The Official COD:MW2 Thread vol. X-hours left!

i have a question for people who have been playing cod since it came out. Does the campaign on veteran seem pretty easier then the others? because i rarely diein this one compared to cod 2 idk. It's fun though.
Originally Posted by Nubuckgees

i have a question for people who have been playing cod since it came out. Does the campaign on veteran seem pretty easier then the others? because i rarely die in this one compared to cod 2 idk. It's fun though.

yea campaign was a breeze on veteran. Your team actually kills a guy or two in this campaign. All the other call of duty games were harder. I HATED WAWcampaign on veteran. Mw2 is childs play compared to that campaign.
This the first COD ive owned.. I havent enjoyed a shooter like this since socom 1&2..

I'm doing pretty ok online.. i'm level 48 and my ratio is 1.08.

The Camping is annoying but I usually get around it with the heartbeat.. Also when you keep playin the maps you learn the spots.
Originally Posted by JPTHE3

Originally Posted by JordanHead2

JPTHE3 wrote:

I just prestiged :]

Do you get anything for prestiging?
nahh but i go new emblems and titles...I also unlocked the Prestige Challenge..Im tryning to make it on the first page in the leaderboards lol

Congratulations on prestigeing, but damn, it sucks that you still don't get anything but a badge. I was hoping for at least one more custom class spot perprestige so that you can have 15 in the end. 5 is way too little.
Originally Posted by SJSneakerheadIII

Originally Posted by sk23

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by Cragmatic

I find it a challenge to go more than +3 on a consistent basis

I swear people who are 1.5 K/D ratio and above camp half the time.

I wish there was a way i could replay my killcams

I get more unlucky in this game than I ever did in MW or WAW

I'll be going somewhere, a dude is heading a direction, then does a 90 degree turn, 180, w/e it may be comes to exactly where I am (behind me so I can't see him), when no UAV is activated

Its like dudes can see me thru walls...

I know the feeling - could be a number of things now, between all the UAV's up, plus thermal, heartbeat sensors.. there really are just so many options now that you never feel like you can move around the map without getting picked off by somebody sitting somewhere. It's quite obnoxious sometimes.

I'm getting slightly better - you really have to play a lot slower though, running and gunning will get you taken down almost immediately, you've basically got to clear out rooms/areas one by one, generally with a partner or two - there's a lot less solo rolling that can happen that I've seen.

I dunno - it can either work out really well for the game or really bad. That being said, there's a few maps that most of us already hate with a passion because of their camper friendliness. And I just had my first run in with a shield $%%$@@, he beat my %$$ like 3 times in a row... but i got him back the next few times and we still won the game.

Also - in terms of what you said about the higher K/D people... it's like what I said before, most of them just play HQ or Dom and camp from afar over the capture points, having no real intent of winning the match but just padding their stats. They also quit out of any tough game, and just go searching for easy, nub-filled games. Trust me I'm friends with a bunch of these douche bags.
They're horrible teammates, and what's sad is they are pretty decent players when they decide to quit stat-padding.. but that's a rare occasion.
well put. my k/d is only 1.0 now
wow i need to put in work
Hate to quote big posts but this was well said.

You have to adjust to this game. I went in with COD4 on my mind thinking it was gonna be the same. Definitely not. I'm a run and gun player but that won't fly in this game. Too many people in rooms, rooftops, prone, etc. You gotta take it slow. I got my KDR to 2.22 being in crouch nearly 98% of the time and walking around the maps slowly and it dropped immediately when I would try and run and gun. You can still move around and don't have to camp. Just move a lot slower. Patience is the key in this game. I only play TDM and Mercenary btw.

With that said MW1 >>>> MW2
Yo Honostly, this game is not difficult at all. Basically for all you guys having a hard time, know this:

1. Know the map
2. Get first contact as soon as the match starts. The first UAV has a major advantage on the map
3. Realize where the opponent is respawning, incase they switch sides. And realize all the boarder lines, meaning streets, bridges, alyways, that would be usedto get in your current territory.
4. Use your UAV's wisely! Why use it when your radar is jammed, or if a UAV is already online??
5. LEARN HOW TO AIM for the headshot, because 99% of the time, if you and another guy are shooting each other, the one shooting more towards the head willlive(obviously) Also straf when you shoot. Dont shoot standing in one place; be a moving target
6. Crouching and Prone is your friend
7. Always reload after a kill
8. Stay the F out the middle of the street and get behind somekind of cover, or hug the walls
9.Dont forget to throw grenades in high traffic areas, or at dudes camping in windows
10. FLANKING is your best stratagy. Most of the time, you see your whole team shooting at one entrence of the map. Go around even if its a little distance andclean up. Plus you will be closer to their respawn Spot

Most of these are obvious, but executing all of this will get you in the 25+ kill range. I run and gun, cuz chances are, if my team has a UAV, i'm gonnakill you
Think of being the hunter and not the camper.

