The Official COD:MW2 Thread vol. X-hours left!

anyone know of any deals for a copy for Xbox? TIA

It looks like 50 bones at Gamestop is my best bet (not looking to order online)
I wasn't expecting there to be 0 problems with this game, but the sheer amount of hacks, glitches, boosts, leaderboard mods and whatever is overwhelming.Come the %$@% on!! What the hell? How can they release a game that is this easy to do whatever the hell you want with? Did they even test this %$@%? Now I hearthere are new hacks where people get 5 million experience points per kill = instant level 70. So you just need 10 kills to max out your prestige. Come on..This must be the easiest game to hack into ever.
Originally Posted by Mac A Roni

Originally Posted by omgitswes

Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Logged on today and Xbox told me "The gamertag CMDR Kutyacokov is not allowed" I guess I pissed people off and they reported me.

It's cool though cause Xbox let me change my GT for free, so now my new name is " CMDR Kutyacokof "

-The Juice
excuse my ignorance but what was wrong with the first one?


[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]same thing happened to my ImKuku4Coochie sn.....then they blocked the next 1 a week im stuck w. wack +%* ImKuku

all i hear in every match is "IM KUKU 4 COCOA PUFFS"


I never once thought about that when I played with you (pause)
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

I wasn't expecting there to be 0 problems with this game, but the sheer amount of hacks, glitches, boosts, leaderboard mods and whatever is overwhelming. Come the %$@% on!! What the hell? How can they release a game that is this easy to do whatever the hell you want with? Did they even test this %$@%? Now I hear there are new hacks where people get 5 million experience points per kill = instant level 70. So you just need 10 kills to max out your prestige. Come on.. This must be the easiest game to hack into ever.

I guess you could attribute the fact that XBL exists and the ability to DL updates. Developers are thinking they could take their time and release alackluster game with the idea that they could update any problem that comes by. Madden.... 2k9/2k10... etc all are victims.
Anyone else here use the FAL? My main class i use is FAL with acog/silencer & Spas-12 rds/silencer. Ever since i switched to this class ive been doing waybetter. I still suck though but im better than before.
Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Logged on today and Xbox told me "The gamertag CMDR Kutyacokov is not allowed" I guess I pissed people off and they reported me.

It's cool though cause Xbox let me change my GT for free, so now my new name is " CMDR Kutyacokof "

-The Juice
samething here....i had to change it from GnR TerrorisTimto GnR TerrorisTm
Microsoft changing the Code of Conduct FTL
Who cares about the code of conduct change... who the hell actually gets offended and has the time to report a gamertag?
maaaan... i just did a quick search on the hacks in MW2...

didnt realize there were so many...


i dont understand the point...

so you are the best hacker of MW2... big deal?...

it aint gettin you no poon, money, or wop...

all it does it frustrate folks who's lives arent completed by someone sayin

"daaaamn dude... youre good at video games!"...


i got glitched the other day...

son was runnin around like Usain Bolt, knifing everybody...

come on, dawg...

rant over...
Originally Posted by Nickthestick91

Who cares about the code of conduct change... who the hell actually gets offended and has the time to report a gamertag?

you'll be surprised
Gears of War ruined my rep and got me reported numerous times

quick question...what happens if your rep is too low? mines now is at a 42%
Originally Posted by Nickthestick91

Who cares about the code of conduct change... who the hell actually gets offended and has the time to report a gamertag?
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]dudes will report you for beating their +#%.....lemme find a squad of 6 and im puttingin work[/color]
Originally Posted by TerroristTim

Originally Posted by Nickthestick91

Who cares about the code of conduct change... who the hell actually gets offended and has the time to report a gamertag?

you'll be surprised
Gears of War ruined my rep and got me reported numerous times

quick question...what happens if your rep is too low? mines now is at a 42%
I have a friend who's at 72% avoided. Nothing's happened to him.
Originally Posted by Mac A Roni

Originally Posted by Nickthestick91

Who cares about the code of conduct change... who the hell actually gets offended and has the time to report a gamertag?
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]dudes will report you for beating their +#%.....lemme find a squad of 6 and im putting in work[/color]
I was wondering why your GT was just ImKuku. Had me thinking "you gonna finish it?
Originally Posted by Wings90

Originally Posted by TerroristTim

Originally Posted by Nickthestick91

Who cares about the code of conduct change... who the hell actually gets offended and has the time to report a gamertag?

you'll be surprised
Gears of War ruined my rep and got me reported numerous times

quick question...what happens if your rep is too low? mines now is at a 42%
I have a friend who's at 72% avoided. Nothing's happened to him.

oh aight just makin sure

Originally Posted by Mac A Roni

Originally Posted by Nickthestick91

Who cares about the code of conduct change... who the hell actually gets offended and has the time to report a gamertag?
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]dudes will report you for beating their +#%.....lemme find a squad of 6 and im putting in work[/color]

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

I wasn't expecting there to be 0 problems with this game, but the sheer amount of hacks, glitches, boosts, leaderboard mods and whatever is overwhelming. Come the %$@% on!! What the hell? How can they release a game that is this easy to do whatever the hell you want with? Did they even test this %$@%? Now I hear there are new hacks where people get 5 million experience points per kill = instant level 70. So you just need 10 kills to max out your prestige. Come on.. This must be the easiest game to hack into ever.

their problem was that they didnt run a beta. if they had some of these hacks and glitches wouldve probably been found. instead IW trusted their players tofind the hacks and all and they didnt. now we sit here and have no choice but to play a game that is easily hacked into.
This is what hackers found out. 4 new camouflages which are apparently:

Blue Cheetah
Red Cheetah
Originally Posted by TerroristTim

Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Logged on today and Xbox told me "The gamertag CMDR Kutyacokov is not allowed" I guess I pissed people off and they reported me.

