Yeah folks just gotta understand that hardcore enthusiast make up a small minoroty of purchases.

When Monarch sales start severely fading then Nike will have reason to fret.
Yeah then Nike will remaster the OG monarchs and make corny quotes like "Kiss my Monarchs"
Ahhh. So you bought that 6.5 because you just learned your actual AM1 size today? Only off 5.5 sizes. Makes sense.

You bought the 6.5 to flip but you're judging a reseller. SMH

Do you read lol
My size was long gone, so I'd rather resale this size to cop my actual size. If I could of traded that would of been my first option. I'm not criticizing anyone, if it works for you then fck it. But that just takes away from the rest in line
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Wow so I just realized that these am anni's come with a dust bag and a pamphlet. Yeah thanks Nike. Really needed that. Is that why they're limited? :smh: I hate AM month now. Any word on a normal GR of the red and blues?
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they are fine b, adidas aint hurting them. you looking too deeply at this the wrong way and they are a business so they dont have to "care" about us. y'all gotta understand this

Yeah folks just gotta understand that hardcore enthusiast make up a small minoroty of purchasers.

When Monarch sales start severely fading then Nike will have reason to fret.

Let's face it, the market doesn't rely on kids making minimum wage who idolize rappers, they rely more on their hip soccer moms [emoji]128517[/emoji]
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Concepts Cambridge had around 40-50 pairs. They definitely backdoor so its anyones guess how many pairs they actually got. But i did hear from a few people that they didn't enforce the no line up before 8am rule. 
Concepts Cambridge had around 40-50 pairs. They definitely backdoor so its anyones guess how many pairs they actually got. But i did hear from a few people that they didn't enforce the no line up before 8am rule. 

Lol nah the line was civilized asf that's why
Someone accepted my stock x bid on the atmos of $290 this morning for my girlfriends size 7. Had free shipping coupon too. Hopefully it all works out!
Got an offer of $300 for a size 9 OG Royals, looks like the hype is slowly dying on these. Should I jump on these or would it be smart to just hold and wait another month or so...?
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