Haha bruh f that she must not know that it's not safe to invite people to try to rob your house for your kicks
I don't post 90% of my shoes
Idk tho if you have top flight security or not tho
I've never shown my face on my sneaker ig. There's nothing connecting it to me. I guess a few local people have me on there but that't it. My wife doesn't even follow my sneaker ig haha.
I've never shown my face on my sneaker ig. There's nothing connecting it to me. I guess a few local people have me on there but that't it. My wife doesn't even follow my sneaker ig haha.
Ahh I see well if you have a separate ig that's a whole different story.
Yea they come straight from Vietnam.

Would you be able to elaborate a bit more why you think they come from Vietnam ?
Is it new this year or historically the IDs ordered from US (and potentially EU) are always made in Vietnam while IDs ordered from Asia are made in China ? any clue?
Would you be able to elaborate a bit more why you think they come from Vietnam ?
Is it new this year or historically the IDs ordered from US (and potentially EU) are always made in Vietnam while IDs ordered from Asia are made in China ? any clue?

Because it says made in Vietnam on the tag.

And I don’t think that’s how it is, until this year they were all made in China. Except before 2010 which was back in Vietnam.
Would you be able to elaborate a bit more why you think they come from Vietnam ?
Is it new this year or historically the IDs ordered from US (and potentially EU) are always made in Vietnam while IDs ordered from Asia are made in China ? any clue?
No clue on the past but my tracking for all 4 this year started in Vietnam. Size tag says Made in Vietnam too.

actually like these...the leather, the nike elements being stitched, plus those elements looking like vintage logos (vintage box,vintage nike logo)
The orange lace, makes it look as if Nike was trying to play off of the off white style.
Ok thanks so it’s new this year, and do you think the quality is better now that they are made in Vietnam ?
Remember last year when Nike said they weren't satisfied with the first run of the new mold? Maybe for the IDs they just said 'here Vietnam, maybe you guys have enough sense to do this right'.

It's definitely a great selling point but Nike would never promote it. I can't wait to cop a pair personally.

Anything China sketches me out. That culture seems like it thrives on cutting corners.
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