The Official FLASH FORWARD Season 1 Thread - Premieres 9/24, 8 ET on ABC - Vol. What Did You See?

Originally Posted by EB4President

that ending was just horrible. the music, the slow motion, the standing by a burning car and shooting guys with machine guns
I thought this was a REALLY good ep until that shootout. It was just way too random for me.

That was the ONLY thing I didn't like about this ep.

Otherwise, the character development (@%!#* chick, the boss trying to blackmail the pres, mark heading towards liquor again) was superb. And the little hints(the towers in the desert for instance, and the history between the boss, the female judge, and the president) were very intriguing.

Well-paced episode.

No complaints.


Smh @ being an edited word on NT.
Shuges, I disagree with everything you posted. I feel like the pacing of this show is horrible. No, I don't expect to know everything, but I need somethingmore than the same thing tossed around every week with different stuff. The whole part where dude was getting grilled was terrible. The lesbian angle isn'tinteresting at all.

I just DON'T enjoy this show. I realzed that today. The idea is more interesting than the show itself. I loved the pilot. I wanted to know about Agent Zeroand all that stuff. It seems like every week it picks up where the previous week left off. Then the agents in the office get some sort of new critical evidenceon a flash drive and unlock another key to the mystery. Dimitri and co. argue about how he's going to die, blah blah blah. Agent's wife feels sorry forherself, blah blah blah.

I just feel like nothing groundbreaking has happened since the first episode. Give me some mystery and make me THINK outside the box. Like LOST does. I guessthat's why I kinda set myself up for failure though. Not comparing it to LOST, but just knowing HOW MUCH of a better show it is. Actors, story, pacing,writing, etc. I'm not giving up on Flash Forward COMPLETELY, but it's strictly DVR and not watch live/get excited anymore. I really wanted to like thisshow, but so far im very dissatisfied with it.

EDIT: just hit the post limit for the day. Can't reply tonight. God damn i'm glad I didn't type all that just to get the message.
I feel like the pacing of this show is horrible.

Well - one thing to remember is they're basically doing this in real-time, stretching the 6 months of the season out over a real 6 month span, or at leastI assume that's how long they'll play this first season out.

So the pacing will have to be a bit slow by TV show standards. I'm not saying they're doing a great job with it, but I think more often than not theydo a good job to make me interested, which personally I think is pretty tough to accomplish.

Like LOST does. I guess that's why I kinda set myself up for failure though. Not comparing it to LOST, but just knowing HOW MUCH of a better show it is.

"enough about the lost.."

my god... people must wear Lost pajama's to bed and jerk off to pictures of JJ Abrams. Between Dexter and Lost, I'm not sure there are two moreoverrated things on the planet earth. Neither one could capture my attention after several episodes after hearing for years how fantastic they both were. Ijust don't get what some people like sometimes. To each his own, but jesus - go talk about Lost in the Lost thread please... this is about flash forward.
A show like Lost doesn't come around often so it's unfair to judge this show or any show by Lost standards.

And if you're comparing it to Lost, the "outside of the box" stuff for that show didn't even come around until much later in the show.Definitely not in the first 5 or so episodes.
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Like LOST does. I guess that's why I kinda set myself up for failure though. Not comparing it to LOST, but just knowing HOW MUCH of a better show it is.
"enough about the lost.."

my god... people must wear Lost pajama's to bed and jerk off to pictures of JJ Abrams. Between Dexter and Lost, I'm not sure there are two more overrated things on the planet earth. Neither one could capture my attention after several episodes after hearing for years how fantastic they both were. I just don't get what some people like sometimes. To each his own, but jesus - go talk about Lost in the Lost thread please... this is about flash forward.

If you read the book...youll understand in the series is actually trying to fit everything in. Of course its changed a bit since the main characters were notFBI agents but they are staying true to the novel.
I don't know about you but this was a great episode!

the ending I thought was done very well. I got slightly hyped when they emerged from the burning car and started opening fire. and the lesbian agent snappedthat dudes neck with the quickness
I hope shedoesn't die though

but yeah, the shoot out scene was real dope to me. Like you see them all joking and fraternal since the beginning then when things heated up they went straightFBI training mode

did the president hire the hit?
Originally Posted by LiL Stevie728

A show like Lost doesn't come around often so it's unfair to judge this show or any show by Lost standards.

