**..:The Official Jewelry Thread Vol. 11: You get a Jesus piece! You get a Jesus piece! Everybody gets a Jesus piece:..**


I can't wait until I get a job where I don't have to get drug tested.

He living the good life though.
Here's what I've always respected about Cash Money: These guys are all basically orphans from one of poorest neighborhoods in the poorest cities in thecountry and in a little under a decade became multimillionaires. They make wonderfully enjoyable music, not the deepest but passionate in their boasting andbravado, and above all are in no way lying about their financial situation. They've own or have owned every single thing you've heard them rap aboutand they will tell straight up with no pretensions about what they're doing.
Originally Posted by Crumbs

damn SBs wrist ...
and Busta needs to stop that foolishness
Word, I've never seen such recklessness time after time.
Word, I've never seen such recklessness time after time.

I dont know one single person that ever anticipated anything from Busta.
Always tryna show up everywhere and be all over the place

Nothing new here, just more fake jewelry.
leave it to this dude gucci to get an iced outwhisk. at least it's better than tony yayo's platinum plate with diamond razor blades.
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