking a few steps ahead would be one reason. No, he may not have been trying to get a foul call RIGHT THEN. But thinking a few steps ahead,overdramatizing a minor injury as if it were major and then coming back (because it was a minor injury) is going to both get your home crowd roaring AND getthe refs to call things more tight as defenders attempt to defend you. And no, it's absolutely NOT that outlandish to think that a player could think aboutthose two things while on the floor. Absolutely not. Subconsciously, it's not at all unreasonable to think that he could have analyzed something llike"I'm on the floor, this hurts really bad, I'm the Celtic legend on this team, we're in Boston, tight game... and hopefully this will get therefs to make sure defenders stay away from me."


In other words, don't even THINK about responding back to me with something like 'Wait, so you're suggesting that he might have actually sat thereand thought all f that?' Don't do it. Because that's not what I'm suggesting at all. That would be conscious thought, not subconscious thought.
I mean, was the the PP thing overdramatized? Of course. But him going down, getting carried out, and then running out had no effect on the Lakers lack of offensive consistency last night.
I agree. And... I've said that about a half dozen times in this thread alone, as well as in other threads.

It's funny how no one's wanting to quote me on that, though.
Or any other Laker fans. Plenty of Laker fans have said exactly what you just said, but it's funny no one wants to quote that, and discuss that.

Not so much 'funny'; more 'annoying'. And 'predictable'.

It's predictably annoying how no one's wanting to quote us on those kinds of statements.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

for people saying he faked it... my question is, why would he? he got bumped by his own teammate.... it's not as if he was trying to get a foul call....
Thinking a few steps ahead would be one reason. No, he may not have been trying to get a foul call RIGHT THEN. But thinking a few steps ahead, overdramatizing a minor injury as if it were major and then coming back (because it was a minor injury) is going to both get your home crowd roaring AND get the refs to call things more tight as defenders attempt to defend you. And no, it's absolutely NOT that outlandish to think that a player could think about those two things while on the floor. Absolutely not. Subconsciously, it's not at all unreasonable to think that he could have analyzed something llike "I'm on the floor, this hurts really bad, I'm the Celtic legend on this team, we're in Boston, tight game... and hopefully this will get the refs to make sure defenders stay away from me."


In other words, don't even THINK about responding back to me with something like 'Wait, so you're suggesting that he might have actually sat there and thought all f that?' Don't do it. Because that's not what I'm suggesting at all. That would be conscious thought, not subconscious thought.

Im not mad that he got hurt i mad dude acts like a thug cryed like a little girl and had the nerve to skip back onto the floor!
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

for people saying he faked it... my question is, why would he? he got bumped by his own teammate.... it's not as if he was trying to get a foul call....
Thinking a few steps ahead would be one reason. No, he may not have been trying to get a foul call RIGHT THEN. But thinking a few steps ahead, overdramatizing a minor injury as if it were major and then coming back (because it was a minor injury) is going to both get your home crowd roaring AND get the refs to call things more tight as defenders attempt to defend you. And no, it's absolutely NOT that outlandish to think that a player could think about those two things while on the floor. Absolutely not. Subconsciously, it's not at all unreasonable to think that he could have analyzed something llike "I'm on the floor, this hurts really bad, I'm the Celtic legend on this team, we're in Boston, tight game... and hopefully this will get the refs to make sure defenders stay away from me."


In other words, don't even THINK about responding back to me with something like 'Wait, so you're suggesting that he might have actually sat there and thought all f that?' Don't do it. Because that's not what I'm suggesting at all. That would be conscious thought, not subconscious thought.

so how does that work if its subconcious?? if he aint think about it did he just say 'ok im good to go but ima go to the locker room for aminute......just' ??
i guess most of you guys who question peirces injury have never played basketball in your life

i know that ive had a couple injuries that in the first 2-3 mins i think i wont be able to play again

but after 5 mins of warming it back up im fine again

if you've ever played any kind of sport im sure you can relate to this

same situation wit pp
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