If your on PSN holla at my sig, You might learn somn
I'm terrible unless I use the FAMAS. This game is bananas...I honestly was still killing people when I closed my eyes in bed.
Originally Posted by Banks2Pierce

I'm terrible unless I use the FAMAS. This game is bananas...I honestly was still killing people when I closed my eyes in bed.


[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]i seen a bird and thought i was a uav...[/color]
Originally Posted by Plan Beats

These riot shield guys are annoying.

Semtex handles that though.
What I have learned from
using those, yes itgets me
, too. Usually their foot sticks out, and if it is hardcore, shoot them in thefoot a few (2 or 3) times and they will die. Or if it is 1 on 1, which I have also experienced, I was on higher ground, and I threw a stun, and then cooked agrenade and killed him with ease.

Can you stick a semtex to a riot shield and get the kill?
Originally Posted by 23MichaelJordan45

Originally Posted by Plan Beats

These riot shield guys are annoying.

Semtex handles that though.
What I have learned from
using those, yes it gets me
, too. Usually their foot sticks out, and if it is hardcore, shoot them in the foot a few (2 or 3) times and they will die. Or if it is 1 on 1, which I have also experienced, I was on higher ground, and I threw a stun, and then cooked a grenade and killed him with ease.

Can you stick a semtex to a riot shield and get the kill?

I know it's not me when i say this, COD MW2 has a different feel than expected. I mean it makes it way to easy to know where the opposition is i mean
GT: loathingOBEY

^^^ I know its dumb
Damn, some of you dudes are beasts at the game.

Camping is probably the way to go, but I get bored... Running around will probably get you killed, but I could give a +%$! what my K/D ratio is.. That'sprobably why I suck so much, but it's all good cause this game is piff
Some of the camping is ridiculous. I was in some obscure building miles away from the action and there's some dude just chillin behind a bookcase.
Originally Posted by Banks2Pierce

Some of the camping is ridiculous. I was in some obscure building miles away from the action and there's some dude just chillin behind a bookcase.

I agree about the camping. As soon as I heard the first info about this game I expected this game to be one giant camp fest.. But this game STILL managed toexceed my expectations. Sooo much camping.

With that said, you can still run and attack. It's not impossible. But you have to hold that LT aim button down damn near EVERY single time you turn acorner and have the RT button extra ready to shoot the camper.

When it's all said and done, like 6 months from now, I am sure that COD4 will be remembered as the better multiplayer experience.. Because it was morebalanced. Yeah, you could camp in COD4 as well and there sure was a lot of it, but there were more ways to counter camping in COD4.
Originally Posted by Banks2Pierce

Some of the camping is ridiculous. I was in some obscure building miles away from the action and there's some dude just chillin behind a bookcase.


Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

Originally Posted by airblaster503

I'll stick with Morrowind/Oblivion.

Im not trying to bored myself to sleep though

Playing any COD game bores me to sleep. If I could play online right now that would be a different story probably, but then I would just get burned out on thegame that much quicker. This game is just doing the same %%! over and over, don't understand those of you who sit there and play it non stop and not getbored with it.
Originally Posted by airblaster503

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

Originally Posted by airblaster503

I'll stick with Morrowind/Oblivion.

Im not trying to bored myself to sleep though

Playing any COD game bores me to sleep. If I could play online right now that would be a different story probably, but then I would just get burned out on the game that much quicker. This game is just doing the same %%! over and over, don't understand those of you who sit there and play it non stop and not get bored with it.

Different people make for different situations even on the same stages. It's not a scripted event that's programmed to do the same thing so it'susually a fresh look unless you play those MLG type dudes who get into a hawk formation on the map

Also a lot of us like comparing stats/rank and whatnot.

Oblivion was fine for about 100 hours but having beat all missions and expansions and collecting all ultimate weapons there was no point in continuing.
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