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delivery is essential when making a statement. your comment made it seem like we all didn't know april existed and that it wasn't a possibility. we say march and may because it was the 2 months given during the order phase.
Yeah I just think it's funny that people in this thread automatically assumed it must be one or the other. Knowing Nike with their relatively poor customer service (see: all the chat logs in this thread) wouldn't assume that maybe April is also a possibility. As would be June, July, heck at this point I'm thinking 2014 is optimistic. 

We didn't assume. The invite email said march. The order confirmation said May. We didn't pull those months out of our butts.
Know what, I aint even mad I got to wait until May now cause at least im guaranteed a pair. Plus, at least we're getting a picture haha
Know what, I aint even mad I got to wait until May now cause at least im guaranteed a pair. Plus, at least we're getting a picture haha

the only thing i can honestly say i feel some kind of way about is them constantly saying mid late march. if they said may the whole time then i would have been indifferent.
rep just told me this Olivia: We know that the shoes will be delivered in May, but we do not know exactly when they will ship. I would recommend to watch your emails for updates, as soon as we have this information, you will be notified via email.
WOW! Actually I am not even surprised I knew Nike would pull some **** like this. Whatever, guess we all have to wait longer than expected.
I may be the only person but I'm still not to worried about it, worse things can happen. It's just shoes
Doesn't Nike understand how bad this thread is getting? Another month and we're going to be in Locked-City when they drop. LOL
At this point I don't even care. I want the shoe bad but I just wanted some verification on when I should expect it to be billed. Waiting 3 months isn't all that much different than waiting 5 months. I am real interested in what that email with pictures will entail.

How long before someone tries to get a discount code out of all this haha? In the ID thread it seems like people wish for their shoes to be delayed.
Waiting to see how sneakertmz and iceysoles are going to spin this with their supposed "insider information".  Sure it will be "They delayed the release because I leaked to much info."  
It would be hilarious if we got them for free. Nike can afford it. Just speculation.

I wouldn't be surprised if that day before/of/after we get the shoes, Lebron wears the shoe.

What I personally feel with 100% certainty is that the shoe will not be able to be iD'ed and we will ALL receive the shoe on the same day. 
It would be hilarious if we got them for free. Nike can afford it. Just speculation.

I wouldn't be surprised if that day before/of/after we get the shoes, Lebron wears the shoe.

What I personally feel with 100% certainty is that the shoe will not be able to be iD'ed and we will ALL receive the shoe on the same day. 
Dude as much as I would LOVE to get two free pair of super limited shoes there is 0% that Nike is going to be like "Hell these are good guys, lets just throw $440,000ish away plus shipping to everyone".

We have a better chance of winning the powerball, seriously.
Hmmmm, so where are those people who were debating with me when I said that corporate pretty much told me May was the shipping month about a week ago?
Why is everyone trippin'? Nike won't let you guys down. Be cool y'all. Be grateful you guys are getting a pair. I don't play games so I had no chance. Even if it's in May we know damn well most of you guys are reselling anyways. Lol.
Not so fast....tomorrow someone is going to find a rep that says the beginning of April 
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Manufacturing problems??? Much like the id's have seen delaying them long periods of time??? I see you nike
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