The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

One Piece
The Luffy training montage continues. :lol:
Kuma looks like he is real rough shape.
I wonder if Luffy will be able to deal real damage to Kaido with that technique. Havent people used armament haki against him before?

And the My Hero Academia manga is picking up as well.
It's nice that the villains are getting a training arc of sorts. :lol:
Oh boy, I was not expecting to have Doppio vs. Nero in this episode of Jojo but here we are in all its uncensored glory. :pimp:
Metallica :pimp:
One Piece
Luffy training is one of my favorite things. I like that we're starting to see how expansive Haki is. But wouldn't Kaido have fought people with advanced armament? Maybe when combined with gears it'll be enough to put a dent.

Can't wait till we see the next level of conquers haki is. I also wonder how this advanced level of haki will change Luffy's gear 4 form / usage.

Bepo, Sachi, and Penguin look pretty bad. I wonder who the traitor is? It's been a lingering thing since Zou. Maybe it's O-Kiku if she met with Kine'mon, Kanjurou, and Raizo before they headed to Zou.

Still I hope some of these plot lines start to resolve or converge otherwise it could be messy. Although I am holding out hope that Oda doesn't have Zoro and Sanji meet until after the arc and the new bounties release and Zoro's is over Sanji's again, so he never finds out his was below Sanji's.
this chapter went ahead and made me decide to drop one piece. I cant take it anymore...the stuff oda doing is inexcusable. He's clearly rushing and one piece is going to end sooner than we think. and it will be a terrible ending. calling it now :smh:

I'll pick it up after a month or so to see what its lookin like but week to week right now? nah

in better news, I gave black clover another shot and it has def gotten better. might even start reading the manga once I catch up in the anime (2 episodes behind)

Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba :emoji_fire::emoji_fire::emoji_fire::emoji_fire::emoji_fire::emoji_fire:

bro. we are truly eating this anime and I haven't even watched mob psycho yet. I hear that is amazing as well...dororo is sooooo good.
OPM2 Ep 1 was hilarious

Shield Hero easy every week watch

New anime: Magmel — quite dark first episode... i dont like how main character just has easy access to many things and it skips thru details, but overall that twist was pretty dark and it seems like this show wont care whether u have built a connection with a character... they'll kill em off with no hesitation. main character also seems like a guy who isnt fully morally righteous— that's always fun
One Piece
The Luffy training montage continues. :lol:
Kuma looks like he is real rough shape.
I wonder if Luffy will be able to deal real damage to Kaido with that technique. Havent people used armament haki against him before?

And the My Hero Academia manga is picking up as well.
It's nice that the villains are getting a training arc of sorts. :lol:
shocking news............
i've actually been enjoying MHA for this reason.. finally chapters without deku..

I don't understand what you're not liking about One piece @mr.wavez
how would you change it. im curious
shocking news............
i've actually been enjoying MHA for this reason.. finally chapters without deku..

I don't understand what you're not liking about One piece @mr.wavez
how would you change it. im curious

first, I WOULD SLOW DOWN...this is suppposed to be the best arc and all the set up is being rushed? I dont like that at all I feel like this arc should take a long time like dressrosa, where the set up was EXCELLENT.

second, bruh...let luffy get a break. PLEASE you have 9 other crew members plus law and his crew. DO SOMETHING WITH THEM.

third, make more sense...zoro collapsing from a stab...why? the conclusion of sanjis fight being offscreened WHY?

fourth, big mom......................................................amnesia REALLY?

lol there has just been so many issues to me and the arc just started... I dont see how it gets better when the foundation is shaky already
I dont think its going fast at all...
Even when luffy is in every chapter its not 17 panels of only him. Everyone gets a bit of shine. MHA doesmt do thay its all deku all the time
I always see the name dropped whenever I'm in here and I'm sure alot of you have watched it but for anyone who hasn't Toonami is showing Promised Neverland tonight
If anyone feels like it's been a while since they've watched an anime that flat out makes them say "What the **** just happened?", check out Sarazanmai :lol:

Easily left the strongest first impression of the series I've checked out so far this season.
first, I WOULD SLOW DOWN...this is suppposed to be the best arc and all the set up is being rushed? I dont like that at all I feel like this arc should take a long time like dressrosa, where the set up was EXCELLENT.

a lotta ppl hate dressarossa arc for that reason, that it's long af. personally the length didnt matter to me. i just feel like doflamingo was built up to be so powerful and then either got weak or was an idiot versus luffy, and luffy just having overrated strength in those final moments.
If anyone feels like it's been a while since they've watched an anime that flat out makes them say "What the **** just happened?", check out Sarazanmai :lol:

Easily left the strongest first impression of the series I've checked out so far this season.
I saw a gif that had to do with a Kappa and I don't even man. :lol:
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