The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

I don't think any other manga besides dragonball has gave me them feels besides Naruto.

Super sad chapter but life goes on. Can't wait to see how the next few chapters provide closure. And I don't think it's the end end....def gonna be another movie or series one day.
One Piece
Dat wombo combo...

Could that really have been the real Doffy though? Maybe he can make multiple string puppets.
Needless to say, I want more please.
It was the real Doffy. 1st when he saw Law activate the room he said Damn and was caught off guard. Then when Luffy hit him he coughed up blood. We've seen twice now that the string clone doesn't bleed. 1st when Kyros cut the clones head off, then again when Jeet and Abdula stabbed it. So it was the real Doffy, and it was the first real hit he's taken during the whole series, unless you could Law's small cut on his face. 
Naruto's finally done? I know I said I was done with it but I read it for far too many years to not read the end.

Edit: I was under the impression it was the final chapter. Well it'll probably end in the next 2.
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Naruto's finally done? I know I said I was done with it but I read it for far too many years to not read the end.
I'm gonna say it's not over yet.  I think there is a plot device still floating around which is that pot(treasure tools of the six sages) ten ten found.  It might be used later on or kishi just put it there for filler.  
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Read online that next chapter is the final chapter and will have 45 pages(comes out in 2 weeks) Anyone else read this anywhere?

Kinda wanted it to end, but now I don't. :frown:

OP is picking up speed. That combo was :pimp:
Naruto and Sasuke still have to fight, so i'd be surprised if it was the final chapter, but I could see it. Especially since there's another movie coming out that they've confirmed is going to be canon, so that could take wrap anything else up.
word, but going merry made me tear the most 

Never felt feels for a boat mannnn
OP almost got me with Ace, man. Not cause of what happened to him, but cause Luffy tried so hard from Impel down throughout Marineford, and just when he was about to get the W, it's snatched away. OP got so many feels moments tho, especially with backstories, then with Merry and the separation on Saboady. Recently heard falling down the stairs is an old euphemism for suicide which makes Zoro's sad. I always assumed Kuina had fallen while carrying a sword. That Hiraluk speech still one of the goat tho.
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word, but going merry made me tear the most :frown:

Never felt feels for a boat mannnn
OP almost got me with Ace, man. Not cause of what happened to him, but cause Luffy tried so hard from Impel down throughout Marineford, and just when he was about to get the W, it's snatched away. OP got so many feels moments tho, especially with backstories, then with Merry and the separation on Saboady. Recently heard falling down the stairs is an old euphemism for suicide which makes Zoro's sad. I always assumed Kuina had fallen while carrying a sword. That Hiraluk speech still one of the goat tho.

In all seriousness, I never expected Luffy to fail, and for Ace to actually die. He was my favorite character man :smh: Oda hit me with the feels with that chapter, how he never felt he deserved to be born and all. Damn, the War of the Best was such a great arc all around, and the buildup to it from the separation of the Straw Hats to the finale was epic.
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Naruto :pimp:

I hope that 45 page chapter thing is true. That would be better than 2 weeks worth of chapters.

45 pages and a movie :pimp:
Terror in resonance
Five is such a *****... :smh:
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Madara a G to the end. :smokin Should have been the last boss not that harlot. He should have also kept the samurai armor. :pimp: easily the coldest character design in the manga.

Susuke was about to go for neck tho. Son is cold blooded.

I was not ready for Narutos speech to the thunder god.
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Mentioned that game a while back. The demo is pretty fun.

It had online play and everything. Gotta remember to pick it up someday
I'm just hoping for a Naruto spinoff about Konohamaru and his team. Perfect candidate. Same goals as Naruto and he already knows Rasengan, Shadow Clone Technique, and Sexy Jutsu. Even gave work to a Pain path.
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