The Official COD:MW2 Thread vol. X-hours left!

man my last 2 choppers just got wrecked by a Harrier and a Stinger before I could get 1 kill. I officially switch to the AC-130
Originally Posted by jeenewed

I just called in 2 Nukes in 3 games

Words don't describe how proud of myself i am

anyone else have hate in their heart for favela?
i actually like favela. i just post up in the concrete building and pick off dudes by A or dudes in the barber shop or dudes on roofs
there are a few titles and emblems for droppin nukes. i dropped 3 today. i'm at 11 now. i got the radiation symbol (at 10) and a few other things. there isa link someone posted above. best way for me to get them is in domination or headquarters. harriers > chopper gunner > nuke!
just got MW2 last week and i just been playing team death match, can anybody recommend me some other game modes on live that are good?

I don't think I'll ever get site rip pro. Destroy 120 claymores/tactical flares? I've been using site rip for a couple of days and have onlydestroyed like 8 claymores/tactical flares.
I don't thinkI'll ever use that perk, but I just want to unlock everything. Someone wanna help me out?
Originally Posted by derrty6232

I don't think I'll ever get site rip pro. Destroy 120 claymores/tactical flares? I've been using site rip for a couple of days and have only destroyed like 8 claymores/tactical flares.
I don't think I'll ever use that perk, but I just want to unlock everything. Someone wanna help me out?
I will if you help me with it
The only guns I've been using recently are the M4A1 and the USP45 with the tac knife
Needless to say though, I still hate this game with a passion
Hey I'm having trouble connecting to an online match on PS3. It says my NAT type is open, all my other games work, but It just loads forever and neverfinds a match. It stays in the "searching" stage. Someone help.
I was doin work in TDM last night....I usually play demolition but my boy invited me to play TDM.

No words can explain getting my first Nuke on highrise
silenced ACR+marathon+stopping power+commando+magnum tactical knife FTW
Originally Posted by 23MichaelJordan45

Mez 0ne, NYCBaller34, GULLYDAGREAT, I now know who I'm playing with most of the time with henz

Yea me too cuz..
I wanna kno who was aakin me all them outlandish questions about Baltimore the other night
@ me,nycballer,dukexxsucks,cobrakai, & gully beating some team 7500-1100 yesterday..

@ this guy cobra saying " lemme go first henz so u don't die "

This game is SO much better playing with dudes u know, I only win like 45% of games playing alone and 80% with the homies
Matter of fact it was Cobra/Odrama... Dude is straight comedy...

@ "Yo Henz did you wear Tims today??"

Him & Duke play like they Henz secret service
Originally Posted by henz0

dude is a joker.. He be the reason we be losing.. _ laughin & not focused
Word, I hopped in that game with ya'll when son asked you if you wore Timbs (GT: travisreal) You dudes was out of control. I didn't havemy headset on but I was crackin up.
one time DukexxSucks had me dying...

Son was askin Odrama if he had twitter
Odrama said yea & said it to him...
Duke is like "Can I get your pin so you can BBM it to me??"
Odrama's like Nah man.......

Dudes got quiet for like 2 minutes i was rollin
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