The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

Just as I thought kid got worked by somebody strong but it also looks like he been putting in work since he now has the highest known bounty in OP(I think right?)
There was a One Piece Ten event to commemorate its 15th anniversary where Oda revealed Ace's bounty:


But strictly in the manga, Kid's bounty is the highest we've seen so far.
How lame would it be if Tobi just happened to be some random guy who has a grudge against the world?
How lame would it be if Tobi just happened to be some random guy who has a grudge against the world?
Does it always have to be some legendary ninja? It would be fine if not better if it was a self made villian. The powerless training and tricked their way into power
We now know Its definitely Obito's eye. This does not make you Obito=Tobi people right yet. He implied he got it during the great war at that battle, but technically Obito did first activate it then so he "got" it then too as well.

I've assumed it very possibly could have been Obito's eye stolen from when we found out he had the rinnegan, and it was more likely he was an eye collector like Danzo. Then even more possible once we released that the dimension they were transporting to were linked.

Why would he not want Kakashi to say who he was if he figured it out? Can't be the 4th who people used to think was running the show, since he fought against Tobi. I barely remember Kakashi Gaiden, and trying to think who else was in it back then. Maybe the chick that was on their team?

Wish they would just say who it was already, but I assume 2-3 chapters more minimum.
I think it was someone obito was related to closely...who could know that kakashi goes to obito's grave to visit.

Maybe it's Hayate....:nerd: nah prob not.
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Little help guys. Every time I click a spoiler it takes me back to the top of the page. Anyone know why and how to stop it?

Also were the chapters that came out this weekend the ones that were supposed to come out today? smh if they are.
Little help guys. Every time I click a spoiler it takes me back to the top of the page. Anyone know why and how to stop it?
Also were the chapters that came out this weekend the ones that were supposed to come out today? smh if they are.
you got to wait for the page to completely load so it wont warp you to the top of the page.
I think the ones we already read were the ones that were supposed to come out today. :\
Allow me to put this in perspective for you. There was zero. Count it. Zero physical evidence that Tobi was Madara. Tobi's hair most certainly does not look like Madara's. Even that suggestion is ludicrous. Madara's hair is long, Tobi's is more like Naruto's. We didn't know Madara himself had Hashirama's DNA until after it was revealed that Madara and Tobi were not, in fact, one and the same, so that is no evidence at all. The only reason Kisame referred to Tobi as Madara is because Tobi himself claimed that he was Madara. Kisame had never seen the real Madara for himself. Tobi and Madara are stated to have known each other, thus why their plans are similar, but we found out during Madara's fight with the Kage that he lived after his fight with Hashirama, so it is plausible to see how they could've met.Now that that argument has been picked apart. Allow me to answer your initial question. Yes. I am telling you that there is absolutely no chance. None. Nada. Zitch. Zero. That there was any other Uchiha at Kanabi Bridge during the battle. Read the manga chapter in which it occured. I just did. The only ninja present were those of the Hidden Rock, Kakashi, Rin, Obito, and later on, Minato. That's it. All. No one else. Tobi claims he got the Sharingan during the battle. Kakashi also got his eye during the battle. I'll let you figure the rest out. We all have. ~ Ten Tailed Fox 05:45, August 12, 2012 (UTC)
It's ten-tens dad. He wants revenge on Konoha for making his daughter useless.
He should blame it on his own genes. Ol girl only has a scroll to use. Cant wait till she dies.

So can someone confirm that there's indeed no chapter out this week? |I
He should blame it on his own genes. Ol girl only has a scroll to use. Cant wait till she dies.
So can someone confirm that there's indeed no chapter out this week? |I

the chapters that came out earlier this week were suppose to be the chapters for this week, last week was a break week.

somebody was just able to access them early
[QUOTE url="[URL][/URL]"]
Allow me to put this in perspective for you. There was zero. Count it. Zero physical evidence that Tobi was Madara. Tobi's hair most certainly does not look like Madara's. Even that suggestion is ludicrous. Madara's hair is long, Tobi's is more like Naruto's. We didn't know Madara himself had Hashirama's DNA until after it was revealed that Madara and Tobi were not, in fact, one and the same, so that is no evidence at all. The only reason Kisame referred to Tobi as Madara is because Tobi himself claimed that he was Madara. Kisame had never seen the real Madara for himself. Tobi and Madara are stated to have known each other, thus why their plans are similar, but we found out during Madara's fight with the Kage that he lived after his fight with Hashirama, so it is plausible to see how they could've met.

Now that that argument has been picked apart. Allow me to answer your initial question. Yes. I am telling you that there is absolutely no chance. None. Nada. Zitch. Zero. That there was any other Uchiha at Kanabi Bridge during the battle. Read the manga chapter in which it occured. I just did. The only ninja present were those of the Hidden Rock, Kakashi, Rin, Obito, and later on, Minato. That's it. All. No one else. Tobi claims he got the Sharingan during the battle. Kakashi also got his eye during the battle. I'll let you figure the rest out. We all have. ~ Ten Tailed Fox 05:45, August 12, 2012 (UTC)

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