And if you're comparing it to Lost, the "outside of the box" stuff for that show didn't even come around until much later in the show. Definitely not in the first 5 or so episodes.

So you're telling me polar bears, looping messages, smoke monsters, and finding out a cripple can walk again aren't outside the box? All of that stuffwas figured out within 4 episodes.

And craftsy, speaking about the pacing and the 6 month period, LOST takes place over 3 months and I feel the pacing is better.

BUT LIKE I SAID, THIS IS THE LAST TIME I WILL SPEAK OF LOST IN THIS THREAD. Just had to point those little things out.

I still don't find myself too deep into this show yet. I still refuse to give up on it, I just wish a bigger bombshell would drop already. The firstepisode spoiled me for what I wanted!
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by LiL Stevie728

A show like Lost doesn't come around often so it's unfair to judge this show or any show by Lost standards.

And if you're comparing it to Lost, the "outside of the box" stuff for that show didn't even come around until much later in the show. Definitely not in the first 5 or so episodes.

So you're telling me polar bears, looping messages, smoke monsters, and finding out a cripple can walk again aren't outside the box? All of that stuff was figured out within 4 episodes.

And craftsy, speaking about the pacing and the 6 month period, LOST takes place over 3 months and I feel the pacing is better.

BUT LIKE I SAID, THIS IS THE LAST TIME I WILL SPEAK OF LOST IN THIS THREAD. Just had to point those little things out.

I still don't find myself too deep into this show yet. I still refuse to give up on it, I just wish a bigger bombshell would drop already. The first episode spoiled me for what I wanted!
yeah but wasn't Lost just a ton of flashbacks and time shifts? this is like real time for the most part, with the only time changes generallybeing looks at people's flash-forwards.
LOST is completely told in real time. Flashbacks are a key storytelling element as with flash forward.


Can't wait to see Dominic join as a regular next week!
Well we're frenemies and they have the scientific capabilities to pull that off as far as anyone knows and like the guy said they were virtually unaffectedby the blackout
Originally Posted by WILLINC

Whats the deal with the Chinese ?

Nothing, that was just pointing out a stupid angle that theorists were coming up with for explanations.
Yea the ending was mad random
Just like Shuges said, the music, the slow motion, the setting. The way that ep ended you would've thought the entirething dealt with them in a real conflict. The way the black and white guys(forgot names) nod their heads to each other. The fact that them Asian dudes with AKsand ARs don't hit them once yet their hand guns take out like 2 of the 4 guys shooting.

I just finished watching episodes 2-5.

For now, I've placed this show in the "Keep me busy until LOST comes back on" folder.

I do see potential, though. The towers in Somalia have intrigued me.

I <3 conspiracies.
seeing ole girl was a lesbian broke my heart, I love her...

but it was
at the same time...
Most recent episode was solid expect for the cheesy ending which someone mentioned earlier.

Also I dont know if this was brought up but my girl and I re-watched the previous episode (Black Swan) and noticed that in the beginning when everyone blackedout in the park there were birds in the sky still flying after everyone fell out. Did anyone else peep this or find this interesting?
Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

Most recent episode was solid expect for the cheesy ending which someone mentioned earlier.

Also I dont know if this was brought up but my girl and I re-watched the previous episode (Black Swan) and noticed that in the beginning when everyone blacked out in the park there were birds in the sky still flying after everyone fell out. Did anyone else peep this or find this interesting?

Yo I couldn't tell if there were crows or not but they appear to be bigger birds like gulls or geese. I am pretty confident they are not crows though.
Just watched the scene again and the birds are not crows at all. After you see the first wave of people fall out/blackout the birds are still in the sky. Thenwhen people are shown laying in the park you can see a few birds flying low around the people and finally when the bus is heading into the water you can seetwo birds still hovering about near the lake.
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