**..:The Official Jewelry Thread Vol. 11: You get a Jesus piece! You get a Jesus piece! Everybody gets a Jesus piece:..**

Ive bought from daniels good quality product havent tried cmg or reys but probably will in near future im a cuban link **** lol....especially reys his stuff looks fiyya.
thanks for the input frank, between both why choose daniels in particular?
Like I said I did my research, rays gold website doesnt even work

Someone on here posted a side by side with cmg and I remember it looking funny. Daneils seems better but quality wise it looks inconsistent from what people have posted in here.
I've called daniels about a bracelet. They said they were out of stock. I'm like wtf, ok? Don't you make them fresh handmade when orders are put in? Went with reys instead.
Are these really diamonds?


i don't see why it couldn't be real... I have a .30 pointers tennis chain 26 inches VS D F color Platinum base metal and it wasn't a big ticket in cost... his are considerably shorter, which would save a lot of money... Seems do able to me likely 250-400 depending if the stones are certified.
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i don't see why it couldn't be real... I have a .30 pointers tennis chain 26 inches VS D F color Platinum base metal and it wasn't a big ticket in cost... his are considerably shorter, which would save a lot of money... Seems do able to me likely 250-400 depending if the stones are certified.

Chain Attached to the jesus is the .30 pointers

View attachment 2203561

too snatch friendly.
too snatch friendly.

maybe its me in miami and you being in NY but ****** dont understand why the cuban will always be goat. tight links, triple lock clasp box thing.......and is literally the only design that has stayed in style and never went out of style cause even when rappers were wearing 40 inch cables, theyd do it with the cubans along with the byzantines and francos.....but the fact that its the strongest design, least snatch friendly is the obvious reasons why its the goat chain design i think and thats pretty much unanimous amongst jewelers from any race.....they always say "you cant go wrong with a cuban" especially the miami cuban our cuban...the true cuban.....i got another one now i traded in some stuff and got this setup here it comes

globe spins and fast lol, the iced out micro jesus piece....found it at a store and they said it wasnt real diamonds....but my eye test was right.....$80 at a pawn shop and the diamonds are real going to get a skinny cuban for that one
too snatch friendly.

Honest question but people go out with expensive jewelry without security? When I were my expensive stuff in usual with my driver and he is holding. Not saying u can’t be touched but I def keep security. Also I won’t just be any ole where
Honest question but people go out with expensive jewelry without security? When I were my expensive stuff in usual with my driver and he is holding. Not saying u can’t be touched but I def keep security. Also I won’t just be any ole where


Or... or... insurance.

Folks really out here snatching your chains?
ninja.....lol these guys cant be serious... like how good was your neighborhood and how little is your sack to be worried about getting snatched.

first things first, ive been robbed before for a nice 8k setup i had a cuban, san lazaro pendant and two cuban bracelets

if youre in the game and a "daily cuban wearer" like me, theres always that risk.

just cause i was able to work hard on a tow truck and afford my chain doesnt mean i can afford security or need to add an extra bill and put insurance.....its replaceable.

so yes in the regular people world, we do what we can to keep ourselves from not getting snatched and we like our jewelry nice and strong so we wont be at a concert or i wont be at ultra and some cracked out baffoon can snatch my **** and run into a crown....... not that fake world that you and gold st capital create that you think **** is sweet.

Anybody with a driver pushing around in a maybach doesnt have time for niketalk.....straight the **** up.

and PS, like i said.....if youre in the game youre in the game, you always have the chance of getting touched. im no tough guy but when i say about how big is your sack is that if youre that worried about getting snatched, dont buy it or dont wear it .........i stay away from sketchy places, sketchy people etc.....i do my best, but it can literally be a customer i tow a car for and when im dropping off the car at their house they coulda texted their jackboy cuz that lives a block away to be ready when i pull up and get robbed by my same customer and have no idea.......miami/ny/big city grimey **** that happens........but again, i take the risk because ive recouped my setups like i did when i got robbed.....im always gonna wear a chain, if i get splacked tonight ill be at the store copping one tommorow and thats cause i work for it and its my "thing"

Sick set up man whats the mm on the chain? I like the details on the globe.

thanks man, i honestly dont know the MM, i just find the setup i like and cop.....i used to nitpick about if im spending 45 per dwt on this chain or 50 dwt on this other chain but i like the 50 dwt one more.......i got tired of that, im not an investor, most my **** is 10k, im not fake it til i make it....this my hobby and i buy my jewels to wear, not to invest

thats for the other people that care too much about a 300 difference when youre dropping 2-3-4k on something.
ive been in miami my whole life.....have had cubans since i was a kid and given one by my stepdad at around 12 (family hit hard times and he had to sell mine and his)......like im cuban, in hialeah, in miami.....daniel knows me by my first name, i pass by reys and leons all day since im in the wrecker a lot .............the point of all of this is............you never need a cuban bigger than for example that one jadakiss has with the yellow ruff ryders .......or my boss has one thats a "papi cuban link" we call it, and its fat as **** like 2-3 times fatter and WAYYYY tighter the links than mine. those brolic cubans like what marc anthony are ugly man

id wear 25 chains my size before i wear one brolic one like that basically, im not hating cause you can never have too much gold in my eyes, but one piece alone can be too big or not look good.......and thats how i feel about those daddy yankee cubans

Or... or... insurance.

Folks really out here snatching your chains?

Nah never been robbed.

I keep security because of the cost of what I am wearing... also depending what the appraisal value is for your jewelry a condition of the underwriting is having security when traveling with jewelry.

Replacing a Cuban and replacing a piece that is limited production is different and if you want to actually get your value from insurance you have to be very discriptive.

Wether I am in the club or strip club and I’m wearing the expensive stuff.. security is present.
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