A week and a half later and i still cant hit to save my life...

so what did I do? Im a relief pitcher in I gets no respect though. 0.00 ERA (albeit alot of it was mop work) and my manager still wont promote me to SP.
anybody in bigs yet?

i just got called up to a's after being traded 5 times in 2 months. now i know how quentin richardson felt when he got traded
Originally Posted by Captain Charisma

Man, I want to play this game sooooo bad... but alas, I do not own a PS3.
  You guys know where I could buy a cheap PS3?  I've been checking slick deals non-stop hoping something would come up.
looks like I'm about to get buried. I am on the Richmond Flying Squirels too...but as a 2b with my second option as a Catcher. I have been starting games as a catcher but none at 2nd as of yet. The best outing I have had was a 1-3 game with a double no RBIs and a run scored.
I finally got called up to the Giants bc Lincecum was injured .... In 3 starts it was horrible
....I gave up 5 hr's and in the prior year and 3 months in the minors I gave up a total of 4....well I got sent back to AAA and the team is horrible....after like 20 starts I'm 5-4 with like a 2.23 era...I have no run support at all
..... One game I pitched 8IP, 4h, 0er, 6k' team lost 1-0 in 11 innings :smh
Pretty cool story..
[h1]PlayStation Develops Character Modeled After Hans Smith, an Avid Player With Cerebral Palsy[/h1]

[h2]Hans Smith's Cerebral Palsy Has Prevented Him From Ever Playing Baseball [/h2]

March 17, 2010



Twenty-three-year-old college student Hans Smith has never swung a bat on a baseball diamond, but that hasn't stopped him from playing baseball in the virtual world.

Hans Smith is now a character in the popular video game "MLB: The Show."

Bound to a wheelchair by cerebral palsy, which makes it impossible for him to grip a bat or throw a ball, Smith has spent hours upon hours playing "MLB: The Game" on his PlayStation while his friends play ball on an actual baseball diamond.

But Smith was so grateful that a game existed that allowed him to experience baseball even a little bit, he wrote a letter to PlayStation thanking the company.

As a result, he's now experiencing the virtual game more completely than his friends could ever dream. The game's developers were so moved by Smith's story that they modeled a character in the game after him -- placing his virtual likeness alongside such Major League Baseball superstars as Albert Pujols and Derek Jeter.

"I said that I know this might sound strange, but I'm a 22-year-old college student who is also a baseball fanatic, and I absolutely love your game," Smith said, quoting the letter he sent to PlayStation in 2008. "I have cerebral palsy, and I'm unable to step foot on a baseball diamond, but you guys have really given me the experience of playing baseball.

"[The game] is so real I am able to experience the same adrenaline rush, the same nervousness, the same frustration and the same excitement as [the real thing]," Smith wrote to PlayStation, which is owned by Sony Computer Entertainment America.

Jennifer Kacizak, a licensing specialist who works closely with PlayStation's development team, received Smith's letter and said that everyone was moved to tears.

"The team really took it to heart. We never get letters like this," said Kacizak. "He is just so inspirational, humble and grateful, he keeps telling me that he never expected us to do this, he never asked us to."
[h3]Hans Smith Is Transformed Into Video Game Character[/h3]
Kacizak invited Smith to come to San Diego and stop by the PlayStation facilities at the first chance he got. The two kept in contact over the coming months, and in November 2009, right before the deadline for the 2010 version of "MLB: The Game" was to be released, the game's designers began the work of turning Smith into a video game character.

The developers had Smith imagine what he thought he would look like if he could stand up so they could create a body for his character. Smith said that was the easy part -- his brother and father are both more than 6 feet tall and much heavier than his own 97-pound weight.

"I figured if I wasn't handicapped, I'd be pretty tall. I'm only 5 feet now, so they created my body as if I could stand, and then they did a 360-degree scan of my head,' said Smith." They used all of these special cameras and lights."

"I can't explain to you or express to you how amazed I felt. I'm just a typical baseball fan. Why would they care about what I think about their game? It was truly special to me because they could have simply written back and said thank you for your nice comments, but here I was in the middle of a board meeting talking to the designers of the game," he said.

"I really feel like I'm getting a dream that if you asked me 15 years ago if I'd receive I would have told you that you were crazy," said Smith.

The 2010 version of 'MLB: The Show' featuring Smith hit stores earlier this month, and as the No. 1 baseball video game franchise, is likely to place Smith's character in the living rooms of many other loyal fans.

The game allows anyone playing to select a player -- from a group that includes every player on a Major League Baseball roster -- and work up from the Minor Leagues to the Major Leagues, accomplishing tasks along the way.

Another mode of the game allows you to play your favorite position on a Major League team of your choice. In this part of the game, Smith's character is a catcher for the St. Louis Cardinals, his favorite team.

"If someone had asked me if I'd be a ballplayer, I'd say no way, but this game has been a miracle worker," said Smith. "This game has allowed me to experience a part of my life that otherwise I would not be able to experience."

When Smith isn't playing video games, he's a busy junior at Brigham Young University-Idaho in Rexberg.

Majoring in communications with an emphasis on broadcasting and public relations, Smith said he might be "dreaming big," but he wants to be a baseball commentator one day.

Smith can't feed himself and requires help to do such everyday things as shower, but despite the challenges, he said he maintains a pretty normal life for a college student.

