The Official FLASH FORWARD Season 1 Thread - Premieres 9/24, 8 ET on ABC - Vol. What Did You See?

Stop lying. The only reason the cliffhanger was exciting was because CHARLIE was in it.

I can PM you some small tidbits if you want too. Don't know how much your looking to know though....LEMME KNOW
on 2nd thought .. no spoilers.
never read 'em. don't need 'em now heading into the final season.

but yeah Lost > anything.

Back to FF ..
People who don't like LOST or think it's not a good show have a mental defect. Word to Leonard

And seriously every time I see this thread bumped I feel that LOST monkey on my back. It's gotten to the point where the spoilers for the first few epscan't even hold me over. I mean just the other day I was actually mad I missed a Heroes episode not cuz it's looking like a good season but just cuz Iwanted something else to think about

There's really nothing that good on tv this fall other than the comedies.
Originally Posted by Master Zik

People who don't like LOST or think it's not a good show have a mental defect. Word to Leonard

And seriously every time I see this thread bumped I feel that LOST monkey on my back. It's gotten to the point where the spoilers for the first few eps can't even hold me over. I mean just the other day I was actually mad I missed a Heroes episode not cuz it's looking like a good season but just cuz I wanted something else to think about

There's really nothing that good on tv this fall other than the comedies.
QFT. This show is the only SEMI interesting thing on TV besides the comedies. I HATE baseball, and i've been watching that like crazy.

Sons Of Anarchy is good, but that's it.

I'm not done with flash forward, I just hope it picks up.

Fringe 1st season was good but it's been a little lackluster as well.

and of course college bball is about to start.
Haha NBA is coming back and my thursday nights will be devoted to the TNT crew. I started watching this show because of LOST, and I continue to watch itbecause I am hoping it gets good like lost. But I dont see that happening

still gonna watch, dont wanna miss out and have to catch up like i did lost
Originally Posted by EB4President

Haha NBA is coming back and my thursday nights will be devoted to the TNT crew. I started watching this show because of LOST, and I continue to watch it because I am hoping it gets good like lost. But I dont see that happening

still gonna watch, dont wanna miss out and have to catch up like i did lost

Enh depending on what game is on, NBA on TNT might get the backseat most thursdays. They have some dump games on sometimes.

We need to get back to FF though.
Show is cool so far.Never really got into Lost.But all the talk about it led me to buy the double pack with seasons 1 and 2.Gonna start watching tonight.Okback to FF.
Originally Posted by AntNYC

Show is cool so far.Never really got into Lost.But all the talk about it led me to buy the double pack with seasons 1 and 2.Gonna start watching tonight.Ok back to FF.

good buy, in 3 weeks( maybe less) you'll be buying season 3 and 4
him being so drunk he only able to remember 40secs if he could rememeber the whole thing he would be able to fill that broad out in a day tops
Wow I can tell this show really is just instant gratification and just being used to distract me. I didn't even recall that I missed the ep with Charlieand I'm watching now not feeling like I missed anything.

I swear tho this show do be having some interesting things I'd like to see develop just cuz. The guy he was playing ball with ending up the president, thisClemente chick becoming the president, the other chick being a les, her gf being that fine chick from the O.C., etc.

Imma need to watch the Charlie episode now after this

This ending looking wild. I don't believe they got out in time
ok this might be my last episode. that ending was just horrible. the music, the slow motion, the standing by a burning car and shooting guys with machine guns

edit: as i say that, next week looks really good
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