anyways, any of ya'll actually tried to get good with the f2000?
I wanted that gun to be my gun so bad, it's sooo beautiful:
But in the game, it's horrible. Easily the worst assault rifle. Those stats they have for the guns in the game are worthless. According to the stats, theaccuracy line for the F2000 is like twice as long as the one for TAR, but try both guns and tell me that the TAR isn't easily the more accurate gun (notthat the TAR's strength is accuracy). The recoil on the F2000 is unbearable and annoying.. and sooner or later you will get in a situation where you'llneed a long range kill with it, get killed and not use it anymore (like me). It has an uncontrollable upwards pointing recoil like the mini uzi did in COD4,except with the mini uzi it wasn't a huge problem because it was a close range weapon. They say that if you put a silencer on it, the recoil won't beas bad, but I've tried using bling on it and playing with a red dot and silencer, but the recoil was still unbearable. For the F2000 to be a good gun itwould have to compensate for it sucking so bad in the long range game by being an absolute BEAST in the short and mid-range situations, but it's onlyaverage in short and mid range. The only way you can get good at it is if you use it like a FAMAS or M16 when it comes to any long range kill and fire offbursts with it.. But even then it will be hard to control.