**..:The Official Jewelry Thread Vol. 11: You get a Jesus piece! You get a Jesus piece! Everybody gets a Jesus piece:..**

Depends on what I’m doing, if I’m working in a club, something small or my baby st michaels pendant, anything day job it’s tucked in
I doubt it, I think it looks look like that cause the stones are yellow

I think he is one of the few who still wears The Jesus
where do you recommend to get memory pendants and rope chains? im located in the bay and theres 2 spots people go to. one is just expensive and the other im iffy about cause even though rappers shop there they have cheaper stuff that seems too good to be true. i want to buy a rope chain and then eventually get a memory pendant sometime after
I doubt it, I think it looks look like that cause the stones are yellow

I think he is one of the few who still wears The Jesus

he chopped both his cubans. da jacob is a period piece, he's had it for a hottttt minute. i think he made bracelets from da extra length.
Y’all wearing your chains to work?

Every day but always tucked no mater what (work or out chillen). But I am not a flashy guy Button ups and polo and slacks everyday. But that is why my dream custom pendent size is so small and my chain size 4mm max. Now my kids and wife always were there Chains out my son likes to were two too three at a time when playing baseball.

Only sometime and always tucked in. I already deal with a lot of racism on the job so I try not to draw any more attention or racism towards me.

Damn thats to bad, they would give you that hard a time over a chain???
Every day but always tucked no mater what (work or out chillen). But I am not a flashy guy Button ups and polo and slacks everyday. But that is why my dream custom pendent size is so small and my chain size 4mm max. Now my kids and wife always were there Chains out my son likes to were two too three at a time when playing baseball.

Damn thats to bad, they would give you that hard a time over a chain???

Boston for ya.
I dont get why buy a chain and have it tucked? Like buying a rarri or lambo and keeping it garaged under a car cover.

For me Its just my thing I love Stealth Wealth never liked a who lot of attention love seeing others get it but not for me. Probably why I loved Offensive line so much when I played could kill and everyone would look at the running back lol. Funny thing is my dream car would be a Rolls Royce on the inside with a ford badge on the front. Coming from Baltimore were niggs are a little flashy I have always been odd when it comes to things like that.

Boston for ya.
Oh damn thats were he stay at? Say no more I have been to Boston a few times they on some quiet racist $h*it up there.
thinking about spending ~3500 on a gold chain.. is this decent price? not looking for anything flashy, just something low-key.
where do you recommend to get memory pendants and rope chains? im located in the bay and theres 2 spots people go to. one is just expensive and the other im iffy about cause even though rappers shop there they have cheaper stuff that seems too good to be true. i want to buy a rope chain and then eventually get a memory pendant sometime after

Where/what are the two spots you are referring to?
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