It's cool though cause Xbox let me change my GT for free, so now my new name is " CMDR Kutyacokof "

-The Juice
samething here....i had to change it from GnR TerrorisTim to GnR TerrorisTm
Microsoft changing the Code of Conduct FTL

I dont get whats wrong with GnR TerrorisTim?
Originally Posted by eleet1

Originally Posted by TerroristTim

Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Logged on today and Xbox told me "The gamertag CMDR Kutyacokov is not allowed" I guess I pissed people off and they reported me.

It's cool though cause Xbox let me change my GT for free, so now my new name is " CMDR Kutyacokof "

-The Juice
samething here....i had to change it from GnR TerrorisTim to GnR TerrorisTm
Microsoft changing the Code of Conduct FTL

I dont get whats wrong with GnR TerrorisTim?

me neither but since they updated the online policies they wouldnt let me use XBL until i changed it

[h3]LIVE Code of Conduct[/h3]
This document was last updated: August 2009

The Code of Conduct outlines the rules that you need to follow to ensure that, Xbox LIVE, and Games for Windows - LIVE are fun for everyone.

What not to do:
  • Don't use Xbox LIVE, Games for Windows - LIVE or to do anything illegal. Microsoft is not responsible for anything you say on the service/website or for anything that happens because of what you say; you alone are responsible.
  • Don't harass, abuse, or spam other players, or encourage other players to do so.
  • Don't scream, yell, threaten, or stalk other players, or encourage other players to do so.
  • Don't distribute, post, publish, upload, disseminate or discuss defamatory, infringing, obscene, sexual or unlawful materials like child pornography or illegal drugs, including images, audio, video, or text.
  • Don't post links to websites that violate the Code of Conduct.
  • Don't give out information that personally identifies you (such as your real name, address, phone number, credit card number, etc.) while you're playing. This includes voice chat and the names you create for your gamertag or mottos. This information could be used by other players for illegal or harmful purposes. Also, don't give out the personal information of other players.
  • Don't create a gamertag, profile content, or in-game content that other users may be offended by, this includes comments that look, sound like, stand for, hint at, abbreviate, or insinuate any of the following: profane words/phrases, topics or content of a sexual nature, hate speech (including but not limited to racial, ethnic, or religious slurs), illegal drugs/controlled substances, or illegal activities.
  • Don't create a gamertag, profile content, or in-game content that references controversial religious topics, notorious people, organizations, or sensitive current or historical events that may also be considered inappropriate.
  • Don't cheat in a game unless cheats have been deliberately enabled.
  • Don't modify or hack game content to create cheats.
  • Don't intentionally play with someone else who is using unauthorized software or methods in order to help inflate your game rank or gamerscore.
  • Don't post links to materials that could harm other users' computers or would allow others to inappropriately access software or Web sites.
  • Do not lend, transfer, sell, or otherwise provide access to your account to any individual.
  • Do not use your account for commercial purposes (including but not limited to trading services or in-game content for currency or Microsoft Points).
  • Don't impersonate, harass, or defame Microsoft employees, moderators, or staff members.
  • Any non-game-related conversation that takes up a substantial amount of the forum or chat space and prevents users from finding game-related information may be considered a violation of the Code of Conduct.
  • Don't use the forums or chats for any commercial purpose without the express consent of You may only create an account for yourself as an individual. You may not create an account for your corporation or other business entity.
If you violate the Code of Conduct or the Terms of Use that you agreed to, action may be taken against your account. Some offenses warrant an immediateaccount cancellation, including but not limited to hacking, modding, fraud, severe racial remarks, nudity on the Xbox LIVE Vision camera, continued creation ofprofane gamertags or profile content, and posting viruses or URLs to viruses. In addition, trying to avoid a temporary suspension by creating alternate newaccounts may result in a permanent ban on the new user account and a possible escalation of punishment to the original account and all related accounts. If youcreate a gamertag that has been determined to violate the Terms of Use or Code of Conduct, you will be required to change it. If you create Terms of Use orCode of Conduct violating content anywhere in the system, we may delete it and a suspension of varying length will be issued on the account depending on thefrequency and severity of the infraction. If we are notified that you are abusing the voice feature or message features, your ability to use the voice andmessaging system will be suspended.

Microsoft is not obligated to send you a warning before these actions occur. If your account is suspended while participating in a tournament or competitionMicrosoft assumes no liability in the loss of any potential prizes or recognition related to the tournament or competition. Microsoft is not obligated tomonitor every post, but we have the right to remove any post or take action against any user.

Microsoft reserves the right to remove at any time, without notice, any user-created content from Xbox LIVE, Games for Windows - LIVE and/or reserves the right to immediately terminate or suspend a user for violations. Microsoft can contact any Internet Service Provider and provide the ISPwith information on illegal activities.

How can you avoid getting into trouble? That's easy. Just follow the rules.

What you can do:
  • Take a break or mute a player who makes you angry. If you act out it could be considered harassment.
  • Send negative feedback or file complaints on problem players. Select them from the player list and choose the Feedback or File a Complaint option.
  • If you find players you enjoy gaming with, put them on your preferred gamers list.
  • If you encounter an obnoxious player, you can mute them. Some games even allow the host to boot them from the session.
  • If you're a parent, you can use Family Settings to turn off your kids' ability to use the Voice Communicator and their ability to make online purchases. You can use Family Settings on Xbox 360 & Windows Vista to control who your child can play with and how much interaction they can have with the community.
im guessing my GT fell into those 2 categories
There's alot of things going on in that video, he has perks as his special grenades, a thumper w/ a holographic sight,etc. I doubt any of it works, who knows though.
My winkstreak has finally came to an end at 291, damn Search & Destroy.
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