"I live in a dorm. My family is 1,500 miles away in Illinois, and I'm taking 13 credits," he said. "I go on dates and have a paper due this week.

"I call myself a very independent dependent person," he said. "I may have to have help doing a lot of things, but I'm not shy, and I ask people for help when I need it."

Smith credits his strong belief in God for giving him the strength that he said has helped him remain optimistic about life.

"I believe God has given me a lot of the strengths and talents that I can use in a positive way," he said. "So yes, there have been moments where I wished I could go out on the field and play catch, but I've lived a very happy life."

He hopes other young adults like him learn from his experience with PlayStation.

"This whole story just goes to show the power of gratitude," he said. "All I did was say thank you.

"It just goes to show that within reason, and I know I won't be able to be an astronaut because I don't have the physical ability, but within reason, but you can find other ways to do the things you want."

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That's a really nice thing SCEA did.

Has anyone noticed him in the game?
I don't have it yet but last year all I played was RTTS. Started as a 2nd baseman and it took me almost 2 seasons before I was called up to the show.
This game is crack.

I cant hit above Veteran yet.

My pitching and defense are solid.

The whole power swing throws me off, however on Rookie, I rake.  I get around 10 runs a game.

On Vet, I  struggle to get runs and it's station to station.  No extra base hits.

Thinking about starting a RTTS.  Sounds like fun.
im in my first season, got called up...then traded along with david price to the brewers for prince fielder
I went from the White Sox to the Rays to the Giants to the Cardinals and now the Padres....It's my fourth year and I'm pitching good but the Padres have the 2nd worse record in the league
Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

Do you guys use sliders for hitting and if not how do you hit on veteran?
Patience is the key in this game.  You can't expect to power swing at everything and hit it out of the park.  The game rewards good vision and patience.  I notice it most when playing against a friend, he was throwing outside sliders the whole game and I couldn't hit them, and finally he left one right over the plate and I yanked it for a home run.  With the computer I like to try to guess the pitch, helps me focus on only swinging on the pitches I want to hit and not chasing something stupid.  Pay attention to what pitches he has and what the situation is too.

Biggest thing is just be patient.  Sometimes I'll make them throw a strike first before I even think about swinging.  If you're having trouble, just don't swing at most of the pitches and just try to learn how pitches break, move, and the timing.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

Do you guys use sliders for hitting and if not how do you hit on veteran?
Patience is the key in this game.  You can't expect to power swing at everything and hit it out of the park.  The game rewards good vision and patience.  I notice it most when playing against a friend, he was throwing outside sliders the whole game and I couldn't hit them, and finally he left one right over the plate and I yanked it for a home run.  With the computer I like to try to guess the pitch, helps me focus on only swinging on the pitches I want to hit and not chasing something stupid.  Pay attention to what pitches he has and what the situation is too.

Biggest thing is just be patient.  Sometimes I'll make them throw a strike first before I even think about swinging.  If you're having trouble, just don't swing at most of the pitches and just try to learn how pitches break, move, and the timing.
Thanks, do you change the options for hitting. Cause how am I supposed to move up or down on the right stick before the pitch to make it a fly ball or a line drive if I dont even know what the pitch is?
Started with the Barons, got traded to the Biscuits and moved up to the Bulls. Mid-way thru season 2 and Matt Joyce got hurt and I got moved up to the Rays
I'm a LF btw

Oh, and I turned hitting to rookie lol. Too hard to hit on veteran right now
Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

Do you guys use sliders for hitting and if not how do you hit on veteran?
Patience is the key in this game.  You can't expect to power swing at everything and hit it out of the park.  The game rewards good vision and patience.  I notice it most when playing against a friend, he was throwing outside sliders the whole game and I couldn't hit them, and finally he left one right over the plate and I yanked it for a home run.  With the computer I like to try to guess the pitch, helps me focus on only swinging on the pitches I want to hit and not chasing something stupid.  Pay attention to what pitches he has and what the situation is too.

Biggest thing is just be patient.  Sometimes I'll make them throw a strike first before I even think about swinging.  If you're having trouble, just don't swing at most of the pitches and just try to learn how pitches break, move, and the timing.
Thanks, do you change the options for hitting. Cause how am I supposed to move up or down on the right stick before the pitch to make it a fly ball or a line drive if I dont even know what the pitch is?
Well you're basically playing the guessing game with that.  You should only be doing that if the situation calls for it, like man on 3rd with 1 out, you'd want to hit a deep fly ball for the sacrifice.  If you're having trouble hitting don't even worry about that just yet.  I wouldn't recommend using the power swing either, just focus on swinging at good strikes and getting your timing right.
Has anyone got the Hamilwho? trophy yet, and if not what's the closest you came?

I got to 28 HRs with Ryan Howard today, I had one out left and this piece of %#$$ pitcher threw me a low ball down at the knees leading me to swing and miss.
Was doing RTTS was beasting Had 100 or so homeruns through 3 years in the bigs 1 in the minors.. Got traded from the Tigers to the Red Sox... And I asked for a trade first time I could.. Asked again and still didn't get it.. I was on a 1 year contract and was like I'll be gone after the season so w/e.. Sox offered Arbitration so I had to take it being less than a 6 year player.... Safe to say I am done with my RTTS..
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