Haha I really appreciate you man! I got a guy to do $250 shipped but I'm still having a hard time paying that much. Even though I genuinely like the 2016 safaris....think I can go cheaper? Repped again
i mean it really comes down to whether you want it more, or does he want the sale more.  i would imagine if hes done well, he wouldnt mind breaking on the price. just be reasonable and offer him something hes willing to do.  id say he wont break 230-240.   id offer 225 hoping he says 240 at most. to play advocate, its going to cost him 15-20 bucks to send, so even at 240, he only makes 220.  tho its still 100% mark up, he was prob getting 300 for a pair when ish was hot from the rip. 

Fresh from the front porch... I'm pleased with the turnout!

These are both AWESOME! :smokin
Anyone else got their Safaris and not really wearing them because theyre a bit funky? i just cant decide if i like them or not. Its that toe shape man
had anyone ID's these yet? I don't know if I should pull the trigger yet but I really want to see them on a actual photo. Don't wanna pay over $200 for the actual CW. Don't know if I should go with a pink swoosh and a black liner or just leave it how it is
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Anyone else got their Safaris and not really wearing them because theyre a bit funky? i just cant decide if i like them or not. Its that toe shape man
thats why i dont love my kumquats.  theyre so neo banana am1 shaped.  

I like them... Just too much going on with the liner and the gum... The two color work nicely(blue/menta). Most likely a redo and tweak those 2 options a little
Lol.... I tend to like things most don't, a lot of times it can be too much. I do me, sometimes works and others don't. Doesn't stop me. I'm not upset they're unliked. Bad iD's happen often, I took a chance. I can say I wasn't scared to do that
Lol.... I tend to like things most don't, a lot of times it can be too much. I do me, sometimes works and others don't. Doesn't stop me. I'm not upset they're unliked. Bad iD's happen often, I took a chance. I can say I wasn't scared to do that
They're made for you bro no one else, if you like them thats all the matters! Best thing about iDs is you can return them at any Nike Store or ship them back!
Lol.... I tend to like things most don't, a lot of times it can be too much. I do me, sometimes works and others don't. Doesn't stop me. I'm not upset they're unliked. Bad iD's happen often, I took a chance. I can say I wasn't scared to do that

dude comes in every thread super hot w/ the negativity...take it with a grain of salt
I'm not too worried about what people are saying. I asked for thoughts and got them. I've got worse iD's at the house I haven't posted. I just try to do things I haven't seen when possible. I'll be the first to admit I lack the "vision" 90% of the time
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