The VIIs have been the only real disappointment to me in the line from I through VIII, which is kinda sad cuz I actually really like how they look. It's just that the comfort with them is so bad, at least for me, that I really have to knock them down a lot. I know a minority of dudes who really like them, but I can't wear them without my feet killing me.
In terms of on feet feel and 1:1 between the shoe and my foot, the Vs are actually still my top pick in terms of that. Still haven't had another shoe that locks in my foot quite so well, although the IVs and VIIIs are up there for me too. The Is and IIIs are really underrated to me for balling though. Really loved playing in my Black/Maize Is, and the IIIs felt awesome on feet even if they did have that waffle cone look.