Originally Posted by
Originally Posted by Meallen125
I have a 4 year degree and i've been thinking about joining the army as officer, but I was told its tough to go the officer route. I think the recruiter just wanted me to go enlisted. How true is this?
-I also have a girl I plan to marry who doesn't like the idea (doesn't want to move, blah blah...you guys know the story)
-Im currently in the childcare field (many of you probably have heard of CYSS = DoD childcare basically) so Im around service men and women all day
-make roughly 34k
-27 and graduated college in '08.
I like the benefits of the military but have no idea what I want to do still (something technical being that my degree is Science Technology)
the monthly income on the goarmy site is tax free correct?
Join the Air Force. Much more Science and Tech stuff going on. Even working in the AF Research Lab.
Tons of benefits from any branch of the service. BAH (housing) which pays my mortgage, good pay, medical, retirement, etc. Plus, you get to serve you country.