The Official Metal Gear Solid 4 Thread Vol. Snake's Last Hurrah | It's Out | Don't Post Spoilers!

Originally Posted by Mayor of NYC

Originally Posted by areyouin729

you have no idea how pumped I am

this is the beginning of PS3's way back to the top

what are you going to play on your PS3 after you've beaten this crappy game?
Oh look! Mayor hating on something? Shocking!

Crappy game? Yea, I can see passing judgement on a game that hasn't released.

stealth is the key remember guys
itll go by slow

Slow night on NT? Nothing better to do? Get that post count up, lame.

Anywho, I am pumped for this game. Hopefully this tides me over until COD5, FF XIII, and FF XIII Versus.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Whats good with the Assasins Cred tie in? Any significance to the game?

Is there still a pack with all of the MGS games being released?

Kotaku's reporting that Konami has confirmed at a Metal Gear even in Japan today that the comical costume will in fact be a hidden unlockable in the final game.
After fulfilling the as yet unknown criteria, Snake will be able to don the white rugs of the Assassins Creed lead character, only without the horse riding, or cowering in piles of hay.

Far as the collection,


... only 29.99

Good looks on the info...gotta scoop up that collection ASAP.

I remember seeing a scene from the OG MGS completey redone with the MGS 4 graphical look. It also ended with Kojima asking "DO U RIKE?!". Is thereany more info available on that? Is it just playable flashback sequences or something more?
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Far as the collection,

... only 29.99

or you can order 2 white DS3s from play-asia and hope they make a mistake and send you 2 of this ****

i still recieved the 2 DS3s and got 6 free games
. i'll play oneto see all the hype, and i think i'll raffle one off in the PS3 thread...
Originally Posted by Mayor of NYC

Originally Posted by areyouin729

you have no idea how pumped I am

this is the beginning of PS3's way back to the top

what are you going to play on your PS3 after you've beaten this crappy game?

[ed wunceler III] sound like a hater to me [ed wunceler III]
sorry, never got into Metal Gear but does it have online play? I'm big with COD4 and hope it compares to or is even better.
Originally Posted by Np86123

sorry, never got into Metal Gear but does it have online play? I'm big with COD4 and hope it compares to or is even better.

sorry but u might as well turn away, i remember people in the online post talking about how it had nothing on COD4, they must be the people who neverplayed metal gear in their life

mgs = tactical espionage action, not guns blazing
Originally Posted by Np86123

sorry, never got into Metal Gear but does it have online play? I'm big with COD4 and hope it compares to or is even better.
Run for the hills with COD4 and NEVER look back.

Metal Gear Online is horribly horrific once you have gotten used to a game like COD4. I think I played the beta twice, for maybe a total of 30 minutes. Ithas a grip of weapons, but the gameplay is slow as %@%$, which makes everything else have no redeeming value whatsoever. At least in my opinion.
Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Originally Posted by Np86123

sorry, never got into Metal Gear but does it have online play? I'm big with COD4 and hope it compares to or is even better.
Run for the hills with COD4 and NEVER look back.

Metal Gear Online is horribly horrific once you have gotten used to a game like COD4. I think I played the beta twice, for maybe a total of 30 minutes. It has a grip of weapons, but the gameplay is slow as %@%$, which makes everything else have no redeeming value whatsoever. At least in my opinion.

ok nvr mind this game
damn i need a ps3 asap man im laggin, this is really the main reason why I want one, if i had a xbox360 i woulda sold it for this shh too.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

this game has been on 'the list' for so long

No stalker but I swear you've had that avy foreeeeeever.

I am pumped for this game hopefully they go out with a bang.
this game is gonna be the *%$... been waitin so long. how many copies you think they gonna sell on opening day? won't be as big as halo imo but i think alot of people have been in anticipation for this game..
i've heard rumors of a 360 port.... can anyone substantiate these?

and before any ps3 fanboys say anything ridiculous, just relax. i'm not really that jealous of you.
Originally Posted by THEBIGJUICE

i've heard rumors of a 360 port.... can anyone substantiate these?

and before any ps3 fanboys say anything ridiculous, just relax. i'm not really that jealous of you.

u heard right... they are just RUMORS and of course with most rumors are NOT TRUE

if by any chance this game comes out for the 360... microsoft has to implement a blu ray drive in its system which will not happen in the near future

sux for microsoft

MSG4 is one of the main reasons why i got a ps3 because ONLY the sony playstation 3 has exclusive rights to the game.
Here are some goodies to go along with the release...

Medicom RAH Raiden $179.99 MSRP

Medicom RAH Old Snake $179.99 MSRP

20th Anniversary MGS 7" figures

20th Anniversary MGS Kubricks

Hurry up June 12th...!
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