This is key, but its hard to rotate pairs for half the year in Canada when there is snow , dirt and salt all over the ground.
6-8 months in Timbs (fall,winter and half of the spring feels like fall) and the other 6 in AM, i know this vibe...f*cking Canada lol

A 12 in women's is closest matched to a 10.5 mens. If you look at the cm measurements on the Nike tag, it states that the women's is .5 cm longer, which isn't much at all.

It's widely known in this thread that the women's shoe is a tad bit more narrow than its equal in men's.

Don't take my word for it though. Let the OGs in this thread tell you...i'm just along for the ride


us10.5 men and us12 womens is the same...i know someone who swapped some us12 womens vintage TNs with a us10.5 men midsole, and it matched perfectly...
perfect, thank you all

remains to wait the sale of the women obsidian on Nike Europe lol

which still annoys me no traces of the AH8145-002, I would like to buy it at the same time as the obsidian... no luck
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honestly 0.5cm is nothing, but for example for me it counts because 42 I don't like it's too big (42 men = 26,5cm), and 42 "on paper" is only 0.5cm bigger than size 41 (41 = 26cm) my true size, I hate to have too much space in front and that's why i want take my right size, with anniversary my right size is rather 40,5/41 than 42, for me impossible to wear AM1 anniversary 42 it's too big (I already bought men 42 26,5cm and I will not do it again, 41 26cm is a lot better and I don't want to have any toe box unsightly because the shoe isn't at the right size as sometimes seen)
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these came in from stockX a few days ago




after originally getting the wrong size on release day (exactly 1 year ago), grabbing/returning 4-5 pairs of 103s, and purchasing these 4 times on stockX (sent me 103s twice, cancelled sale once), I finally have a pair to my liking in my size.

there are a few strange flaws on this pair but I won't complain after all the trouble it was to get them. I technically paid under retail too considering I sold my original pair for $60 more than what this one cost me :smokin
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