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longevity like aNYone said above. Also, imagine how much $$$ they have to give up to marvel for the licensing deal. you really think epic would get to keep all that money? :lol:
It's not just one big money grab .. both epic and marvel would get paid
It's not just one big money grab .. both epic and marvel would get paid
Infinity War might make 2 billy at the box office. If you think it’d be an even 50/50 spilt you’re wildin.

It wouldn’t even be worth it for epic.
Infinity War might make 2 billy at the box office. If you think it’d be an even 50/50 spilt you’re wildin.

It wouldn’t even be worth it for epic.

I'm just saying epic had no idea fortnite would make them a fortune teaming up with marvel/Disney would make them more money than they ever imagined
Updating it as we speak. Gonna see how long it takes me to get the gauntlet
I’ll be on all night. Let me know if y’all wanna squad up.
I hover as low as possible at the 2 minute mark and when I see the gauntlet land I chase it. Got it twice in 30 minutes
Just got the game clinching kill in a squad match :pimp:

Blue pump to the dome is undeafeated.
If some of yall are having trouble aiming try turning off vibrate on the controllers .. it could be a placebo but after I turned it off o averaged about 2 kills per game
I was so close to becoming Thanos today. Got him down to 25 health before he took me out.
I was Thanos in the final circle and I choked.

Killed him next game and made it to the final circle and died
Last edited: 3rd in a match but killed second place with a grenade I threw before dying.

Kid that won had 0 eliminations...
The art of hiding

I'm guilty of it too sometimes but it's so frustrating.

I watched the replay and dude was podted up behind the guy I was fighting. He even had a the bolt action aimed at his head while dude was healing but he didn't take the shot :smh: :smh: :smh:
Ez squad win w/ aNYone aNYone

Played like 9 Thanos games today and won like 4.

One game dude blew himself up and I won.

I don't think you should try to get the gauntlet at the beginning either. One game it landed right on me lol at tomato town and I was by myself I picked it up and got washed.

The key to getting to the end is getting good loot in the beginning and waiting until like 10-15 people left them wait it out until Thanos has little green life and go for the kill and quickly pick up the gauntlet.

Get high ground and wait until the rest kill each other out maybe but be behind cover because fools will snipe. A good builder will wash a Thanos though unless that Thanos is like ninja or another pro.

Will post clips of some of my wins but my Xbox record that works sometimes and other times nothing even though the voice command was recognized.
Got the gauntlet 3rd try. It was ight but im not gon a be playing the game mode again. I could figuire out of some people would jump and replenish the shield :smh: so i died after 5 kills
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